60 Minute Plank Challenge - Sept 2016



  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Wanted to start doing some planks on my elbows instead of just straight arm. Much harder for me, so starting 'easy'.

    6 September: 3 minutes straight arm planks (2 sets of 90 sec each); 1 minute elbow planks (2 sets of 30 sec each)

    Total: 13 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 47 minutes
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    Sept 7 - 2 mins 20
    Total - 7 mis 50
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    Day 1 - 8 minutes
    Day 2 - 6 minutes
    Day 3 - 4 minutes
    Day 4 - 4 minutes
    Day 5 - 6 minutes
    Day 6 - 3 minutes

    Total - 31 Minutes / 60 Minutes
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Sept. 1 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept. 2 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 3 - 2 x 1 min standard pllanks
    Sept. 4 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 5 - None
    Sept 6 - None
    Sept 7 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank

    14 minutes down, 46 to go.

    Side planks were tough this morning for some reason. Had to do them 30 secs at a time with a short rest, then finished with another 30 secs for 1 min per side. I did crunches, and side crunches right before so that might be why. I can see now I'm going to have to go back in the evenings and do some extras if I want to keep ahead on this challenge. ;P
  • CathyFullan150
    CathyFullan150 Posts: 65 Member
    Today: 4 minutes
    Total: 5 minutes

    I could only do 1 minute total last week in 3 tries. Today I did 4 minutes in 5 tries!! So happy with my progress. I told my trainer he needs to get me into that 3 Minute Perfect Plank workout by the end of the month!! LOL!

    Congrats everyone on all of your amazing progress - you are all so inspirational!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Sept. 1 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept. 2 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 3 - 2 x 1 min standard pllanks
    Sept. 4 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 5 - None
    Sept 6 - None
    Sept 7 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept 8 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 1 x 30 sec standard planks (I was tired lol!)

    17 minutes down, 43 to go.
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    Day 1 - 8 minutes
    Day 2 - 6 minutes
    Day 3 - 4 minutes
    Day 4 - 4 minutes
    Day 5 - 6 minutes
    Day 6 - 3 minutes
    Day 7 - 3 minutes

    Total - 34 Minutes / 60 Minutes
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Didn't get my planks in last night because church lasted longer than expected...so had to make up some time today. Barely made it, but I stuck it out! Everyone is doing great!! Congrats on 1 week down!

    7 September: unexpected rest
    8 September: 4.5 minutes straight arm planks (3 sets of 90 sec each); 1.5 minutes elbow planks (3 sets of 30 sec each)

    Total: 19 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 41 minutes
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    Sept 8 - 1 min
    Total - 8 min 50
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Sept. 1 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept. 2 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 3 - 2 x 1 min standard pllanks
    Sept. 4 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 5 - None
    Sept 6 - None
    Sept 7 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept 8 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 2 x 30 sec standard planks (I was tired lol!) (Corrected from Yesterday)
    Sept 9 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 2 x 30 sec standard planks (seems to be a pattern lol.)

    20 minutes down, 40 to go.
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    Sept 9 - 1 min 40
    Total - 10 min 30
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    Day 1 - 8 minutes
    Day 2 - 6 minutes
    Day 3 - 4 minutes
    Day 4 - 4 minutes
    Day 5 - 6 minutes
    Day 6 - 3 minutes
    Day 7 - 3 minutes
    Day 8 - 4 minutes

    Total - 38 Minutes / 60 Minutes
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    edited September 2016
    @OcalaFL - you are crushing this!
    Well done everyone! Keep up the good work!

    9 September: unplanned rest day
    10 September: 4.5 minutes straight arm planks (3 sets of 90 sec each); 1.5 minutes elbow planks (2 sets of 45 sec each)

    Total: 25 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 35 minutes
  • CathyFullan150
    CathyFullan150 Posts: 65 Member
    I got 3 more minutes in at the gym on Friday. Starting tomorrow I will be tackling this challenge triple time!

    8 down, 52 to go! ☺️
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sept. 1 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept. 2 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 3 - 2 x 1 min standard pllanks
    Sept. 4 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 5 - None
    Sept 6 - None
    Sept 7 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept 8 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 2 x 30 sec standard planks (I was tired lol!) (Corrected from Yesterday)
    Sept 9 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 2 x 30 sec standard planks (seems to be a pattern lol.)
    Sept 10 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept 11 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 2 x 30 sec standard plank
    Sept 12, None - Rest Day

    24 minutes down, 36 to go. Meant to do more this weekend, but was just worn out lol!
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    Sept 10 - zero
    Sept 11 - zero
    Sept 12 - 2 mins
    Total - 12 mins 30
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Well done everyone!!
    I didn't have a good plank day today, but got some in anyway even though I had to do some shorter sets.

    11 September: rest
    12 September: 3 minutes straight arm planks (3 sets of 60 sec each); 1 minute elbow planks (2 sets of 30 sec each)

    Total: 29 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 31 minutes
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi @b3achy - you guys are doing amazing - am fairly new to MFP and saw your challenge last week - thought it was too much for me to start with - so I started a 30 day plank challenge for myself and fellow beginners to get started.. just wondering if u are thinking of setting something up for October??
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Sept. 1 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept. 2 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 3 - 2 x 1 min standard pllanks
    Sept. 4 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept. 5 - None
    Sept 6 - None
    Sept 7 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 1 x 1 min left side plank, 1 x 1 min right side plank
    Sept 8 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 2 x 30 sec standard planks (I was tired lol!) (Corrected from Yesterday)
    Sept 9 - 2 x 1 min standard planks, 2 x 30 sec standard planks (seems to be a pattern lol.)
    Sept 10 - 2 x 1 min standard planks
    Sept 11 - 1 x 1 min standard plank, 2 x 30 sec standard plank
    Sept 12, None - Rest Day
    Sept 13, 1 x 1.5 min standard plank, 2 x 45 sec standard plank, 2 x 30 sec standard planks

    28 minutes down, 32 minutes to go.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi @b3achy - you guys are doing amazing - am fairly new to MFP and saw your challenge last week - thought it was too much for me to start with - so I started a 30 day plank challenge for myself and fellow beginners to get started.. just wondering if u are thinking of setting something up for October??

    Probably will have another for October, since I need the motivation to keep doing them (as I really hate planks, but know they help with my core).

    But since it's near the middle of the month, you are more than welcome to stay and attempt 30 minutes of planks for the rest of the month too. It's fine to be doing multiple challenges simultaneously.

    I did the 30 day challenge that you have posted (where you go from 20 sec to 300 sec) but it took me 3 months to do because half way through it was so brutal with the large jumps in time that I found it discouraging and hard to continue. So I wanted this one to be more user/beginner friendly (pick your plank, do as many sets as you need, and choose how many/which days you want to do them). Good luck with your challenge - hope you and your group do better than I did!