5'8" - 5'9" - ladies what are your weight goals?



  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    I am 5'9
    SW- 185(202 if you count the weight that I quickly dropped after the birth of my daughter)
    GW-140 (and then build lots of muscle)

    The 140 is really an arbitrary number. I have weighed as little as 133 before and I didn't really think I looked that slim but that is because I had a high proportion of body fat and very little muscle. This time I am trying to focus more on my body fat levels and less on my weight. I will probably reevaluate as I go along.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I think I'd been too thin at 125-130, but if 135 happened I wouldn't be too sad.... I'd rather it left my waist though and not my boobs..... :/ If I did crunches I'd likely lose lumps there, but I don't want it that badly I guess... ;) Those last ten pounds are killers to lose......

    It's refreshing to see that we're all aiming about the same place.... Happy journey ladies!
  • SaraHiryu
    SaraHiryu Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2016
    5-10, 27 yrs. Larger body build.
    SW: 200.2 lbs (90.8 kg)
    GW: 150 lbs (68 kg)
    I married at 145, but I know I wasn't happy at that weight. My goal is 5 lbs heavier because once I hit that weight I want to make sure I am doing weight training to build a lean, not skinny, look. I want to be strong!
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    5' 9". Goal 140. 55 years old. Small framed.
    Currently 150 (at least today) Ideally I like weighing in the 138-142 range.
  • TracyY824
    TracyY824 Posts: 15 Member
    5'8" goal wait is 160
    Currently 177 (15lbs down)
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm really pleasantly surprised that there haven't been any women of our height aiming for the 120'-130's :+1:

    lol I am 136 cutting to 130 soooo ;) . Too small framed for the 140s
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited August 2016
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I'm really pleasantly surprised that there haven't been any women of our height aiming for the 120'-130's :+1:

    lol I am 136 cutting to 130 soooo ;) . Too small framed for the 140s

    I'm starting to wonder if i'm large framed, because anything under 143ish lbs invites the "are you on drugs" comments, i even had a friend ask my husband if i had cancer (after i'd lost 15lbs). Bare in mind I've only ever been slightly overweight and only over the last 4 or so years, never obese or anything, so it's not as if i had a dramatic weight loss. Plus, my husband has made me swear black and blue that i will not lose another ounce. I was at my goal weight for a nanosecond last year and he hated it, he said i looked sick and skinny.
  • becbo22
    becbo22 Posts: 283 Member
    I don't quite fit the category but maybe it'll be useful anyway. I'm 5'11. Started at 302, currently at 225, and aiming for 180. It's going to be more of a see-when-i-get-there thing though because I do have a large amount of muscle.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I'm really pleasantly surprised that there haven't been any women of our height aiming for the 120'-130's :+1:

    lol I am 136 cutting to 130 soooo ;) . Too small framed for the 140s

    I'm starting to wonder if i'm large framed, because anything under 143ish lbs invites the "are you on drugs" comments, i even had a friend ask my husband if i had cancer (after i'd lost 15lbs). Bare in mind I've only ever been slightly overweight and only over the last 4 or so years, never obese or anything, so it's not as if i had a dramatic weight loss. Plus, my husband has made me swear black and blue that i will not lose another ounce. I was at my goal weight for a nanosecond last year and he hated it, he said i looked sick and skinny.

    I think a lot of taller women are larger framed given that so many feel that way. I am definitely small framed, I definitely don't think I look sick at 136, you can tell there's about 5 I can afford to cut

  • beth0530
    beth0530 Posts: 1 Member
    My first goal is 170, which is still considered overweight on the BMI charts, but it's back to where I was before I gained up to 210 earlier this year. I am currently at 185. Ultimately, I'd like to weigh around 150. But, I want my weight to be realistic and maintainable. Honestly, the last time I weighed in the 150s, I was in my early 20s...which was a LONG TIME ago. Although, back then I didn't work out much, and did zero weight training, so 150 was not a healthy 150. I lost the weight, yes, but I also lost a lot of muscle mass. My focus now is to lose the weight, but also build muscle through strength training. My goal is to be fit and fifty not fat and fifty! LOL I have a few years yet until I'm 50, but still. I'm getting a head start!
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I have a 1st goal of 180lbs. 50lbs to get there. It is coming off super slow. I need to make some changes.
  • briislovely
    briislovely Posts: 92 Member
    5'8 and I want to be at 145? I think. Depends on what that looks like on me! Everyone add me!!!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I'm really pleasantly surprised that there haven't been any women of our height aiming for the 120'-130's :+1:

