I HATE victims

I hate the victim mentality.
Previously being one its one trait I can't stand in others.
If you're kind of motivation and support needed is for someone to let you know when you are being a whiny little b$tch and need a good verbal kick up the *kitten*, feel free to add me!
I know we live in a world now where everyone gets insulted from every little thing, but if you are NOT one of those people lets do this!
(I'm fully prepared for no one to comment, read or add me but that's ok some people need a tissue to cry into and pat on the back to constantly tell them 'you got this' when they keep falling off wagon)


  • gillie80
    gillie80 Posts: 214 Member
    half the time i feel i'm hopping along behind the wagon, one foot on, one foot off lol. i wouldn't feel offended if you kicked me in the... i'm scottish, we're thick skinned haha.
  • ambalam
    ambalam Posts: 35 Member
    Lol hey I enjoy your honesty. I'm semi-mean to my bf when I need to be. Give him a kick in the butt. Well I think it's honesty. He thinks I'm mean. But he loves me for not beating around the bush. And generally I'm nice to make up for it.

    As far as the victim mindset well that's something one must see and get over if they're going to change themselves. Drug addicts, food addicts. Alcoholics. I've known "victims" and usually that doesn't change. But I'm cynical lol. And don't quite get it Bc I've got a guilt complex. Somehow it's my fault Donald trump is running for president, etc. watched one too many apprentices Bc Gary busey was in it. Gave him good ratings so he figured he could lead America. This is all my fault
  • TechOutside
    TechOutside Posts: 101 Member
    Just please stop with the politics ambalam, not everyone agrees with you and I wouldn't want to ruin the thread.

    The world was made by people who pull themselves up, or have had someone kick them in the tail when they needed it. There are a few exceptions, but in general the failure to success rate is typically high when you want to suceed at anything. You have to accept the failure as a path to success, in my humble opinon.

    I talk to myself as brutal as one can get, but that is how I am wired, not everyone can pull themselves up by themselves. I respect brutal honesty, I want to know if I am being a dumb*ss, hey, it happens to all of us at some points.
  • dereklsilva
    dereklsilva Posts: 11 Member
    No one wants to be accountable for their own actions anymore
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Yeah, I'm gonna agree with the person above, and don't think you meant this title for your post (I find it bizarre, given what you went on to say in your post..) -- Anyway, many people here 'appreciate' those who 'give it to them straight', so I very much doubt you're alone here. :)
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    I, too, cannot stand the victim card so many people pull now a days. As an instructor, my students are constantly making excuses for things that happen. Some are legit, but most are just whiny excuses. My favorite students are my veterans....they own up to mistakes and work that may not get turned in. Where I advise you to be careful is calling people victims in the "motivational" section of MFP. I do not have Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media. I don't like the "talk about me" society we have become. About two weeks ago, I had a break down in my head with finally needing to admit that I have a major sugar problem. For the first time in my life, I reached out to social media looking for some kind of support. I take care of my family, home, work 50+ hours a week, so this was a big deal for me to ask for help. The first post I receive back is from Neanbean13 calling me a victim. I almost deleted my MFP account out of pure anger and wishing I never reached out for support from others. Luckily, others reached out, and I have a few MFP friends that have provided some kind of encouragement. I do appreciate honesty and being forward, but sometimes......how it's done and to whom it is done to may not be the best moment in that person's life at that particular time.

    Now - my head is in a better place and my reality of wanting hard feedback and criticism of choices I make can handle Neanbean13's honesty. If interested, I'd like to be MFP friends. I could use an up front, forward and honest person in my group. I don't make the best food choices, but they are better than 2 weeks ago, and I am down 5 lbs.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Loving the replies!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You got this, you can do this
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    I dislike reverse psychology!
  • ambalam
    ambalam Posts: 35 Member
    Hey TechOutside. Just being honest. You don't have to like it. But I think it's arrogant to assume everyone feels the same way you do. Not saying everyone has to agree w me either, just don't censor me. It's a basic human right to speak one's mind. I don't mind if your opinion differs, that's on you. You do you. Sorry not sorry i guess. Hope it gets better for you.