Smoking Weed

kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
I've never done drugs and always tried to distance myself from people that do. I recently made a friend I like a lot who just admitted he smokes now and then. I get that marijuana is becoming more acceptable in our society. I've always felt is kind of a crutch for a lack happiness elsewhere. Would you stop being friends with someone over this?


  • concrete_daisies
    concrete_daisies Posts: 44 Member
    Hard drugs? Yeah sure. Weed though? Probably not. I think in some ways weed is less damaging than alcohol, especially the way people drink here (NZ). Personally I find that people who smoke the odd joint to be just as fun as people who don't. People who smoke quite regularly are kind of boring though.

    The obvious exception is if they are pressuring you to *kitten*. If so, ditch that *kitten*.
  • bemyyfriend0918
    bemyyfriend0918 Posts: 241 Member
    Weed is on the same level as alcohol to me. I hope to see it legalized sometime in my life so that the stigma of it goes away. It's not a "hard drug", in my opinion.
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    I doubt they would. This person is considerate to the point where I think if they started to smoke and I didn't they'd just put it away.
  • LiftingLisa
    LiftingLisa Posts: 12,345 Member
    I wouldn't stop being friends with them. Weed is no worse than alcohol.
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    I actually lost some friends over it in the past. My wife was pregnant at the time and we were over at their house for a party. I could smell people smoking it up stairs. I confronted them later about smoking where someone was pregnant. Instead of apologizing they just said no one is going to tell them what to do in their own home.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I don't see why you wouldn't be friends with someone who tokes up on the weekends sometimes.

    Depending on what that marijuana laws are where you live, as long as he doesn't have any on him when he's in your car then it's no big deal.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    kevinf2380 wrote: »
    I've never done drugs and always tried to distance myself from people that do. I recently made a friend I like a lot who just admitted he smokes now and then. I get that marijuana is becoming more acceptable in our society. I've always felt is kind of a crutch for a lack happiness elsewhere. Would you stop being friends with someone over this?

    Alcohol is a drug. Would you stop being friends with somebody because they enjoy a beer? Shouldn't people who drink get their happiness elsewhere, like from pumping iron?
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    kevinf2380 wrote: »
    I actually lost some friends over it in the past. My wife was pregnant at the time and we were over at their house for a party. I could smell people smoking it up stairs. I confronted them later about smoking where someone was pregnant. Instead of apologizing they just said no one is going to tell them what to do in their own home.

    If you had people over, one of them was pregnant, and they confronted you about your choice in music, demanding to know how you could play anything but Mozart in a place where someone was pregnant, would you apologize, or would you perhaps be slightly miffed to have orders given to you in your home?
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    kevinf2380 wrote: »
    I've never done drugs and always tried to distance myself from people that do. I recently made a friend I like a lot who just admitted he smokes now and then. I get that marijuana is becoming more acceptable in our society. I've always felt is kind of a crutch for a lack happiness elsewhere. Would you stop being friends with someone over this?

    Alcohol is a drug. Would you stop being friends with somebody because they enjoy a beer? Shouldn't people who drink get their happiness elsewhere, like from pumping iron?

    I actually do stop being friends with people who think doing anything fun requires alcohol. I hate the alcohol comparison. It's not even close to the same thing. You get a surprise drug test at work after a night of drinking and you still have a job.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would not. I'd be short a lot of friends if I did.
  • kevinf2380
    kevinf2380 Posts: 256 Member
    edited August 2016
    kevinf2380 wrote: »
    I actually lost some friends over it in the past. My wife was pregnant at the time and we were over at their house for a party. I could smell people smoking it up stairs. I confronted them later about smoking where someone was pregnant. Instead of apologizing they just said no one is going to tell them what to do in their own home.

    If you had people over, one of them was pregnant, and they confronted you about your choice in music, demanding to know how you could play anything but Mozart in a place where someone was pregnant, would you apologize, or would you perhaps be slightly miffed to have orders given to you in your home?

    That depends if Mozart had been scientifically proven to cause birth defects or not.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    If your friend opened up to you and was like "dude...I cook meth on the weekends...wanna hang?" then I would reconsider the friendship.