do i have an eating disorder ?



  • rldeclercq4
    rldeclercq4 Posts: 269 Member
    I call BS on this thread.


    Not sure HollyGirl's reasoning but I would say it's because the math doesn't add up
  • inezbruce
    inezbruce Posts: 110 Member
    If your asking the question, part of you knows something is wrong.

    You need to look at the long term effects of eating the way you are.
    Being a women you need nutrients for your period. A huge factor here is that if you don't get them your body will stop your periods.. in the long run cutting the calories will never seem worth it.

    Eat three balanced meals a day.
    Have a look at the 'strong not skinny' movement on instagram.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    edited August 2016
    caslpierce wrote: »
    1) im sorry you feel you need to do this to yourself.

    2) when you finally do recover from this, your metabolism will be so damaged that it will make losing weight the healthy way much harder.

    3) weight does not determine an eating disorder, mentality does and there is nothing glamouros about it.

    Recovered anorexic and bulimic speaking from experience. I lost the weight. Gained it back. Was addicted to the starvation high. Now i am losing weight again, but this time i have energy to go to the gym.

    Believe me when i say you can eat 1500 calories and lose half a pound a day if you exercise. Doesnt that sound much more appealing than starving and wearing away your muscles?

    Please see someone. A dietician would be beneficial, working tandem with a therapist. You will regret not getting help.

    Your metabolism can't be permanently damaged by a starvation diet, but you still shouldn't diet that way. There is lot's of good advice here, please listen.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Your diary is chaotic. You don't need to be on a site that tracks calories, you need to be having sessions with your doctor and a dietician/nutritionist. Make yourself an appointment and get to the root cause of whatever issues you are having. The eating thing... that's just a Band-Aid for a real underlying issue. I get it, you can control food. The problem with that is you're not really controlling it, it's controlling you. Go get help.

  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    People here aren't in a situation to diagnose you, but doing a VLCD - like 800 calories - without doctor supervision is dangerous. Set up an appointment with a registered dietitian to learn about healthy weight loss. You'll be referred to a therapist if they think you have an eating disorder. There's also no harm in meeting with a therapist for an assessment.

  • caslpierce
    caslpierce Posts: 32 Member
    leajas1 wrote: »
    caslpierce wrote: »
    1) im sorry you feel you need to do this to yourself.

    2) when you finally do recover from this, your metabolism will be so damaged that it will make losing weight the healthy way much harder.

    3) weight does not determine an eating disorder, mentality does and there is nothing glamouros about it.

    Recovered anorexic and bulimic speaking from experience. I lost the weight. Gained it back. Was addicted to the starvation high. Now i am losing weight again, but this time i have energy to go to the gym.

    Believe me when i say you can eat 1500 calories and lose half a pound a day if you exercise. Doesnt that sound much more appealing than starving and wearing away your muscles?

    Please see someone. A dietician would be beneficial, working tandem with a therapist. You will regret not getting help.

    Your metabolism can't be permanently damaged by a starvation diet, but you still shouldn't diet that way. There is lot's of good advice here, please listen.

    True! Mine is better than ever but it took some work. Well worth it