Looking for people to PUSH me!! Let's do this..

Hi! I love myfitnesspal and was successfully able to lose 80 pounds a few years ago thanks to the support and friendships made on here. However, after having 2 baby boys back to back, I sadly have gained all the 80 pounds back but I'm ready to do this again! Really only looking for people who are Active and log-In daily to push me, because otherwise I lose focus. Let's do this together!


  • mindymelliff
    mindymelliff Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to! I have logged in every day since downloading! Hoping to stay on track with the support of others as well!
  • DiLyCoHe
    DiLyCoHe Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the add
  • julieeramos
    julieeramos Posts: 1 Member
    I need the support too! I have gained 30 lbs since having my 2 boys and need to get it off!
  • temple_girl
    temple_girl Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there, I've recently joined as well, and I'm also looking for people that track everyday to help keeping me motivated :-)