Does anyone else have this problem ?



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    What's your height/weight?

    1300 calories might be too low.

    I am 5'9 and 230 .

    This is helpful. But knowing what you eat might give people some info to help answer as well.

    In the mornings I will have a nutri grain bar and some oatmeal , around 12 -1 I'll have lean cuisine , which ever one seems good at the moment with a slice of whole wheat bread and a snack , for dinner I'll have either another lean cuisine or soup and a snack .. That usually equivalents to 1,300 or less .. But I never go under 1,200 lol I would starve !

    I agree with the comments about protein. It help with satiety. Also fat does as well. You are very low on both and very carb heavy which can lead to hunger issues.
    If that is all you are eating you are very low for calorie intake as well.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    For the body to function it needs around 1800 calories for a woman and 2000 for a man which changes based on age and activity level. There are plenty of websites that will give you more info. If you eat less your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto every thing it can so it's then hard to lose. When you eventually fail or give up the diet due to it being unsustainable then the pounds go on much faster. Stick to the calorie intake suggested on the app and you should lose weight gradually and keep it off.

    This myth really just won't die, will it?!

    It's possible to feel full, satisfied and happy on less than 1800 calories as a woman - if it wasn't, I wouldn't have lost 35lbs so far and I would have given up after a few weeks of misery. People just need to experiment with finding out which foods keep them full, satisfied and happy within their allotted calorie goal.