60 Minute Plank Challenge - Sept 2016

b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
Since I like to use challenge threads to keep myself accountable, I figured I'd start a challenge thread for planking (especially since I've been slacking after doing the 30 day plank challenge). These challenge threads will start new each month. This challenge is based on one that I saw on another fitness site, and I wanted there to be a plank challenge thread that people of various fitness levels could successfully complete.

Challenge Goal - 60 minutes of planks for the month. That's about 2 minutes of planks daily, or 3 minutes of planks for 20 days or 5 minutes of planks for 12 days...or...what ever you want to do to reach the challenge goal.
>>If you are already a planking superstar or start to consistently hit the challenge goal, feel free to post your own goal at the beginning of the challenge that is higher than the one for the posted challenge.
>>If you join us late in the month, feel free to post an alternate goal that is in the spirit of the original challenge (for example, joining around the 15th would be a 30 minute plank challenge to finish out the month).

How many sets? As many as you need. If you can do a 5 minute plank in one set, that is amazing!! If you want to do a few sets of 1 - 2 minute planks, that's cool! If you need to break up your planks into multiple sets of 15-30 seconds, that's okay too!

Types of planks? ALL planks and their variations count! Straight arm planks, bent arm/elbow planks, side planks, reverse planks, etc. This allows you to vary your planks depending on your personal workout goals.

How to join / participate? Just post the total minutes of the planks you did for the day and your running total for the month. No spreadsheets, no groups. Easy peasy.

Another useful plank challenge thread:
30 day plank challenge (the original challenge (ending with a 5 minute plank) will get you to 53 minutes of planking in a month, just 7 minutes shy of this monthly plank challenge goal).

Welcome and start planking!!


  • yaziby05
    yaziby05 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on board. I'm new to planking and have increased up to 2 minutes and 30 seconds so far.
  • treecroz
    treecroz Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in! Day 1 - 2 mins 4 sets
  • treecroz
    treecroz Posts: 61 Member
    @yvonnecrosby2464 will you?
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    edited September 2016
    I am chuckling to myself that I started this thread, because I've never been able to complete this challenge on the site where I first saw it. However, I'm hoping the challenge here will keep me more accountable to doing my planks during the weekday (M-F). Since I'm only planning on M-F planking, I'm estimating I'll need to do about 3 min/day.

    Thanks to @yaziby05 and @treecroz for joining me thus far. Even if it is just us, we'll be better by the end of the month for doing it (and our cores will thank us...well, maybe not thank us per se). :smiley:

    1 September: 3 minutes straight arm planks (2 sets of 90 sec each)

    Total: 3 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 57 minutes
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    I'm in! I will do a few sets of during my HIIT daily
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I'm game.. I generally do 2 1min planks daily for 6 days a week anyway at the end of my workout, I'll just increase it to 3 and should make it. ;)
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    I am in too, can currently do 1 min 30 secs before the shakes take over too much.
  • espressoshotsandheavysquats
    This is actually a really great goal and I think it sounds fun to try. I am on board! But @b3achy you know we will all be expecting you to get it done!! :smile: :#
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    This is actually a really great goal and I think it sounds fun to try. I am on board! But @b3achy you know we will all be expecting you to get it done!! :smile: :#

    And that is precisely why I started it...lol. :)

    Welcome to @OcalaFL (and stay dry with the TS coming your way); @Spliner1969; @rwbug; @shaykinhand and @espressoshotsandheavysquats! Whoa! We have a herd of folks now! This is getting good!
  • Allaboutthebeach
    I'm very weak, so I need to do this challenge. Starting today!!
  • rejeanah
    rejeanah Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in, cant plank but thats the point :)
  • treecroz
    treecroz Posts: 61 Member
    I first read this and thought who the heck can do a plank for 60 min lol.. I'm on board with this challenge!

    Day 1 - 1 min plank 3x today (yes, I'm a weak plank'er) ;)
    But hopefully with this challenge I'll be able to hold longer!

    You're a weak planker? Did you read mine I can safely do 30 sec blocks! We will all get stronger and our abs will hate us!
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    Day 1 - 8 Minutes / 60 Minutes (was stuck inside today tropical storm)

    1 min superman plank x3 (3minutes)
    1 min elbow planks x 3 (3minutes)
    1/2 minute right side plank - 2x 30 second sets (1minutes)
    1/2 minute left side plank - 2x 30 second sets (1minutes)
  • rwbug
    rwbug Posts: 19 Member
    Day 1 - 1min 40 secs
  • teresasupermama
    I'm in. It took me a while to get them done. I might not be able to post everyday, but I'll write it down on paper and catch up when I can get on here.

    3x40 seconds = 2 minutes for today

    2 minutes down, 58 minutes to go
  • treecroz
    treecroz Posts: 61 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge. I'm going to be the one doing the 15 second planks at first. But just watch me improve. Thanks for starting this, @b3achy!

    You can do it! Trying is the first step. This is to challenge yourself not to compare to others! Can't wait to see your progress.
  • treecroz
    treecroz Posts: 61 Member
    @OcalaFL what is a superman plank?
  • treecroz
    treecroz Posts: 61 Member
    Day 2: 2 minutes straight arm planks - 45 sec, reverse plank - 45 sec, elbow plank - 30 sec

    Total: 4 of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 56 minutes
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    @treecroz you get in a push up position then slowly lift one arm and the opposite leg hold them than down and do the opposite.
