August (2016) Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    5512bf wrote: »

    Today's run sucked. Our twins were up late several times and I didn't get a great night sleep. Didn't get up until after 6 am and when I finally got out the door about 6:45 and it was already 74 degrees with 94% humidity.

    Double trouble! @karllundy has twins too, right? Can not believe I can't remember who it is exactly... Maybe it was Lenny. I do too. Anyone else?

    Ours are 5 now, but developmentally delayed. We started caring for them when they were 18 months old when we did foster care. We adopted them and their older brother in June of last year. They were born with clubfeet and had poor medical care until we got them and started taking them to Shriner's. Now they are going to be runners as I have a hard time catching them when they decide to divide and conquer and take off in opposite directions of a store. They still have to wear some medieval looking foot braces at night and I think they sometimes have a hard time getting comfortable so about once a week they are up fussing.

    They sounds adorable! I can imagine sleeping with the brace on makes sleeping difficult. I had to wear a knee brace 24 hours for 3 weeks after this surgery. Mine are 21 now. I don't miss the days they hid in the store from me. That'll make you a wreck! I'm sure they'll be great runners!

    Five is a great age.. well, any age before 14 is the great part :wink:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @5512bf how awesome that you were able to adopt your children from the foster care system. :smiley: My Skip was adopted but I had to track her butt down in Russia to do it. I have an acquaintance that has children with leg/feet issues that used Shriner's Hospital (in Texas I think) and swore by the great work they did to help her children.
    @kristinegift the nice thing about living in the Central time zone is things coming on an hour early. Especially awesome during football season :sunglasses:
    @katiejane83 loved your recount of your run, sounds like me talking to myself while running
    @juliet3455 and @lporter229 Skip is barely 5'1" and has consistently has a 180-190 cadence. I didn't know this until the Physio guy mentioned it during our visit. She said see I told you I take a lot more steps than everyone else LOL
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Was planning to keep today easy and short, but met up with a second friend halfway through my run this morning, got into a good 3-way conversation and ended up staying out about 4 miles longer than planned.

    At this point, I definitely need a full running rest day, so if I post more running mileage here tomorrow (as I have a long swim & short bike on my training calendar as well for tomorrow), please yell at me.

    8/2 - 11 miles (w. 2 at MP)
    8/3 - 4 miles (w. 2 miles near threshold HR)
    8/5 - 12 miles
    8/6 - 11 miles
    8/7 - 20 miles
    8/8 - 7 miles (w. 6 at MP)
    8/9 - 11.5 miles

    Total: 76.5 miles, 3 session with MP/threshold HR/speedwork running
    Goal: 200 miles, 8 faster sessions
    Remaining; 123.5 miles, 5 faster sessions

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13
  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    My run was cut short today as had a dull pain in my right ankle, hopefully it is only a minor strain, but going to rest it for a few days and see how it goes. Should make reaching my goal a bit harder which. oddly enough, appeals to me :|

    2/8: 3.7 Miles
    4/8: 10.1 Miles
    7/8: 6.5 Miles
    9/8: 3.0 Miles


  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    So, we all know how much time we have for thinking while out on long runs, lol. Sometimes I'm a philosopher, sometimes a political guru, sometimes a headcase on particularly bad runs. Well, this was Sunday's long run thinking product. I started writing this in my head over the course of my 10 miles, lol. It's long, so I totally won't be offended if you skip over it! Figured it would probably be appreciated here though, of all places.

    I thought it would be fun to jot down the thoughts and mental ramblings that go through my mind over the course of a long run.

    +The Mental Anatomy of a Long Out-and-Back Run+

    ***Pre-run state of mind:
    Option A – I feel so great, and I’m so pumped for this run, and I’m gonna crush it, and totally kill the miles, WOOOOO!
    Option B – Feelings of existential dread, I can’t do this, why am I doing this, there’s no way I’m gonna be able to complete my planned distance, ugh I’m going to fail. (Note: a good percentage of the time, the actual run ends up being the opposite of whatever I was feeling here)

    ***Thoughts during the ‘Out’ portion:
    - Watch your pace. Watch your pace. WATCH YOUR PACE. If you burn out by the halfway point it’s gonna be a long painful walk or very embarrassing phone call and car ride back to your car
    - Any time there’s an uphill – oh yeah, bring it on, you’re gonna be all downhill on the way back!
    - Any time there’s a downhill – No. No. No. NO. I DO NOT want to run up you on the way back!
    - Seeing cyclists – hahahaha, look at you cheaters! With your wheels! And your gears! All I need are my legs! (Note: in reality I have absolutely 1000% respect for cyclists, my dad is an awesome one!)
    - Mentally analyzing distance – awesome, I’ve already done 1.5 miles, and it’s only another 3.5 miles to my halfway point! That’s basically a 5k, and that’s nothing! And then when I hit the halfway point, I’ll have less than a 10k to get back! That’s nothing! I totally got this!

    ***Thoughts during the ‘and Back’ portion:
    - The very first step past the halfway point – oh hell yeah, I’m over halfway finished, I’m practically done! -
    - Energy refueling time – Ok, time to start the graceful ballet that is extricating my energy block package from my belt, trying to tear it open with my sweaty hands, resorting to using my teeth, and fumbling with my other hand to unstrap and get my water bottle out to wash it down because THERE IS NO STOPPING OR WALKING, THAT IS WEAKNESS!
    - Passing landmarks you remember from the ‘Out’ portion – booya, I’m already here? I’m awesome! and/or Oh.My.God. How am I ONLY at this point???
    - Any time there’s a steep uphill – GO DIE AND BURN IN HELL. I knew I hated you when I met you the first time around, being all sneaky and hiding as a downhill
    - Any time there’s a downhill – Ahhh, yasssss, you are glorious and I love you, watch me as I coast down you!
    - Any time there’s a steep downhill – GO DIE AND BURN IN HELL. You tricked me on my way out, thinking you were going to be easy and lovely on the way back!
    - Every step into the final mile – Alternating thoughts between: Less than a mile left, that is NOTHING, look how far I’ve come, this is awesome!/This is the longest mile in the history of the existence of everything

    ***Post-run thoughts:
    - I am amazing, I can run forever! Look how far I just ran, isn’t that awesome? It’s totally awesome! I'm so amazing! - Hmmm, I wonder if I could have kept going. Maybe next time I’ll do it faster. Or maybe I’ll be able to go further……

    This is the best thing I've seen all day, thank you for sharing!!! :smiley: I would like to ask if I can share it on Facebook to my friends, I will most definitely say that it was written by a fellow runner if you're okay with it.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited August 2016
    9/8/16 run 6 km

    2/8/16 run 7.1 km

    1/8/16 run 6.6 km

    Target: 19.7/70 km

    A slow run. To top it up hurt my thigh for the momentarily distraction. Need to stop lazing around.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Got in another 3.75 today. Started off at a good pace and was comfortable. Then the clouds decided they didn't want to hang around anymore and I pretty much died on the second half. Lots of walking. That sun beating down is just brutal! Doesn't help that the second half of my run is always uphill as i make my way back into downtown!

    12.5 of 40 miles completed
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    8/1 - 40 mins total body strength + pilates, 20 min light cardio, stretching
    8/2 - 3 mi walk - .75 mi of which was running intervals to test out my leg
    8/3 - 3.1 mi walk - again I ran about .75 mi in short intervals, also a few tiny hill repeats
    8/4 - 20 min light cardio, 55 min strength&pilates
    8/5 - 3 mi walk
    8/6 - back to school shopping wore me out!
    8/7 - just totally being a lazy bum excuse :(
    8/8 - 20 min light cardio....45 min mix of strength and pilates with a little cardio
    8/9 - .5 mile warm up walk...3 mile RUN :smiley::smiley::smiley:

    Running Goal: 3 of 60 miles (adjusted down further due to leg pain)
    Non-running goals: Take my strength training more seriously this month/Lose 5lbs (dang it!)

    So I got up this morning and was out the door about 5:45 to attempt my first run in 12 days! Made sure I walked a little extra instead of my usual .1-.3 mi walking warmup. Then I got started running and it went pretty well! Sort of felt like I hadn't run.......EVER....... but I worked through it and I was enjoying every second of it! LOL I stopped about .75 mi in and stretched because both legs were burning (not just the one I've been resting). Then my shoulders started burning at 1.5 so I ended up stopping to stretch again and get my arms up overhead. Felt good and then the shoulder burning came back. I'm sore from yesterday's workout so I think that's it.

    Without the breaks, Strava splits were 10:23/10:04/9:37. Garmin was 11:22/10:59/9:37. I'll probably wait until Friday to run again to make sure I don't rush back into it and undo my progress.

    So that was great and then got bad news regarding my husband's health. Kinda just trying not to panic because there are tests to be done before we know how bad anything is and worrying isn't gonna fix it anyway. But I have a feeling our lives are about to be turned upside down again. One day at at time.....

