Being Big all my life kinda getting Discouraged



  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Looking for advice for someone whom is either in my shoes or have been in my shoes to give me some advice on what I need to do to just get motivated and see some results. PLEASE HELP

    I started at 320 lb last year, down to 190 now. I've been obese since about age 8-10 or so.

    What really worked for me:

    1. My overall focus has been on making the smallest changes that lead to success. I'm not trying to overhaul every aspect of my diet and fitness, just the ones that are necessary and sufficient for me to reach my goals. For me, that's tracking calories, tracking protein, and 3 hr/week of a combination of strength training and cardio.

    2. As that implies, I have no forbidden foods. I'm not giving up ice cream, or cake, or chips, or anything like that. I won't give up anything now that I don't plan to give up forever.

    3. I pre-plan each day the night before and pre-log it. I start every day knowing not only that I'll succeed, but exactly how. Then I just use the food scale to weigh out the portions I already picked. This was my biggest change from other times I've counted calories, and one I credit most of my success to.