Low carb weight loss by the end of the year



  • jbandsb2
    jbandsb2 Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello all. Below is my Chicken Chili Recipe for anyone who might be interested. I am not a person who likes a ton of spiciness and I would consider this to have a decent bite. I tend to cool it down with sour cream when I eat it. This recipe is before I started a low carb diet, so if you find something that is not low carb friendly you will want to substitute as you see fit. It is a very versatile recipe.

    I make this in a crock-pot and cook it for 6-10hrs. Seems that the longer you cook it the more flavorful it becomes.

    Add into a large crock-pot:
    1/2 cup diced onion
    1&1/3 cup diced bell pepper any color - pending what you like - (I tend to use green but have used all the other colors)
    2 tbl seeded and diced jalapenos
    3 tbl fresh minced garlic
    4&1/2 cup water
    8 tsp chicken base (bouillon)
    2 tsp lime juice
    2 tbl sugar
    3 tbl corn starch
    3 tbl ground cumin
    2&1/2 tbl ground chili powder
    4 tsp ground paprika
    4 tsp dried basil
    2 tsp minced fresh cilantro ( have used dried also but prefer fresh)
    1&1/2 tsp ground red pepper
    1/2 tsp ground oregano
    1/2 cup canned or fresh tomatillos - crushed or chopped
    1- 4oz can of green chilies - drained
    2- 15oz cans of navy beans or small white beans - drained and rinsed
    1 - 15oz can of dark red kidney beans - drained and rinsed
    3 lbs of cooked and diced chicken. (I like the white and dark meat and use a rotisserie chicken but have used canned chicken also)

    Mix all the ingredients and cook on low. I put mine in the crock-pot early in the AM and cook for the day then have for dinner. When I am fixing it for work I cook it over night and then a few more hours at work prior to lunch time.

    I hope you like it!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the support I'll look into other shakes although so far the others I've tried as you said don't taste good at all. And thanks for the recipe. Also, reminder for everyone today is Friday so it's the day to enter weekly log ins. At this point I should not have to fill the excel sheet for you, you should know the flow so if I can't get to mine until the evening it shouldn't hold up everyone else, please go ahead and log in when ifs convient for you, all you are doing is going to the next column.

    Hope everyone is doing well and making progress. If you didn't get it in today get it by tomorrow or I'll have to count it as a strike. Like I said I want this group to be laid back but at the same time we have a goal and if we are not serious about the weight loss part then the whole group is just a social gathering. I hope to still have both parts! I look forward to seeing enteries tomorrow when I check in. Have a goodnight everyone!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited September 2016
    Thanks @jbandsb2 . Sounds really good and I will try it soon.

    @magic18, I put my check in in week 4. You put yours in week 5. I will move mine. Please let me know if I am wrong.
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    Anyone having comfort food cravings with the fall equinox? I have been craving 1 pot wonders. I'm going to see about a no bean beef chili...just sounds yummy.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I get into soups and stews as the weather changes. And cooked veggies over salads.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I put my week into the spreadsheet. And I noticed last week there were some good losses. Bravo gang! Hopefully this week is as good for everyone.

    For those of you who "stayed the same, I do not believe "staying the same" is a stall. Stall for me means months and months of the same number. A couple of weeks of no losses is a win for me. As long as the weight isn't rising week over week, I figure my body is just getting used to life at the new weight and, if I stay the course, it will start moving again. If, after some months, nothing is happening, then I look at what is going on. How about you? How do you handle "staying the same"?

    I am reading "The Obesity Code" and it is really convincing. Do any of you have any books or websites that got you started on this journey of low carb? What influenced you to get started.
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    To my group, you guys are wonderful. I unfortunately have to stop dieting right now with my health but would love for you guys to continue if you want and if someone would like to step up to keep things orderly that is fine with me. I happily will check in to see the great progress you all do and know if you set your mind to it you will all achieve so much. I wish I could continue this journey with you but health complications are affecting my eating and while I'm inadvertently dieting because I am having difficulty with eating it is not a "diet" in a healthy sense or something anyone should go through

    Any questions feel free to ask. I will leave the spreadsheet up for you and again I wish everyone the best of luck and feel bad that I cannot continue to diet in this group. However if you need me for moral support my inbox is always open as I am a friend for anyone here!
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    And Dasher you were right last week was week four, my mistake, this week is week five.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    So sorry to hear of your ongoing health concerns. Do concentrate on you and get better. I don't think we need you to diet to be part of the group so do check in and keep us up to date on what is going on with you as the weeks go by.

    Best wishes for better health.
  • jbandsb2
    jbandsb2 Posts: 10 Member
    I am also sorry to hear of your health concerns, but I agree with dasher. Concentrate on getting better. that is the most important thing and I hope that you do check in and keep us updated.
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    Magic I hope you feel better soon. Focus on your health and be well.
  • estherdfoster
    estherdfoster Posts: 127 Member
    Hey. I've been a way for a bit, I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled so I wasn't able to eat or workout the way I wanted to.. now I am pretty much good to go so now I can finally get back to logging everything.
  • Magic18
    Magic18 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks guys. I'll keep you posted. The only benifit of being sick is that I'm losing weight haha. I've basically tuenued into intermittent fasting with an ensure during the day and then nothing until dinner at night and again repeat. And I have to premedicate for dinner which doesn't always work and it's a small meal, so calorie wise it's not much but I'm trying to get at least nutrition into me. Waiting for the doctors tests to come back and figure out why it is I am struggling so much to eat anything. Hope to have news soon. Glad to hear you will all continue on and I hope to see positive results!
  • lynalyei
    lynalyei Posts: 22 Member
    i have been reading your post to see if i am up for this challenge but cannot resist to post here.
    magic18.....i think you inspire me a lot with your determination to take care of your weight.God bless
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Glad to have you back @estherdfoster Wisdom teeth are no fun but glad you are through it.

    Speaking of which, I injured my back this week. I have arthritis in the lower back from a water skiing injury in my 20s. (For you who are that age, do not do really silly things!). Tried a new exercise which did not work out and I have had back spasm and pain since. 3rd day but getting better.

    My scale is kept under the sink (a very small bathroom) and I cannot reach down and get it out today. So my posting will have to wait until I feel better. I am fasting today although the tummy is rumbling.

    I hope everyone had a good week. If you don't mind, can we do a roll call to see who is still here?

    I am still in! My name is Marney.
  • estherdfoster
    estherdfoster Posts: 127 Member
    i lost 5.2 pounds.. thank goodness for eating tofu i started... that started helping me lose. and i cut out sodium and use Mrs Dash salt free seasoning line..