Afraid to run in public (10weeks to train for first 5km Run)



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The truth is that we runners have become such a part of the urban landscape that we're practically invisible.

    You've got time to get ready for the race, if you can get out running early in the morning. it's cooler, there's less traffic to contend with and you're more likely to see other runners (and we come in every shape & size); if anything you're going to get a friendly wave or encouragement, runners tend to be very supportive of other runners.
  • mom2dzbnwe
    mom2dzbnwe Posts: 129 Member
    You can totally train in 10 weeks.
    Here's the thing with 5ks:
    *There are lots of people who are there to run. Most of them will be so focused on themselves or their group that they aren't going to look twice at you (or anyone else). Also, in the 5Ks I've run there are always plenty of silly people that draw attention -- I love that, because I feel like everyone's looking at the girls (and guys) in rainbow tu-tus instead of me!
    *I've never run all the way through (though I'm going to try to with my next one at end of Aug) and I've never been the last one to finish.
    *There is so much contagious "happy energy" from the endorphins, or too many energy drinks, or whatever, that you will be happy!!!

    I have just started running in public. I've walked around my neighborhood off and on for a couple years. I have a friend that I walk with, but she (even though she's a cute size 4) does not run. I've started C25K in the past couple weeks, so I go without her so I can run. We still walk together on my "rest" days--which works great for me.
    I run at night, before dark, but after dinner--it's just too hot during the day and I'm not a morning person!
    I'll be honest, I've had teenagers cat-call while I'm running but I just ignored them and kept going. I've dropped 50+ lbs. and I'm happy with my progress, so...whatever!
    One of my neighbors down the street (a man, probably near my parents age) actually stopped me last night and said, "You know, I remember when you started....You look great! You've really changed! Just keep up that persistence!"
    I came home beaming! So, walking in public isn't all bad!!! :)
    And 5ks are a blast! You will have so much fun!!! Embrace it!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    You have two choices. Just buck up and do it. Put on the sunglasses and your headphones with some great music and run.
    Or get in your car and drive somewhere where no one will know you and run. Make sure it is safe though...

    Having just overcome this hurtle myself - yesterday being day 2 I can relate. But you know what? **** it and them if anyone judges me for running?

    This and the post immediately after it. People really don't notice, as much as we'd like to think they do.

    The other thing is, when you get to the 5K, you'll see ALL sorts of people there. Tall people, short people, athletic people, non-athletic people, old, young, people at all different skill levels. They're all there for one thing and that's to run. Just go do what you need to do.

    And if you need a little extra push, remember that all of the people that you pass on your run aren't running, so you're that much more ahead. I live on a road that has a constant flow of runners. I'm too darn busy with my own life to sit there and comment on how slow this one is or how heavy that one is. (Ain't nobody got time for that.) If they're running, kudos to them and maybe I need to put my shoes on and run too, instead of sorting the recycling. :)
  • mjoshua87
    mjoshua87 Posts: 50
    Awesome advice from everyone!!! as long as weather is good Monday morning will be my first run. there's a cute little storm pond just down the road from my house with a paved trail and surrounded by house. I got some tunes but anyone got any suggestions that'll really rev me up, I run better with music for sure.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Two pieces of advice:

    (1) Find running friends through social media or clubs and talk only to THEM about running. That's a huge common interest and runners love to talk about running. I only talk about fitness with similarly situated people as, with few exceptions, no one else wants to hear it. Stick with people who love it.

    (2) Stop being afraid to run outdoors. Running outside is one of the highlights of any day I do it. Fresh air, sunshine, the freedom of disappearing into myself and "meditating." No one else is going to notice. You may get an occasional comment if a friend sees you but that's pretty unusual. Just enjoy it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I guess I'd like to know what kind of fear you are having before I answer. I know different books for different kinds. All good, but all very different.

    the gift of fear--if you are actually afraid for your safety
    healing back pain--if you are afraid of aggravating an injury or pain
    anxiety phobias and panic-if there is some social element to your fears (which I'm guessing by your clothing statement)

    I know people who have read all these books and they were helped significantly which led me to read them from curiosity as to how people fix their mindset about different things. That's always been of interest to me. How people get out of their own way.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Usually when I see anyone running I just feel guilty that I'm not doing it :) and admire them to for getting out in the heat/cold/rain etc.!
  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    Go and have fun!
    We have a running club here. Great group. See if there is one in your area, there may be a beginners group or a ladies group to connect with. I walk my 5K for physical reasons, but I am working on my time.

    So, lace up, get up, head out the door and have fun. Listen to the tunes, listen to the birds, see the sights.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    the only people i notice when running, are the ones who don't smile or wave at me. if you don't want people around - 9am seems a good time, or during a rain storm :bigsmile:

    anyhow, i think people are much harsher on themselves than others (ok, usually on sundays there are some made up stickfigures on my trail, that turn their noses up at me, but it's probably because i don't wear matching fashion colors :tongue:).
    runners will usually be polite, turning to totally nice if you see them more frequently.
  • mbrtron
    mbrtron Posts: 45
    I'm not a big running outdoors person. I run at the gym on the treadmill. However, I have no fears of running a race in public with other runners. I just doubt I find a love for running outdoors around the neighborhood.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Compression clothing to hold the jiggles in, both for asthetics and comfort. I used to get pain from the excess stuff around my abdomin pulling when I ran so I started wearing a spandex body shaper when I ran. Ran so much I no longer need it.

