August (2016) Running Challenge



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »

    @kristinegift - your post reminded me of what @Mobycarp said earlier this year. Something like we runners are either hypochondriacs or we think we are invincible and can never get hurt. I'm the same way.

    @ddmom0811 Oh it's so true! I tend toward the hypochondriac side... and then run through it anyway like I'm invincible :D

    ariceroni wrote: »

    I'm just feeling really frustrated and down right now because I always seem to get injured. I've never once successfully made it through a training cycle injury-free; even when I ran for my college I got injured every season. I just can't explain it, I do everything right: stretch and foam roll every day, core twice a week, running-specific strength training twice a week, ice bath after long runs and ice any achy spots, I've slowed down the pace substantially over the last year and only run hard once or twice a week, I've been very conservative with increasing my mileage, rotate running shoes and retire them every 300-400 miles. Sometimes I just feel like I'm not meant to run.

    @ariceroni I hope you don't have a stress fracture because that's a *kitten* to heal, but I hope you have a clear cut answer SOON! You seem to be doing so much right, and so it's frustrating to have to keep on battling injuries. I had chronic knee problems through high school and college and they didn't go away until I stopped running for five or six months three years ago (graduation + laziness got the better of me, it wasn't intentional). I hope you don't have to take an extended break :(
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Legs were feeling better, so did a mid distance bike ride followed by a 7 mile run on the treadmill to see how my legs felt after a ride. All seemed well including my previously sore wrist, so I think (aside from the usual stinging sensation as my skin recovers) my joints/movement are back to 100%. I'll hold off on swimming for one more day to avoid risking infection, but will plan to get in my 3rd 20 miler tomorrow for Chicago with some marathon pace work in the middle/end.

    8/2 - 11 miles (w. 2 at MP)
    8/3 - 4 miles (w. 2 miles near threshold HR)
    8/5 - 12 miles
    8/6 - 11 miles
    8/7 - 20 miles
    8/8 - 7 miles (w. 6 at MP)
    8/9 - 11.5 miles
    8/11 - 10 miles
    8/12 - 20 miles (last 5 at MP)
    8/13 - 2 miles
    8/14 - 6 miles
    8/15 - 10 miles
    8/16 - 9 miles
    8/17 - 3 miles
    8/18 - 6.5 miles (w. 5x1K repeats at HM pace)
    8/21 - 15 miles (w. final 5 miles @ 8 pace)
    8/22 - 7 miles
    8/23 - 8 miles
    8/25 - 4 miles
    8/26 - 7 miles
    8/27 - 7 miles

    Total: 191 miles, 6 sessions with MP/threshold HR/speedwork running
    Goal: 200 miles, 8 faster sessions
    Remaining; 9 miles, 2 faster sessions

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    New form of running crazy. I'm going to have my highest mileage month ever this month, and I feel slightly guilty about taking 3 days off after the OCRACOKE on saturday...... LOL....I think I'll have to eat a pizza to make myself feel better.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited August 2016
    @katharmonic I'm so sorry about your dog. It is so devastating to lose them. Mine is dealing with just a couple of minor health issues and I started freaking out. Bless you for being a dog lover!

    I'm 100% certain she was just as lucky having you in her life as you were having her in yours!

    I've had dogs my whole life and one of my all time best/most treasured ones was a little big buy named Butchie...........who was a Boston Terrier!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member

    Here are the pics from my hike this aft.

    Hope you all are doing great!!!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2016
    1--- travel doc appointment
    2---30 minutes pool swim/running!, 1 mile walk
    3--- 0.5 mile walk
    4---30 minutes pool swim/ water jogging
    6---0.7 mile walk
    7---0.7 mile walk
    8---20 minute swim/weights
    9---35 minute swim
    11--- weights
    12--- 40 minute swim, 1 mile walk
    13---2.1 mile poké walk
    14---0.9 mile walk
    16---38 minute swim/ 1.6 mile walk
    17---1 mile walk
    18---2 mile walk/weights
    19---50 minute swim
    22---1.6 mile walk/weights
    23---35 minute swim
    24---1.3 mile walk
    25---30 minute swim
    26---30 minute swim, 0.8 mile walk
    27---kayaking 90 minutes. Crazy day. I thought I'd never see Alex again. He missed our stop, misunderstood "left at the bridge" was the landing, for keep left and keep going to the 12 mile pick up. He went 8 miles past the rendezvous point. Way to make a mother worry. This close to launching the search and rescue team. Home. Fed. Safe. Happy. And fed again. *Whew*.