    @ceciliaslater Great job!
    @mustb60 and @Mathsrunner Sorry you both had little pains today.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    So, we all know how much time we have for thinking while out on long runs, lol. Sometimes I'm a philosopher, sometimes a political guru, sometimes a headcase on particularly bad runs. Well, this was Sunday's long run thinking product. I started writing this in my head over the course of my 10 miles, lol. It's long, so I totally won't be offended if you skip over it! Figured it would probably be appreciated here though, of all places.

    I thought it would be fun to jot down the thoughts and mental ramblings that go through my mind over the course of a long run.

    +The Mental Anatomy of a Long Out-and-Back Run+

    ***Pre-run state of mind:
    Option A – I feel so great, and I’m so pumped for this run, and I’m gonna crush it, and totally kill the miles, WOOOOO!
    Option B – Feelings of existential dread, I can’t do this, why am I doing this, there’s no way I’m gonna be able to complete my planned distance, ugh I’m going to fail. (Note: a good percentage of the time, the actual run ends up being the opposite of whatever I was feeling here)

    ***Thoughts during the ‘Out’ portion:
    - Watch your pace. Watch your pace. WATCH YOUR PACE. If you burn out by the halfway point it’s gonna be a long painful walk or very embarrassing phone call and car ride back to your car
    - Any time there’s an uphill – oh yeah, bring it on, you’re gonna be all downhill on the way back!
    - Any time there’s a downhill – No. No. No. NO. I DO NOT want to run up you on the way back!
    - Seeing cyclists – hahahaha, look at you cheaters! With your wheels! And your gears! All I need are my legs! (Note: in reality I have absolutely 1000% respect for cyclists, my dad is an awesome one!)
    - Mentally analyzing distance – awesome, I’ve already done 1.5 miles, and it’s only another 3.5 miles to my halfway point! That’s basically a 5k, and that’s nothing! And then when I hit the halfway point, I’ll have less than a 10k to get back! That’s nothing! I totally got this!

    ***Thoughts during the ‘and Back’ portion:
    - The very first step past the halfway point – oh hell yeah, I’m over halfway finished, I’m practically done! -
    - Energy refueling time – Ok, time to start the graceful ballet that is extricating my energy block package from my belt, trying to tear it open with my sweaty hands, resorting to using my teeth, and fumbling with my other hand to unstrap and get my water bottle out to wash it down because THERE IS NO STOPPING OR WALKING, THAT IS WEAKNESS!
    - Passing landmarks you remember from the ‘Out’ portion – booya, I’m already here? I’m awesome! and/or Oh.My.God. How am I ONLY at this point???
    - Any time there’s a steep uphill – GO DIE AND BURN IN HELL. I knew I hated you when I met you the first time around, being all sneaky and hiding as a downhill
    - Any time there’s a downhill – Ahhh, yasssss, you are glorious and I love you, watch me as I coast down you!
    - Any time there’s a steep downhill – GO DIE AND BURN IN HELL. You tricked me on my way out, thinking you were going to be easy and lovely on the way back!
    - Every step into the final mile – Alternating thoughts between: Less than a mile left, that is NOTHING, look how far I’ve come, this is awesome!/This is the longest mile in the history of the existence of everything

    ***Post-run thoughts:
    - I am amazing, I can run forever! Look how far I just ran, isn’t that awesome? It’s totally awesome! I'm so amazing! - Hmmm, I wonder if I could have kept going. Maybe next time I’ll do it faster. Or maybe I’ll be able to go further……

    This is the best thing I've seen all day, thank you for sharing!!! :smiley: I would like to ask if I can share it on Facebook to my friends, I will most definitely say that it was written by a fellow runner if you're okay with it.

    Haha, considering I am not an actual writer at all, I would be honored if you wanted to share what I wrote!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    So, I have a bit of a pain puzzler, if anyone here has any experience with this. I got a twinge on the inside of my ankle this morning, kind of behind the bone that protrudes. All morning, when I've gotten up from my desk it has hurt when I start walking. I was really worried about my lunch run, but when I went out it didn't really bother me at all! But now that I'm back to walking, I feel it again when I get up to walk around. I did some Googling (always a dangerous idea, I know) and came up with the posterior tibial tendon, however, the big test it lists for this injury (single foot calf raise) does not trigger ANY pain in that area. So, anyone else have any experience with this? Thoughts? Ideas? (Note 1: I realize you are not doctors and are not replacements for doctors, lol. Note 2: I realize this is only the first day I've had this pain and it might just pass, I'm just trying to be proactive). Anyway, any thoughts/advice greatly appreciated!