    lol I am 136 cutting to 130 soooo ;) . Too small framed for the 140s

    I'm starting to wonder if i'm large framed, because anything under 143ish lbs invites the "are you on drugs" comments, i even had a friend ask my husband if i had cancer (after i'd lost 15lbs). Bare in mind I've only ever been slightly overweight and only over the last 4 or so years, never obese or anything, so it's not as if i had a dramatic weight loss. Plus, my husband has made me swear black and blue that i will not lose another ounce. I was at my goal weight for a nanosecond last year and he hated it, he said i looked sick and skinny.

    I think a lot of taller women are larger framed given that so many feel that way. I am definitely small framed, I definitely don't think I look sick at 136, you can tell there's about 5 I can afford to cut


    You look adorable! Definitely smaller framed than me, my shoulders and hips are slightly wider than yours, and my head is bigger lol I end up looking like those lollipop women. And honestly, i can't see where those 5lbs are going to come from, you look just right to me.
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I am 5'9"

    Back in the 90s:

    SW: 235
    GW: 180
    EW: 135

    Now :)

    SW: 215
    CW: 180
    GW: 160

    I feel that 160 will be far, far easier to maintain than the 135 lbs I was at in the 90s, not to mention healthier :)
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Also.... I've seen a few who are aiming below what medicine defines as the "ideal" weight. at 5'8" that would be 140 and 5'9" 145. I know that I personally was very, very thin at 135.

    Why do people want to be BELOW the ideal for our height? I mean, I get the whole body looking good thing -- but -- once you've hit the "ideal" - what motivates you to be lower?
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Also.... I've seen a few who are aiming below what medicine defines as the "ideal" weight. at 5'8" that would be 140 and 5'9" 145. I know that I personally was very, very thin at 135.

    Why do people want to be BELOW the ideal for our height? I mean, I get the whole body looking good thing -- but -- once you've hit the "ideal" - what motivates you to be lower?

    For me it's the fact that my weight can range by as much as 8 pounds depending on sodium and carb intake. And I know 10 pounds is a size for me. 8 pounds up and I'm sweating bricks and in a tizzy it's all going to come flooding back, all 60 pounds of the fluff..... :'(
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Also.... I've seen a few who are aiming below what medicine defines as the "ideal" weight. at 5'8" that would be 140 and 5'9" 145. I know that I personally was very, very thin at 135.

    Why do people want to be BELOW the ideal for our height? I mean, I get the whole body looking good thing -- but -- once you've hit the "ideal" - what motivates you to be lower?

    I personally don't feel the ideal weight thing is ideal for everyone of a certain height due to frame sizing. Also I'm a runner, smaller can be helpful time wise, etc. And I think my own aesthetic feelings should matter the most given that it's still in range for healthy bmi, 128 is the bottom of the range for 5'9" I believe :)
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    To add, in the past few years, I got to the low 170's, a nice size 10 or 12, some curves. But it never lasted. I hadn't learned to balance work, food, and exercise. Too much stress, too little sleep. Now that I'm retired my health and wellbeing is my full-time job.
  • HappyAnna2014
    HappyAnna2014 Posts: 214 Member
    edited August 2016
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Also.... I've seen a few who are aiming below what medicine defines as the "ideal" weight. at 5'8" that would be 140 and 5'9" 145. I know that I personally was very, very thin at 135.

    Why do people want to be BELOW the ideal for our height? I mean, I get the whole body looking good thing -- but -- once you've hit the "ideal" - what motivates you to be lower?

    My doctor has said that I should weigh 130 lbs, since that is what I weighed after I had my son, and most of my life until my mid-30s. I'm 5'8", 52 years old, currently 192.4 lbs...I tend to eat a lot...hence, the weight. ;) I have a medium frame, as noted by fitness professionals over the years, and didn't look skinny at all at 130 lbs. I'd rather be 125 lbs, but, as I said, I like to eat. :)