    Btw he thought it was awesome, was found by the land owner and they shared a beer.

    Not advisable races:
    10/02/16 Spirit of Survival Lawton OK Quarter Marathon.
    11/05/16 Jenks Half Jenks OK
    12/11/16 BMW Dallas Marathon, Half
    Run the year 2016  898.42/ 2016

    Advisable races:
    March 19th 2017 RNR Half Dallas, TX
    March 26th 2017 A2A 5k Ardmore, OK
    April 30th 2017 OKC Memorial Marathon, Half.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 Pretty pics! I could swear that was Arkansas!

    @Elise4270 I agree - whew! One of those "Thank God you're alive! Now I'm gonna beat you!" parent moments ;)
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    1TheQueenB wrote: »
    Tomorrow I will be completing my 10k training and I'm able to run 1 hour/ 5 miles non stop. How should I continue to train now? In November I plan to start training for my half marathon set for February. Should I do 1 hour runs 3-4 times a week? Or do a couple of short runs and a couple of hour long runs? I really want to keep my stamina up but will i burn out?.

    I am not sure what your current weekly mileage is, but I would shoot for running 3 times per week @ 3-4 miles plus one "long" run. Start with your long run at your current long distance and work on adding 1/2 to 1 miles per week for 3 weeks and then cut back a mile or two for one week. This is assuming you are currently running close to this mileage. If not, work your way up to it by adding no more than 10% per week to your current mileage. If you can do this type of running for a few weeks before you start an official plan, you should be in really good shape for your half. However, there are tons of plans out there, many that assume you are starting from ground zero. Since you have planned ahead, I think anything you do between now and then will help. Also, keep in mind that as you run more, you will start to get faster so you can possibly increase your shorter runs as well without adding too much time on your feet to your overall training. Good luck!

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Evening plans were killed, so did another 3 on the treadmill. Still planning a long run for the AM.

    8/2 - 11 miles (w. 2 at MP)
    8/3 - 4 miles (w. 2 miles near threshold HR)
    8/5 - 12 miles
    8/6 - 11 miles
    8/7 - 20 miles
    8/8 - 7 miles (w. 6 at MP)
    8/9 - 11.5 miles
    8/11 - 10 miles
    8/12 - 20 miles (last 5 at MP)
    8/13 - 2 miles
    8/14 - 6 miles
    8/15 - 10 miles
    8/16 - 9 miles
    8/17 - 3 miles
    8/18 - 6.5 miles (w. 5x1K repeats at HM pace)
    8/21 - 15 miles (w. final 5 miles @ 8 pace)
    8/22 - 7 miles
    8/23 - 8 miles
    8/25 - 4 miles
    8/26 - 7 miles
    8/27 - 10 miles

    Total: 194 miles, 6 sessions with MP/threshold HR/speedwork running
    Goal: 200 miles, 8 faster sessions
    Remaining; 6 miles, 2 faster sessions

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
    Rock 'n Roll Las Vegas 10K - Nov 13
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member


    8/1 3.12....and I struggled through that!
    8/2 snorkel 4 hours
    8/3 life
    8/4 more life
    8/5 3.15
    8/6 4.00
    8/7 lazy (can't blame life) (however, I DID mow the 2 acres and muck out the chicken coop, so I wasn't a complete slug....)
    8/8 5.83
    8/9 snorkel 3 hours
    8/10 3.2
    8/11 snorkel 2 hours
    8/12 3.30
    8/13 3.57
    8/14 rest
    8/15 4.10
    8/16 couldn't
    8/17 5.87
    8/18 3.20
    8/19 rest
    8/20 7.50...mucked the chicken coop....racked the new batch of mango wine......baked bread......
    8/21 4.24 on the treadmill, watching Eliud! (um....I did NOT maintain a 5 min/mile pace.....)
    8/22 snorkel 4 hours
    8/23 3.26 fist postop run with Akamai the wonderdog and his recently reconstructed knee: slow, but he did ok!
    8/24 3.21
    8/25 rest
    8/26 3.59
    8/27 3.25

    Total 64.45
    @katharmonic I'm so sorry about your dog.....they become such a part of the family, and it is so painful to lose them.
    @ohhim glad to year you're recovering nicely

    Upcoming races:
    SHEPower Virtual Half: July 18
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Virtual 5k runs--making the band
    ......Guitar Solo 6/28 3.85
    ......Drum Solo 7/21
    ......Lead Singer in August 20
    Las Vegas RocknRoll Half 11/13/16

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @katharmonic - I am so sorry about your pup! I don't know what I would do if I lost mine they just become so much a part of your life. From the picture I am sure she loved you so at least as much as you loved her!