    Today's run. 4 easy miles, 88 degrees, 35% humidity, noon sun, very slight breeze.


    24/75 miles

    upcoming races:
    South Nyack 10 Miler - 9/11
    Adirondacks Distance Festival Half Marathon - 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k - 10/22
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    edited August 2016
    Haha, considering I am not an actual writer at all, I would be honored if you wanted to share what I wrote!

    Awesome, thank you!!!! :smiley:

    I'll definitely let you know what the comments/reactions are!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member

    I have a lot of friends that run and have never been in a race and I have friends who race every weekend. We would probably race more but track meets are on Saturdays and so are Cross Country meets so we do what we can when we can. Like you said it does get costly. Running is definitely an individual thing that is what makes it so awesome, run alone, run with friends, run in a group, day time night time, races no races, 5 min miles or 15 min miles, there is a place for everyone.

    Yes! So true! I go back and forth with all those! (except I haven't managed to find any 5 minute miles yet)

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    edited August 2016
    @5512bf, @Elise4270 and @skippygirlsmom - It's me, it's me! I have 10 year old boy/girl twins AND a 13 year old son that we adopted as a newborn (who also has ASD / ADHD and anxiety). Having twins was a challenge for sure, but gets easier as they get older. However, they are way too competitive with each other about EVERYTHING! No hiding while shopping, but they did once stand at the bottom of an escalator in a department store saying "What are you looking at, you hockey puck?!?" to everyone that came down it (from Mr. Potatohead in Toy Story).

    ETA: the twins were not adopted...miracles of modern medicine
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    @5512bf, @Elise4270 and @skippygirlsmom - It's me, it's me! I have 10 year old boy/girl twins AND a 13 year old son that we adopted as a newborn (who also has ASD / ADHD and anxiety). Having twins was a challenge for sure, but gets easier as they get older. However, they are way too competitive with each other about EVERYTHING! No hiding while shopping, but they did once stand at the bottom of an escalator in a department store saying "What are you looking at, you hockey puck?!?" to everyone that came down it (from Mr. Potatohead in Toy Story).

    ETA: the twins were not adopted...miracles of modern medicine

    @karllundy ha ha!!!! Love it! On the 5 min miles, I'm more of a 5 min half mile person....on a good day!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    So, I have a bit of a pain puzzler, if anyone here has any experience with this. I got a twinge on the inside of my ankle this morning, kind of behind the bone that protrudes. All morning, when I've gotten up from my desk it has hurt when I start walking. I was really worried about my lunch run, but when I went out it didn't really bother me at all! But now that I'm back to walking, I feel it again when I get up to walk around. I did some Googling (always a dangerous idea, I know) and came up with the posterior tibial tendon, however, the big test it lists for this injury (single foot calf raise) does not trigger ANY pain in that area. So, anyone else have any experience with this? Thoughts? Ideas? (Note 1: I realize you are not doctors and are not replacements for doctors, lol. Note 2: I realize this is only the first day I've had this pain and it might just pass, I'm just trying to be proactive). Anyway, any thoughts/advice greatly appreciated!

    Today's run. 4 easy miles, 88 degrees, 35% humidity, noon sun, very slight breeze.


    24/75 miles

    upcoming races:
    South Nyack 10 Miler - 9/11
    Adirondacks Distance Festival Half Marathon - 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k - 10/22

    Os trigonum! That's my standard answer for everything related to ankle pain these days--though it is unlikely. Seriously, though, I did have a pain that sounds very similar to this when I first started having problems several months ago. Pain on the inside of my ankle that hurt only when walking (not running). Is it painful when you put pressure on it? Mine was excruciating when I would press on it (or one of the dogs would step on it), but felt pretty much ok when just relaxing. Honestly, I'm not sure if that was because of the os trigonum itself or just another one of those horrible side-effect injuries that I was constantly getting before I had it removed... Assuming it was a side effect, I, unfortunately, could not identify the cause.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @karllundy Too funny! Mine are boy/girl also. With an older brother. My daughter was diagnosed borderline personality disorder just a month ago. Impossible. She's had major issues since she was 14, just refused to go to school at 15. Impossible. *Exasperated* Impossible. I won't post about Alex. He may pop by the thread. Yesterday he mentioned it was like running in "soup" lately... Hmm. "Soup"? Can not fool me boy. You've been studying. :smiley:

