stomach is always the last lose...



  • Laac68
    Laac68 Posts: 55
    I carry most of my weight in my stomach. When I started to gain weight, my stomach was where it shown the most.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I am not looking for the "6 pack ab" I know how difficult it is to achieve in women.. I just want a FLAT or at least CLOSE to a flat stomach.. I feel that is always the last to go. My "girls" shrunk legs and hips have shrunk a MASS amount... I am all tummy left.. I would ask what I should do to start getting some of that to go bye bye.. but i'm guessing patience and exercise and it will come.. it is starting to make me lose faith in my weight loss~!

    Stomach is the last to go because it is your body's primary fat's deep storage. This is true for pretty much all mammals...that's why bacon tastes so good...pork belly.

    If you really want a flat tummy, you need to reduce body fat and also work on body composition...the only way to substantially alter body composition is to do resistance training....full body. You'll never have a flat tummy if you don't work those muscles...and I'm not saying do **** tons of situps and what not, that's a waste of time. Due full body workouts with big compound lifts and do some core work on top of that. Just doing cardio and dieting isn't going to do it.

    Also, it takes a lot of patience and a looonnnng time to dig out those deep fat stores.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    So glad to see this thread. Not 5 minutes ago I was looking in the mirror and feeling depressed about my big mummy tummy :(
    I've never had a flat tummy and have been working my butt off but its still hanging (literally) in there. I was wondering whether there was any point in keeping on trying to get rid of it after 5 big babies but it's nice to know I'm not struggling alone with this so off to workout I go....
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Interesting, because I was just thinking about this very thing as I got on the scale this morning.

    I am only a few (think five at the most) pounds from when I was my smallest as an adult.
    I have pictures that show me with a FLAT, I mean ironing board flat, stomach.

    Now I have a nice little round friend that has absolutely no intention of packing up it's toys and going home.

    I've heard over and over that abs are made in the kitchen, lower your bf%, lift heavy, compound strength moves, body recomposition blah, blah, blah...

    Recomposition? Can I switch out my DNA?

    I'm pretty sure the status of my abs is a result of:
    A) pregnancies
    B) age
    C) hormone shifts in peri-menopause
    D) genetics
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    it sucks! i only had 25 lbs to lose and have been at this for just over 1.5 years and i still have lower belly fat i am trying to get rid of. I hit my weight goal but can't slim down the chub!
  • CandiQueen
    CandiQueen Posts: 57
    I have no idea and wish I could help you but I am the opposite. I don't think the belly is the last to go because it has the majority of fat stores, people just lose weight differently. Even when I am 20-30 lbs over my goal weight, my stomach is relatively flat but my hips and thighs are explosive. People just carry weight differently and lose it differently. if its the last place to lose then at least by the time you achieve a flat stomach you won't have any other problem areas.

    Good luck, hard work and exercise, and you're almost there!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have heard first to gain last to lose.
    My stomach has shrunk a lot. Hips bum and thighs are more my trouble area. I have come to terms that I may never have a flat stomach without surgical intervention due to how big I was though.
  • michelledfoster
    I am not looking for the "6 pack ab" I know how difficult it is to achieve in women.. I just want a FLAT or at least CLOSE to a flat stomach.. I feel that is always the last to go. My "girls" shrunk legs and hips have shrunk a MASS amount... I am all tummy left.. I would ask what I should do to start getting some of that to go bye bye.. but i'm guessing patience and exercise and it will come.. it is starting to make me lose faith in my weight loss~!

    I think a lot of it is how you're shaped. I'm pear shaped and I lost my weight literally starting from face on down. I'm around 50lbs lighter now and have been in maintenance for a few months. I have my ideal body, except for my 'pear thighs'. My stomach is totally flat-saddlebags, not so much lol. But, I realized that losing more weight wouldn't get rid of them (I'm at a bmi of 20 right now), so I've started running to get rid of the last oomph.

    Maybe do something like JM's 30 Day Shred-lots of people have seen great results in their stomach area with that program, or ones that are similar :)

    I've just started--so I'm definitely no expert--but I have been doing JM "No More Trouble Zones", and I am seeing an all over reduction so far. I am also very lucky in that I carry the extra weight everywhere--not just in one or two trouble spots, so that may make a difference. Try JM's videos, tho, they are so great. But, Bob's "cardio rev" is 10 times harder than any of Jill's videos that Ive done. Love them both ! Good luck to all of us !! Just keep going !!
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    One of the things I've discovered over a longish period of time is once you achieve your target weight (I did last Thanksgiving), your body continues to change even though you may have changed your profile to a maintenance mode. The body fat or body mass continues to shift around.