    @greenolivetree and @Elise4270 - love the "thank God your alive, Now I'm going to beat you!' comment!

    I had a good run in the cool morning and I have to say it felt wonderful. It is supposed to start getting hot again tomorrow - YUCK! I did have an issue with my heel. I have had a problem the last couple of weeks where it felt like it was bruised off and on. The last mile of my run I could barely walk but running was just fine. I am pretty sure my daughter had the correct diagnosis of plantar fasciitis - I tore the other one a few years back and this feels very different though. If it isn't better on Monday I will make an appointment with my sports chiropractor. I need it to be fixed before my HM in September.
    08/01.......0.00.........0.00 - + Agility
    08/02.......5.24.........5.24 - + Strength training
    08/04.......5.01.......10.25 - + Strength training and Rally
    08/08.......4.21.......25.80 - + Agility
    08/09.......7.40.......33.20 - + Strength training + treadmill run of 3.2 miles
    08/11.......5.12.......38.32 - + Strength training and Rally
    08/14.......2.00.......53.96 - Dog Beach run
    08/15.......5.74.......59.70 - + Agility
    08/16.......0.00.......59.70 - + Strength training
    08/18.......5.48.......70.58 - + Strength training and Rally
    08/21.......6.53.......83.25 - Tiki Beach 10K
    08/23.......5.07.......88.32 - + Strength training
    08/25.......5.30.....100.85 - + Strength training and Rally


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    08/21/16 - Tiki Beach 10k, Huntington Beach

    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Bravo @dkabambe ! Awesome running for a newbie!

    Did my first park run today - 2m to park , 5k run then run back home. A 5k pb with official time - 30:12 :smiley: . Really pleased with this and really enjoyed the park run atmosphere. Will do it again - probably next week!

    Yay, happy for you, @Amandajs232 ! Love seeing people discover parkrun!

    @greenolivetree Thanks for the sympathy. xoo Love your new shoes! How did you manage to keep from wearing them for so long?! :open_mouth::smiley:

    @ddmom0811 Thank you. The person was airlifted to Melbourne and they said he had a small brain bleed but no aneurysm, and may not need the operation. He'll be in hospital there for two weeks. I think this is good news compared to what was feared.

    @ariceroni Much sympathy. Hoping for healing. You too, @shanaber

    @katharmonic :heart: So sorry you had to lose your dear doggie. Such a beautiful photo of you two.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    2 August – 10.1 km
    4 August – Body Balance then 13 km
    6 August – 8.1 km including parkrun
    7 August – 21.3 km
    9 August – 10.3 km
    11 August – 10.1 km
    13 August – 8.3 km including parkrun
    14 August – 15 km
    16 August – 12 km
    17 August – 10 km
    18 August – 10 km
    20 August – 10.7 km including parkrun
    21 August – 12 km
    22 August – 10.4 km
    24 August – 10.4 km
    26 August – 10 km PB 58:02
    27 August – 10 km PB 56:59
    28 August – 15 km

    Goal: 160 km | 100 miles – ACHIEVED!
    BONUS GOAL: 200 km – ACHIEVED!
    Total: 206.7 km | 128.4 miles

    Today I did 15 km in 1:31:17.

    I achieved the Strava August Distance Challenge of 200 km for the month. First time for that, yay!

    I also made it over my Strava goal of 1,000 km for the year.

    Rest day tomorrow!
  • Net1968
    Net1968 Posts: 47 Member
    August progress:
    1st. 4
    3rd. 4
    3rd. 5
    5th. 4
    6th. 5 (Parkrun)
    7th. 11 (treadmill)
    9th. 12 (longest consecutive run ever! PB)
    10th. 4
    10th. 3
    14th. 12
    15th. 4
    17th. 5 (Ellesmere Port RC Race)
    19th. 4
    20th. 8 ( run to Park and Parkrun)
    21st. 4
    27th. 2

    Total 91/120 km

    Not the best two weeks of running I have ever had. Live has gone in the way especially this last week only managed on really run and a half hearted attempt on the treadmill. I didn't even run the Parkrun as they were short on volunteers so I did I bit!
    So on to another week. Hopefully get a couple more km in this week before the month's end and not to drastically far away from months total.
    Happy running

    Up going races:
    17th Ellesmere Port RC 5km Done!

