Why do people say if you go low carb to lose weight, you must eat that way forever?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's inaccurate, of course. I think it's because off MFP the usual low carb plan involves not counting calories, so the idea is that someone who stops will just go back to their old way of eating, not having a check or have learned to eat in a different way they want to maintain.

    That's obviously not an issue limited to low carb ways of losing weight.

    I tend to find a lot more people who do low carb or some other diet like that (paleo, etc.) are more likely to be planning to do it for good anyway, at least in some fashion, even though it often turns out that they don't.

    Anyway, no, obviously if you eat at maintenance for your new weight you won't regain.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    edited September 2016
    kgeyser wrote: »
    You really don't have to forever. People who say you have to do it forever are making an assumption that you see a "diet" or weight loss as a short-term process, which may not be correct. They might do better by suggesting that if you don't want to go low carb forever, you have an exit strategy for maintenance instead of going back to old habits.

    But shouldn't everyone have an exit strategy for maintenance? When the question "are you going to eat that way forever" is posed to someone eating low carb, paleo, clean, etc, it carries the connotation that what you eat or how you eat is the determining factor in success, and not how much you eat.

    I'm not sure why people think that when someone stops eating low carb, they are just going to go back to their old habits and not pay attention to the amount of food they are eating. There are plenty of low carb people who count calories, just like there are plenty of "eat everything in moderation" people who lose or maintain without counting calories or even weighing their food.

    Well, the exit strategy for someone who just eats less calories is "Eat 500 more calories." The exit strategy for someone doing Low Carb or anything special is either keep doing that with more calories, or hope to hell you'll be able to eat the things you cut out to facilitate your weight loss without overeating now.

    I can maintain without logging my food now because I didn't change the way I eat, just the amount, and thus learned normal portion sizes of the things I normally eat.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    I know about the water weight loss coming back, but how does the fat come back if you're in a deficit or maintaining?

    I keep hearing you need to maintain that way of eating or gain it all back.

    Is low carb forever or not?

    because of raised and peaking insulin.

    Magical fat gain at maintenance calories because insulin? Or what do you mean.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    lodro wrote: »
    I know about the water weight loss coming back, but how does the fat come back if you're in a deficit or maintaining?

    I keep hearing you need to maintain that way of eating or gain it all back.

    Is low carb forever or not?

    because of raised and peaking insulin.

    Magical fat gain at maintenance calories because insulin? Or what do you mean.

    whatever you want it to mean, mate.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    For me, it will be a life-changing eating style. For others, some use it for a little while to help with bloating and get themselves more under control in regards to impulse eating and whatnot. It's easier to listen to my body on keto. The weight SHOULD be stable if you just gradually increase your carbs to a level that suits you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    kgeyser wrote: »
    You really don't have to forever. People who say you have to do it forever are making an assumption that you see a "diet" or weight loss as a short-term process, which may not be correct. They might do better by suggesting that if you don't want to go low carb forever, you have an exit strategy for maintenance instead of going back to old habits.

    But shouldn't everyone have an exit strategy for maintenance? When the question "are you going to eat that way forever" is posed to someone eating low carb, paleo, clean, etc, it carries the connotation that what you eat or how you eat is the determining factor in success, and not how much you eat.

    I'm not sure why people think that when someone stops eating low carb, they are just going to go back to their old habits and not pay attention to the amount of food they are eating. There are plenty of low carb people who count calories, just like there are plenty of "eat everything in moderation" people who lose or maintain without counting calories or even weighing their food.

    Well, the exit strategy for someone who just eats less calories is "Eat 500 more calories." The exit strategy for someone doing Low Carb or anything special is either keep doing that with more calories, or hope to hell you'll be able to eat the things you cut out to facilitate your weight loss without overeating now.

    I can maintain without logging my food now because I didn't change the way I eat, just the amount, and thus learned normal portion sizes of the things I normally eat.

    There are many people who use various techniques throughout their journey; this is especially true the fitness community. I know several people who use low carb to lose weight, and when they are ready for maintenance, they will slowly add carbs back. The same can be done with any dietary strategy. The bigger question is, did the person educate themselves enough to properly transition. I view this as being on different than body builders or fitness models using various strategies depending where they are with their training and how close to competitions.
  • PinkSuede
    PinkSuede Posts: 49 Member
    edited September 2016
    You don't have to eat low carb to keep it off but it certainly helps. My mom lost 80 low carbing in the 90s and never put it back on. I did it as well, lost 60, but I wouldn't do it again. Just wasn't for me.... it can be hard going back to eating starchy foods though. It took me years before I could eat potatoes without getting the runs after that.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    PinkSuede wrote: »
    You don't have to eat low carb to keep it off but it certainly helps. My mom lost 80 low carbing in the 90s and never put it back on. I did it as well, lost 60, but I wouldn't do it again. Just wasn't for me.... it can be hard going back to eating starchy foods though. It took me years before I could eat potatoes without getting the runs after that.

