Headache from healthy eating?



  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    I challenged myself to eat raw (only fruits and vegetables) all day today, and my head has been pounding all day. I have a feeling that my body is detoxing from all of the crap and chemicals that I have been consuming, but it's a little uncomfortable.

    I am tempted to take an ibuprofen, but I don't think that it's the best idea.

    Has this happened to anyone else on their healthy eating journey?

    Raw vegetable are difficult to digest, so cooked broccoli is healthier than raw broccoli for example
    Fruit all day, that's TOO much sugar even it's a natural sugar it's still sugar that will convert to fat, only 2 servings of fruit per day before 5 pm
    You need high quality protein, good fat and a reasonable amount of carbs, that's what healthy, that's what will keep your hormones healthy, healthy hormones healthy body

    so maybe the headache bec your body is trying to digest all the raw veggies and releasing insulin to control all the sugar in your blood, it's extra work for your body

    hope you're feeling better!