    @skippygirlsmom Oh you shoulda brought a sibling home for Skip! Haha!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - Intended to run 4, but oversleeping and a thunderstorm kept it from happening :-(
    8/2 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class. I may be too uncoordinated for this ab stuff...I feel like a bull in a china shop for sure.
    8/3 - 4.11 miles. Cool but foggy/sticky. Felt like running through a shower.
    8/4 - 5 miles on treadmill (Trek class). The Y was so humid, kinda felt like I was outside anyway.
    8/5 - Bodypump class.
    8/6 - 6.33 miles with HM training group.
    8/7 - Rest Day.
    8/8 - 4.25 miles. Felt good!
    8/9 - Unplanned rest day. Some annoying back pain kept me awake all night, so I "overslept" without actually getting any sleep.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    So, I have a bit of a pain puzzler, if anyone here has any experience with this. I got a twinge on the inside of my ankle this morning, kind of behind the bone that protrudes. All morning, when I've gotten up from my desk it has hurt when I start walking. I was really worried about my lunch run, but when I went out it didn't really bother me at all! But now that I'm back to walking, I feel it again when I get up to walk around. I did some Googling (always a dangerous idea, I know) and came up with the posterior tibial tendon, however, the big test it lists for this injury (single foot calf raise) does not trigger ANY pain in that area. So, anyone else have any experience with this? Thoughts? Ideas? (Note 1: I realize you are not doctors and are not replacements for doctors, lol. Note 2: I realize this is only the first day I've had this pain and it might just pass, I'm just trying to be proactive). Anyway, any thoughts/advice greatly appreciated!

    Today's run. 4 easy miles, 88 degrees, 35% humidity, noon sun, very slight breeze.


    24/75 miles

    upcoming races:
    South Nyack 10 Miler - 9/11
    Adirondacks Distance Festival Half Marathon - 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k - 10/22

    Os trigonum! That's my standard answer for everything related to ankle pain these days--though it is unlikely. Seriously, though, I did have a pain that sounds very similar to this when I first started having problems several months ago. Pain on the inside of my ankle that hurt only when walking (not running). Is it painful when you put pressure on it? Mine was excruciating when I would press on it (or one of the dogs would step on it), but felt pretty much ok when just relaxing. Honestly, I'm not sure if that was because of the os trigonum itself or just another one of those horrible side-effect injuries that I was constantly getting before I had it removed... Assuming it was a side effect, I, unfortunately, could not identify the cause.

    I had to google what that was cause I had no idea, lol. It doesn't hurt when I press on it there, but the pain is actually extending up above the protruding ankle bone now, if I press on it there, almost going into the shin area. It didn't hurt when I was running, but now it hurts more walking since my run, so I'm wondering if I shouldn't have run. Ugh.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    @KatieJane83 That's way too accurate of a description. I do that math a lot in my head. I like to do my long runs going straight and back so I feel like I did some distance. I'm always thinking: "If I turn back now I do 10 miles, but to do 12 miles I just need to run just one mile forward cause that would be 2 when I get back".


    August 1 - 6.6 km - V.Easy/7:00
    August 2 - 7.4 km - Reps/4:00
    August 3 - 7.6 km - V.Easy/6:50
    August 4 - 6.4 km - Easy/6:15
    August 5 - 12+4km - Tempo&Reps and Easy/4:50
    August 6 - 5.0 km - Easy/6:05
    August 7 - 10.4km - Long(ish)Run/6:17
    August 8 - 3.6 km - Easy/6:00
    August 9 - 6.0 km - Easy/6:07


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k)
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    25/09: Black Sea 10k
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    RE: Racing And Not Racing: This is why I sign myself up for races - they tend to be my only motivation for training. I register for races to keep me running between races, mostly because I don't want to embarrass myself during a race. I will never win a race (I got third in my age group once), but I'm not out to win. I'm a middle-of-the-road runner, and I am okay with that. I'm more about self improvement and self competition than anything else. I run for fitness, and I run because I love food and beer and without running, I would be overweight because I refuse to give up foods I like and beer.

    @instantmartian - you said this perfectly ^^^

    Also I ran the San Diego hot chocolate 15K a couple of years ago. I couldn't eat the chocolate when I was running and it melted and made a mess for others who tried carrying it. I couldn't eat the chocolate fondue at the end - I ate the banana and graham crackers by themselves... Of course about an hour later I was definitely ready for the chocolate and it was gone. I have heard of the Yuengling Light Lager Jogger before and it sounds like so much fun! Most of the events here have little if any community involvement either during or after which is pretty sad. I think I would really enjoy that part of it.