5'8" - 5'9" - ladies what are your weight goals?



  • mariamshah313
    mariamshah313 Posts: 1 Member
    5'9, I used to be 145 at my best. Went up to around 200, I started working out, saw a bit of a difference, then I was brave enough to get on the scale, I was at 199, which means I was more before. I'm aiming for 160, currently sitting at 184. I have an hourglass figure (not the most appealing atm lol), just need to drop 24 more pounds. It's been about 3 months of proper diet and exercise. Hopefully by October I will achieve 160. Tips, ideas or suggestions welcome.
  • cglouie
    cglouie Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2016
    dmt4641 wrote: »
    I'm 5'8 and currently 133. Aiming for 128-130ish. I think I must have a small frame because I don't look super skinny or anything. I really need to gain more muscle and I have been lifting for a while but I'm probably not eating enough calories to support muscle gains.

    This is me exactly! I'm 5'8, currently 132, aiming for 127/128 before starting maintenance. I, too, am small framed so even at my current weight, I still look healthy slim and not skin and bones. Actually, I still have quite a bit of belly fat to lose but I don't want to go below the upper 120s and be underweight. Once I hit maintenance, I will start recomping to hopefully burn the leftover fat as I build more muscle. After my maintenance goal, my new goal is to achieve a certain "look" so if that means the scale goes up because of the additional muscle, so be it.
  • kprimaverab
    kprimaverab Posts: 32 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    5'8 been at goal of 160 for 18 months

    You can't judge your weight by others ...frame, genetics, musculature all play a part in scale weight

    I agree ! I look great at 170 due to having a larger frame. When I am that weight people guess I'm around 140
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    BMIs are also a load of crap so.. ;)

    Lowest weight ever: 126
    Highest weight recently: 186
    Lowest weight recently (2 years ago): 143
    Current weight: 166
    Goal weight: 140 and see from there

    at 126 I was pretty unhealthy and my parents even sent me $250 for food when they saw some pics I posted on FB lol don't really care to get to that weight again.
  • nowolga
    nowolga Posts: 91 Member
    Height: 5'8

    CW: 238
    GW: 150

    Once I get to 150 I will either try to go to 140 or maintain within that range. I will see when I get there. Right now I am just trying to focus on losing the rest of the 100 pounds. :)
  • DanniPants6
    DanniPants6 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello fit people!

    I'm 5'8" - I started at 155, currently 130. .. I'm maintaining around 128-133. I have a fairly small frame :3!

    Current measures are as follows :

    Chest : 34inch
    Waist : 26inch
    Hips: 37inch
    Wrist: 6inch
    Thigh: 22inch
  • MommaLovesToLoseIt
    MommaLovesToLoseIt Posts: 271 Member
    I am 5'9". Lowest weight since 16, 185 pounds. Highest weight 355. I am currently 225-230 and wear size 14 pants and large tops. My goal weight is 185-195, but I also want to go for a more muscular appearance so will reassess as necessary
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited October 2016
    5'8 currently 132 want to be 125. I have been maintaining 132 for a long time except when very ill with crohn's for about a year when I was 110 which was definitely skeletal. I was also that weight when anorexic. My highest was 150 when I was engaged in a lot of binging.
  • mgookin
    mgookin Posts: 92 Member
    I am 5' 7.5 I am currently 326 and goal weight is 185 for right now. The smallest I have ever been was 165. I am comfortable with my looks and weight around the 165-185 range.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    edited October 2016
    I know I posted earlier on this thread, but I thought I'd share some updates because I am honestly undecided about my weight now.

    I have profound scoliosis, and have lost 5" of height due to that since I was 16 (I am 38). My lowest ribs nearly touch my hipbones. I was crushed today to measure in at 5'8" when I should be 6'1".

    I had initially set a goal of 180. I lowered that to 165, and am nearly there, as I hit 166 last week. That would have put me in healthy range for 5'9", but now I was down an inch (probably a rounding thing) and I would have to drop to 160 to weigh in under the BMI of 25 while clothed as the Dr. Office weight is the only one that counts for insurance.

    The thing is, I think I look great. My family thinks I'm getting too thin as I have a history of disordered eating in my teens. And logically I realize nothing about my body has changed; my skeleton is that of a 6'1" woman, as are my organs and muscles and everything else. Plus I am large framed. If I didn't have a spine that decided to act like a corkscrew, my weight would put me at a BMI of 21.9

    I don't know if I want to push my weight down further just to make the government happy. I don't even know at this point if I should.