    As far as the other part, when people notice me when I run, it's to call out a friendly hello, tell me I'm doing a good job when I'm running with my 3 yearold in tbe jogger or ask me a question about my equipment or clothing. Or tell me I'm about to be run over by a garbage truck. All positive things.

    I used to think people were judging me when I ran, thinking I have no business doing it, but after doing it for awhile I realize they aren't thinking about me at all. Good music helps. Also I like the zombie run app, completely keeps me from noticing anyone else.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Just get out there and do it! As others have said, honestly, no one is really looking at you in the first place... and, if they do notice you, they'll certainly be impressed that you're out there busting your butt to get fit. And, to echo what others also said, you'll be amazed come race day at all the different sizes and shapes your fellow runners come in; and they all had to get out there and train, too, so you're certainly not alone!

    What, really, is your alternative? Don't train? Quit the run based on a fear that everyone in your neighbourhood is just sitting around waiting to judge you? I believe you said you're training for cancer research (which I do for a lot of my races, too); I say you make yourself some training T's that declare that you're in training for that purpose, then wear them proudly as you run up and down the streets, getting fitter with each step while helping other. Honestly, you'll be an inspiration!

    Happy running and let us know how it goes!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    I"m new to running, just finished week 8 of C25K. In the beginning I would go around the lake by my house and try test runs when I was in the area no one could really see. Then doing the program, I'd have to run more in the open, depending on the intervals. I'd cringe if there was a person ahead of me on the trail, but it was either stop doing it because of some stranger, or suck it up and run past them. Other than a dog on a leash not being happy, I've never had a problem with anyone. Now since the running is longer, I'm going straight down the main road in my subdivision with the cars, walkers, runners, landscapers and some geese. I'm not intimidated anymore and love it. Being less self-conscious is a bonus in addition to the running.
  • hjeubanks
    hjeubanks Posts: 18 Member
    i remember trying to get out and 'jog' for the first time after having my second child. i had been walking for a few weeks and decided to see how jogging would go... i didn't get a quarter of the way around the quarter-mile track before i had to stop... it felt like i was wearing a fanny-pack and i remember thinking, "what the heck is this thing flopping up and down?" was my wonderful dun-lap (my belly done lapped over). i was litterally like Adam Sandler from Click when he lost all that weight and was like ' its my flap and i'll do what i want with it'. anyway... the more i got out there, the smaller the flap got and easier it got to run. and i didn't care who looked at me...well, actually i did care. i am still like you, wondering who is looking at me and my muffin top...but i think like others on here who say 'if anyone wants to criticize, at least i know i am out here trying to get healthy".

    one of the best things i ever heard was: no matter how big you think you are or how bad you think you look, there is someone else out there that probably wishes they were your size

    go get em!
  • mjoshua87
    mjoshua87 Posts: 50
    Just get out there and do it! As others have said, honestly, no one is really looking at you in the first place... and, if they do notice you, they'll certainly be impressed that you're out there busting your butt to get fit. And, to echo what others also said, you'll be amazed come race day at all the different sizes and shapes your fellow runners come in; and they all had to get out there and train, too, so you're certainly not alone!

    What, really, is your alternative? Don't train? Quit the run based on a fear that everyone in your neighbourhood is just sitting around waiting to judge you? I believe you said you're training for cancer research (which I do for a lot of my races, too); I say you make yourself some training T's that declare that you're in training for that purpose, then wear them proudly as you run up and down the streets, getting fitter with each step while helping other. Honestly, you'll be an inspiration!

    Happy running and let us know how it goes!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the idea and your words of wisdom!!! Love it !!!! :)

    MFP has the best supporters i've gotten so much great feed back I wish i was home now so I could just get up and go for a run. I will probably have to read all these again come monday when i make my first attempt out doors. :)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Suck it up and just do it. Nobody is looking at you and if they are so be it. Who cares what other people think.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    When I'm running I'm so focused on what I'm doing (and trying to breathe) that I hardly notice anyone else running, never mind what they might be wearing/what might be jiggling.

    Just focus on taking one step at a time. I promise no one is judging you.

    If you feel self-conscious about your running just remember: you are 100% lapping everyone who sitting on their couch.
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I used to be afraid of what people would think of me if they saw me jogging in public. Especially because I'm not a runner, I was sure that the entire world was going to judge me for my jogging/walking intervals (I'm using C25K). Then I got over it. If there is someone out there petty enough to judge me, go ahead. I won't know about it. There are very few people in this world who will actually heckle you. Also, I think, let them judge me, at least I'm doing something for my health. I'm doing more than the millions of people sitting around right now. Stop worrying about what others are thinking; odds are they aren't giving you a second thought. Do your run and be proud of yourself.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    fwiw, I use my 5 min warmup walk to get the heck out of my neighborhood... and then I start the jog.. go for 40-50 minutes, in series, and then use my cool down to come back into my neighborhood..

    I actually drove it beforehand weeks ago, to make sure I had the miles/route mapped out correctly. I'm in a small town, so it gave me the opportunity to choose some concession roads that I thought I would enjoy running.

    Good luck, like the rest of the posters, i really don't think people care!
  • hjeubanks
    hjeubanks Posts: 18 Member
    was wondering how your run went today? :smile: