I REALLY need texting buddies to keep me motivated



  • tomorrowistoday0000
    gc384 wrote: »
    Grow up and stop looking for people to hold your hand just to get you on a treadmill. either you want to exercise and eat correctly and lose weight or don't.
    gc- You obviously have never had a migraine. The worst you've probably had is an itty bitty headache. Imagine someone hitting you in the head non-stop with a hammer. Add uncontrolled vomiting to that also. DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD GET ON A TREADMILL IF THAT WAS HAPPENING TOO YOU????? Obviously not. If you still don't understand, I would be happy to give you a demonstration.

    So Yes, in times like that I do need extra encouragement. It's easy to let the pain take over and a rational voice helps put things into perspective. That's all I'm asking for. But thanks for being an *kitten*.

    Okay, so here is where I get lost (because I have had migraine headaches and I am thankful that they are not frequent). You are coming here basically asking for people to text you to motivate you and when someone tells you to grow up and take responsibility for your own life, you call them a *kitten* and say they don't understand that you are physically unable to get on a treadmill.

    How exactly are you expecting a text message to get you on a treadmill if you are physically unable to? If this is a limitation you have, then you need to learn to work around it because even if you do get people to text you, you're still not going to get on that treadmill. And then you're going to blame them.

    Eat at a deficit. Add exercise when you are physically able to. Take responsibility for your own life.

    Edited for formatting

    I would have to agree with the above, in the sense that texting as a constant reminder is equivalent to holding your hand. There's a difference between finding supportive friends versus someone to monitor your every move. The first you hold yourself accountable while the second, your success is dependent on someone else. Instead, have a clear cut goal and seek advice on how to create a plan to achieve success which may or may not involve a supportive group that will "inspire" you to not give up.
  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    edited September 2016
    I gotcha @YvetteK2015. Believe me, I know what a migraine feels like and I know there are all kinds of triggers without simple solutions.

    It sounds like on the days you feel okay, maybe step up the intensity and take advantage of the days you can do it. Do you do HIIT at all? You're supposed to get that EPOC calorie burn post workout if you get your heart rate elevated with sprints and recoveries, and more effective that just straight cardio 7 days a week. So kind of maximize what you can.

    Think of how you feel right now and how frustrated that you can't go do your workout. Maybe that can be the motivation you need for the days you don't feel like going. You don't know when the next episode will strike, so when you CAN go, look for the good and look at it as an opportunity to move your body, feel good, and take advantage of the day.

    I know it's hard when you're still feeling yucky after a migraine. Is it hard to get motivated, but then you typically feel better if you got yourself there?

    Hope this one goes away soon! Does tiger balm ever help you? I used to rub that on my temples and I wouldn't say it made my headache go away, but it did feel good. (Sorry, I really do know how annoying it is to hear every suggestion and did you try ?.... after 30 years of you dealing with this, but I love that stuff.) ;)

    Also, I do think in general it helps to have someone to be accountable to. I have a trainer and it helps me so much. Yes it is my responsibility, but knowing someone is going to get on me if I miss a meal or skip my workout keeps me on track and I have that fear of letting another person down.
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    edited September 2016
    My daughter is currently dealing with debilitating migraines that are occurring daily. In her case, the doctors suspect a cause...in that respect, she is fortunate. She's had them off and on for 25 years but the recent ones have been the worst she's experienced. She has an excellent doctor who understands her individual situation and is treating her accordingly.

    You mentioned your family has a history of migraines. You also mentioned a spinal cord injury. That combination may be what's making them so frequent and long lasting. (My late husband was a paraplegic so I do understand spinal injuries.)

    I would suggest listening to your body and taking care of yourself...especially if physical activity exacerbates migraines. Even getting on your treadmill once a week is progress. Just do your best to take care of yourself by eating healthy and get on that treadmill when you know it won't make things worse. Sometimes we are our own worse enemies when we mentally beat ourselves up over not exercising as much as we think we should.

    I get most of my exercise cleaning houses. I try to make it a decent workout by being quick but thorough. There are days when I'm not at my peak and it takes longer to clean a house but I don't let that bother me. Do I need to do regular "exercise" like weight lifting, etc., probably but I don't stress if I don't do weight lifting or formal exercises. I accept the fact that it will take me longer to reach my goals. I'm okay with that. I feel that life is too short to stress about whether or not I do x-minutes of formal exercise in a day/week. BTW, I will be 65 in a couple of months. I know I'll never have the figure I had at 21 before I had my children. I'm just looking to being healthy as I get older.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    @tomorrow I'm not asking anyone to monitor me. I am the only one accountable for my success. I'm not really sure how someone texting me (not when I'm completely debilitated by a bone crushing migraine) to say "Hey, you can do it today" when I just might be on the fence because of minor pain isn't seen as a motivator, but rather me expecting them to hold my hand through the journey.
    I see hundreds of people in the motivation and support threads asking for buddies and what not to check in on them daily, and I see none of the backlash I'm getting here. I guess it's the texting part. If I just said "Add me, I like daily check in's" this thread wouldn't have been what it is.

    I'm not debating this anymore. People are reading into my OP something that was never intended, and from there created some narrative about me, and what will happen if I don't succeed. None of which is true, or ever intended.

    I've been over this thread for a while now, and I'm not even sure how anyone found it lol. It must have been past page 20 or 30. I tried to clarify in THIS post what I WAS looking for at the time, but it just really isn't something I need now. I think this is going to die a slow death :(
  • tomorrowistoday0000
    @tomorrow I'm not asking anyone to monitor me. I am the only one accountable for my success. I'm not really sure how someone texting me (not when I'm completely debilitated by a bone crushing migraine) to say "Hey, you can do it today" when I just might be on the fence because of minor pain isn't seen as a motivator, but rather me expecting them to hold my hand through the journey.
    I see hundreds of people in the motivation and support threads asking for buddies and what not to check in on them daily, and I see none of the backlash I'm getting here. I guess it's the texting part. If I just said "Add me, I like daily check in's" this thread wouldn't have been what it is.

    I'm not debating this anymore. People are reading into my OP something that was never intended, and from there created some narrative about me, and what will happen if I don't succeed. None of which is true, or ever intended.

    I've been over this thread for a while now, and I'm not even sure how anyone found it lol. It must have been past page 20 or 30. I tried to clarify in THIS post what I WAS looking for at the time, but it just really isn't something I need now. I think this is going to die a slow death :(

    Yes, correct about the texting part. When people add each other, they are both making the effort to at least meet in the middle by logging in but what your post imply is a one way street only where the other person would have to make all the effort to convince you to workout. So, maybe that's not the picture you were trying to paint but that's how it appears. If you at least make the effort to reach out during difficult times then I'm sure it would have been viewed differently. Perhaps this is just a case of miscommunication and it's nothing personal on my end. I do wish you the best in your journey.