    As others have suggested doing core strengthening exercises help from the standpoint of toning the underlying muscles. More important is a mix exercises that work all the muscle groups (on different days to give some muscle groups rest).

    While I did lots of walking and hiking (with and without a pack and with and without trekking poles) as my main cardiovascular conditioning, you could still tell there was a (significant) layer of fat that overlay the muscles (stomach, thighs, buttocks). When I added back running (actually a run/walk combination) to my routine the presence of the stomach fat has greatly diminished.

    Maybe that is a guy thing. But the thing that seems true is that when you reach your goal weight, your body is still be changing for a while.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    Me too. But I'm apple shaped so pretty much ANY extra weight I carry will be in that area. Sucks.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Hate to doomsayer but like others have said you cant control where the fat comes off your body. Like most im harbouring vast amounts of fat on my stomach and love handles, when I lost some weight a couple of years ago this didnt seem to go down as far as my hips and thighs did. Its ultimatley about getting your BF% down by adding LBM. This is mainly done by resistance training, Im not saying go out and do a billion cruntches this will be counter productive, do a full body split, work every muslce in your body and as you as LBM your BF% will continue to decrease.

    The one thing that you may have to accept however is that las 20% BF my be mainly made up on your stomach unfortuantly thats DNA for you, but dont give up!
  • bnaddaf
    bnaddaf Posts: 1
    Wrap a towel tight around your belly while you slowly jog 10 to 15 minutes a day; you can gradually speed up as you gain streangth. Listen to music to distract you from fatigue. You'll lose visceral fat around your organs as well as under your skin.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Wrap a towel tight around your belly while you slowly jog 10 to 15 minutes a day; you can gradually speed up as you gain streangth. Listen to music to distract you from fatigue. You'll lose visceral fat around your organs as well as under your skin.

    What? :noway:
  • bijou89
    bijou89 Posts: 3
    As they say Ab's are made in the kitchen it's not all about how much you workout. Yes it's about being in a calorie defecit to lose weight, but if you are not eating the right types of foods to meet your macros then you are going to find it difficult to maintain muscle mass and lose fat around your stomach. After 4 months I am seeing a little defenition but not much, I have fat to burn around that area. All I can do is share the knowledge I have had shared with me and hope that some of what I say may help you.
    Eating healthy fats, having low gi carbs around your workout times and high gi post workout/weights, After cardio having protein and fat. making sure your protein intake is set to the right level, and reducing your carbs to cut calories- do not cut down protein. cheat meal- once a week for people who lose easy and once every two for those who have a hard time losing. dont forget about liquid calories, cutting alcohol will help, cut out wheat and possibly dairy to reduce bloating( everyone is different) and eat fiber rich vegetables ( blending them into a sauce could help boost your veggie intake) Also for any help/ info google scoobys workshop and youtube michael kory they are both people who have helped me with their informative videos and recipes.
    Best of luck :) X
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    I still have weight to lose, but mine went flat when I cut most bread/wheat/pasta products out of my daily diet. I'll still eat that stuff (because YUM) but I try to keep it down to 1 meal a day and when I do eat it, keep the portions of it down. turns out my round belly was way more about digestive tract inflammation than fat.
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm actually thinking when I drop my last 13 lbs I will cut the dairy and grains out for a while. I really don't eat alot as it is and try to eat 100 g or more of protein a day. Also drink a protein shake after my working and eat at least 1/2 an avo a day for my good fats. Along with some nuts or a bit of oil with my vinegar for a dressing. Like I said I do DVDs mostly for my workouts. I stick to a hiit workout and then some different fitblenders toning workouts...I do Jillian michaels boost your metabolism and nmtz at least once a week. Thank you to all the great advice. I think I need to stick to one choice and stick with it for a few months and see if I can see a difference! I'll let you all know how it goes!
  • MorningWhispers
    I am convinced that sugar is stored in the belly.

    I've never been able to lose my stomach until I started eating clean. Now my stomach is shrinking for the first time ever. I doubt I'll ever have six pack abs but I'm looking forward to one day no longer seeing a roll either.