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    8/1: 3.6 miles w/ the Coffee Crew
    8/2: 5 miles
    8/3: Rest day
    8/4: 7 miles (am)
    ...... 6.4 miles (pm) - Pacers run!
    8/5: Rest day
    8/6: 10 miles w/ the Saturday Crew
    8/7: 18 miles
    8/8: 6.9 miles
    8/9: Rest day
    8/10: 8.9 miles (am)
    ........: 4.2 miles (pm)
    8/11: 5.3 miles (am)
    ........: 6.4 miles (pm) - Pacers run!
    8/12: Rest day
    8/13: 10 miles
    8/14: 10 miles out of 16 planned
    8/15: Rest day
    8/16: Rest day
    8/17: 4.6 miles of 9 planned
    8/18: 6.4 miles - Pacers run!
    8/19: Rest day
    8/20: 10 miles
    8/21: 3.3 miles out of 12-15 planned
    8/22: Rest day
    8/23: Rest day
    8/24: 7.5 miles
    8/25: 6 miles (am)
    ........: 5.6 mile Pacers group run
    8/26: Rest day
    8/27: 4.2 miles
    8/28: 8.5 miles

    Fun, slow, easy group run today! No calf tightness til about 5-5.5 miles in and it wasn't even that tight, so that's improving! Keeping to my taper schedule so I hope that in two weeks I'll be able to kick *kitten* at my HM.


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11: Lehigh Valley Via Half-Marathon (Several Towns, PA)
    10/16: Halloween Half (Morristown, NJ)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philadelphia, PA)

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @katharmonic - So sorry to hear about your sweet dog. The photo of you two is priceless. You can see the love!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited August 2016
    Race day. Had a 10 k through forest. Didn't know what to expect. I don't think I'll do a race report now cause I'm so tired and I just got home. Interesting race since it was almost entirely on dirt and soft land and a little bit longer than advertised. I had to slow down but it was a great race nevertheless. I got 7th in AG and 12th overall. I also need to catch up with the posts but after I take a nap


    August 1 - 6.6 km - V.Easy/7:00
    August 2 - 7.4 km - Reps/4:00
    August 3 - 7.6 km - V.Easy/6:50
    August 4 - 6.4 km - Easy/6:15
    August 5 - 12+4km - Tempo&Reps and Easy/4:50
    August 6 - 5.0 km - Easy/6:05
    August 7 - 10.4km - Long(ish)Run/6:17
    August 8 - 3.6 km - Easy/6:00
    August 9 - 6.0 km - Easy/6:07
    August 10- 10.2km - Speedwork/4:20
    August 11- 6.0 km - Tempo/4:45
    August 12- 8.0 km - Easy/5:55
    August 13- 9.4 km - Easy/6:30
    August 14- 12.8km - Long run/6:00
    August 15- Rest
    August 16- 11.0km - Time trial/3:59
    August 17- 8.0 km - Easy/5:50
    August 18- 8.0 km - Easy/5:50
    August 19- 11.8km - Tempo/4:20
    August 20- 7.0 km - V.Easy/6:30
    August 21- 19.0km - Long Run/6:20
    August 22- rest
    August 23- 8.0 km - Easy/6:10
    August 24- 12.2km - Speedwork/3:55
    August 25- 12.4km - Tempo&Reps/4:20
    August 26- 7.8 km - Easy/6:05
    August 27- 5.8 km - Easy/6:36
    August 28- 14.5km - Race/4:40


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k) 48:28
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    25/09: Black Sea 10k
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Aug  2     5.0      5.0 
    Aug  3     5.8     10.8 
    Aug  4     4.3     15.1 
    Aug  6     5.6     20.7 
    Aug  7     5.1     25.8 
    Aug  9     5.1     30.9 
    Aug 10     6.2     37.1
    Aug 11     4.3     41.4
    Aug 13     6.3     47.7
    Aug 16     5.5     53.2
    Aug 18     5.8     59.0
    Aug 20     5.6     64.6
    Aug 22     5.6     70.2
    Aug 23     4.3     74.5
    Aug 25     5.8     80.3
    Aug 27     8.2     88.5
    Aug 28     5.5     94.0
