What Does Moderation Look Like For You?



  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    edited August 2016
    Moderation is deciding what I really, really want and being responsible about how I consume it.

    I get about 200 "free" calories daily after I've met my macros with nutrient-dense meals. I usually choose to spend them on a glass of wine and a piece of high quality dark chocolate. Sometimes I'll choose to spend them on ice cream. Even though donuts get brought into the office frequently, I never eat them because that's a waste of calories to me. Moderation is setting priorities and choosing the best options.

    Some days I've got my 500 calorie leftovers for lunch, but I really, really want a burger. So I pass on the leftovers, eat 900 calories in a burger and fries, and have a smaller dinner and no treats. Moderation is letting anything be on the table and finding ways to work with cravings.

    Some days I've already eaten a 300 calorie breakfast and 500 calorie lunch. Even though I want the 900 calorie burger + fries, it doesn't fit. I have to decide if I'm A) going to eat at maintenance for the day and put off weight loss a little longer, b) stick to the plan and ignore the craving, or C) make a lighter-calorie version of the thing I'm craving. Lately I've been choosing option A because IDGAF about these last 5 lbs, but back when I cared I'd pick B or C. Moderation is about looking at your options and choosing the one that best aligns with your goals.

    Some days are like last Wednesday and Thursday, where due to crazy circumstances I missed dinner Wednesday, missed breakfast and had a 400 calorie lunch Thursday. I was hungry and tired, so I grabbed a thin crust pizza from the grocery store and ate the whole thing. I didn't go over calories, and I got to eat a whole pizza. This is something that would happen very, very rarely, but eating a huge volume of calorie-dense awesomeness can happen from time to time. Moderation includes volume and frequency, and there's room for huge volumes infrequently.

    Some days I eat half a box of Cheez-Its and don't log it. This is rare, but it's wonderful. Moderation is about letting yourself have a ridiculous indulgence from time to time, not feeling guilty about it, and getting back on track the next day.

    But most days, moderation looks like my first scenario. Nutrient-dense, calorie-controlled meals with a handful of calories left for my favorite foods. Just knowing the other scenarios can happen from time to time is enough to keep me from overindulging - I know that when I really want something, there will be a way to work it in.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Moderation is deciding what I really, really want and being responsible about how I consume it.

    I get about 200 "free" calories daily after I've met my macros with nutrient-dense meals. I usually choose to spend them on a glass of wine and a piece of high quality dark chocolate. Sometimes I'll choose to spend them on ice cream. Even though donuts get brought into the office frequently, I never eat them because that's a waste of calories to me. Moderation is setting priorities and choosing the best options.

    Some days I've got my 500 calorie leftovers for lunch, but I really, really want a burger. So I pass on the leftovers, eat 900 calories in a burger and fries, and have a smaller dinner and no treats. Moderation is letting anything be on the table and finding ways to work with cravings.

    Some days I've already eaten a 300 calorie breakfast and 500 calorie lunch. Even though I want the 900 calorie burger + fries, it doesn't fit. I have to decide if I'm A) going to eat at maintenance for the day and put off weight loss a little longer, b) stick to the plan and ignore the craving, or C) make a lighter-calorie version of the thing I'm craving. Lately I've been choosing option A because IDGAF about these last 5 lbs, but back when I cared I'd pick B or C. Moderation is about looking at your options and choosing the one that best aligns with your goals.

    Some days are like last Wednesday and Thursday, where due to crazy circumstances I missed dinner Wednesday, missed breakfast and had a 400 calorie lunch Thursday. I was hungry and tired, so I grabbed a thin crust pizza from the grocery store and ate the whole thing. I didn't go over calories, and I got to eat a whole pizza. This is something that would happen very, very rarely, but eating a huge volume of calorie-dense awesomeness can happen from time to time. Moderation includes volume and frequency, and there's room for huge volumes infrequently.

    Some days I eat half a box of Cheez-Its and don't log it. This is rare, but it's wonderful. Moderation is about letting yourself have a ridiculous indulgence from time to time, not feeling guilty about it, and getting back on track the next day.

    But most days, moderation looks like my first scenario. Nutrient-dense, calorie-controlled meals with a handful of calories left for my favorite foods. Just knowing the other scenarios can happen from time to time is enough to keep me from overindulging - I know that when I really want something, there will be a way to work it in.

    These are great examples, and very similar to my approach! Well said!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    moderation is simply not being a glutton...because you can overeat anything.

    If you're accustomed to overeating and mindlessly doing whatever, it will be a more difficult exercise...but as with any exercise, it gets easier.