    (Me last week, wearing size 8 jeans and measuring 37-28-38)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2016
    I think you look great too @tomteboda ..I would aim to hit maintenance now ..

    Pushing your weight down doesn't make the govt happy...you are an individual not a population and beholden to an 19th century macro calculation on the back of an envelope for health risks

    At 5'8 the top end is 165 anyway

    I know it was my original target and was where I went into maintenance...only I found the leap difficult and kept losing slowly until I worked out my actual TDEE so have ended fluctuating around 160
  • Chilli7777
    Chilli7777 Posts: 112 Member
    Im 5'9" and my goal is 150 lbs
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    I know I posted earlier on this thread, but I thought I'd share some updates because I am honestly undecided about my weight now.

    I have profound scoliosis, and have lost 5" of height due to that since I was 16 (I am 38). My lowest ribs nearly touch my hipbones. I was crushed today to measure in at 5'8" when I should be 6'1".

    I had initially set a goal of 180. I lowered that to 165, and am nearly there, as I hit 166 last week. That would have put me in healthy range for 5'9", but now I was down an inch (probably a rounding thing) and I would have to drop to 160 to weigh in under the BMI of 25 while clothed as the Dr. Office weight is the only one that counts for insurance.

    The thing is, I think I look great. My family thinks I'm getting too thin as I have a history of disordered eating in my teens. And logically I realize nothing about my body has changed; my skeleton is that of a 6'1" woman, as are my organs and muscles and everything else. Plus I am large framed. If I didn't have a spine that decided to act like a corkscrew, my weight would put me at a BMI of 21.9

    I don't know if I want to push my weight down further just to make the government happy. I don't even know at this point if I should.

    (Me last week, wearing size 8 jeans and measuring 37-28-38)

    You look good. I think you aren't anywhere near too skinny but also not too fat - if you are really 6'1" before the scoliosis, you should ask your doctor for some sort of exemption, if your health provider or life insurance is trying to gouge you based on an incorrect height measurement. Tell them to measure you hanging upside down, or laying flat!

    If you can't get your doctor to fix the height measurement, and it's just a few lb, I would suggest you treat the Dr visit like a wrestling competition where you need to drop a few pounds to get into a weight class, if you are getting charged more for those few pounds - plan for it and drop the weight for the visit each year.

    About the ribs and hipbones thing, mine are only about 1.5" apart at most and my back is reasonably straight. You have better waist definition than I do, LOL.
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    140 but it's probably too thin for me. Maybe a bit higher, but toned?
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    SW = 228
    CW = 182
    GW = 140ish....once I'm under 150 it will be a matter of finding my sweet spot for athletic performance. More focus on body fat % and how my body handles the races I do at different weights. Need to be able to lift heavy things but also run fast.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm 5ft 9 and a half and I have a goal of 154 = 11stone. I have a large frame - wide hip bones and shoulders. I've been that weight before, and I know it's the lowest I can go without starting to look gaunt and ill.
  • brooke88z
    brooke88z Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'9", 33 years old and currently 169 lbs. My highest and lowest weights since age 16 have been 225 and 159 lbs, respectively.

    My first goal weight is 155, to stay realistic. I imagine my best look would be around 145, but of course I have to see what that looks like.

    I think I actually want to weigh less than what my aesthetic preference is, because I have lower back discomfort when standing or walking for long periods (20 minutes or more) :/ . I want to put as little weight as possible on my back. That might mean low 130s, but I'm highly doubtful I will reach that.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    5'8", goal weight is 130-135. Started out around 185 in February and down to 150 now.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2016
    brooke84z wrote: »
    I'm 5'9", 33 years old and currently 169 lbs. My highest and lowest weights since age 16 have been 225 and 159 lbs, respectively.

    My first goal weight is 155, to stay realistic. I imagine my best look would be around 145, but of course I have to see what that looks like.

    I think I actually want to weigh less than what my aesthetic preference is, because I have lower back discomfort when standing or walking for long periods (20 minutes or more) :/ . I want to put as little weight as possible on my back. That might mean low 130s, but I'm highly doubtful I will reach that.

    You really need to develop your core and back muscles to help alleviate pain. Rather than be the lowest weight possible. Absent any medical reasons for back pain of course and with doctor approval a progressive resistance programme (see fitness boards ad nauseum) will help more than being an extremely low weight
  • Freya1028
    Freya1028 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'9" my goal is to lose 10 pounds, I would like to be 140 pounds.