    Hmm. I did not know that was an issue.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Is it perhaps just another way of saying "maintenance is hard"?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited September 2016
    PinkSuede wrote: »
    You don't have to eat low carb to keep it off but it certainly helps. My mom lost 80 low carbing in the 90s and never put it back on. I did it as well, lost 60, but I wouldn't do it again. Just wasn't for me.... it can be hard going back to eating starchy foods though. It took me years before I could eat potatoes without getting the runs after that.

    Hmm. I did not know that was an issue.

    Potatoes are a resistant starch that feeds bacteria. For a healthy person it often feeds good bacteria such as bifidus. Also called a prebiotic. So, it's potentially possible that cutting it out for a long time could starve out some bacteria and then adding it back would cause a shift in the microbiota in the gut. And those shifts can cause loose stools and bloating. I'm not saying this to discourage low carb. My diet is low carb for medical reasons. Just a possible explanation for her experience. You might be able to prevent this by making sure you eat enough soluble fiber while on a low carb diet.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't know why they say it either. Perhaps some people choose low carb because it cuts out many of their trigger foods that they have trouble moderating, which caused them to gain weight previously. So once they get down to their goal weight they reintroduce those foods, and then the cravings come rushing back and they overeat them again hence the weight regain.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    You really don't have to forever. People who say you have to do it forever are making an assumption that you see a "diet" or weight loss as a short-term process, which may not be correct. They might do better by suggesting that if you don't want to go low carb forever, you have an exit strategy for maintenance instead of going back to old habits.

    But shouldn't everyone have an exit strategy for maintenance? When the question "are you going to eat that way forever" is posed to someone eating low carb, paleo, clean, etc, it carries the connotation that what you eat or how you eat is the determining factor in success, and not how much you eat.

    I'm not sure why people think that when someone stops eating low carb, they are just going to go back to their old habits and not pay attention to the amount of food they are eating. There are plenty of low carb people who count calories, just like there are plenty of "eat everything in moderation" people who lose or maintain without counting calories or even weighing their food.

    Well, the exit strategy for someone who just eats less calories is "Eat 500 more calories." The exit strategy for someone doing Low Carb or anything special is either keep doing that with more calories, or hope to hell you'll be able to eat the things you cut out to facilitate your weight loss without overeating now.

    I can maintain without logging my food now because I didn't change the way I eat, just the amount, and thus learned normal portion sizes of the things I normally eat.

    There are many people who use various techniques throughout their journey; this is especially true the fitness community. I know several people who use low carb to lose weight, and when they are ready for maintenance, they will slowly add carbs back. The same can be done with any dietary strategy. The bigger question is, did the person educate themselves enough to properly transition. I view this as being on different than body builders or fitness models using various strategies depending where they are with their training and how close to competitions.

    I agree, and that is basically what people mean when they say "Can you do this for life" or occasionally "And what do you do when you're done with it" when the dieting approach is obviously meant temporary. If you transition from one way of eating to another, you need to know of both. If you ate low carb without counting calories no problem does not necessarily mean you'll be able to when you reintroduce carbs. Especially since many people who start low carb diets do it out of the feeling they can't handle carbs in moderation.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I have yet to see a single low carb person who did not cut out very specific food types because of their carb content.
  • sherryrichie
    sherryrichie Posts: 114 Member
    For me, low carb eating helps control my cravings for carbs. I'm nowhere near my goal, but I have learned that because my body is insulin resistant, T2D, I will always have to control the amount of carbs I eat, or else my insulin level will go up and I will start storing fat again and I have more bouts of out-of-control eating.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    PinkSuede wrote: »
    You don't have to eat low carb to keep it off but it certainly helps. My mom lost 80 low carbing in the 90s and never put it back on. I did it as well, lost 60, but I wouldn't do it again. Just wasn't for me.... it can be hard going back to eating starchy foods though. It took me years before I could eat potatoes without getting the runs after that.

    Hmm. I did not know that was an issue.

    Me neither, and I know MANY MANY people who've used a low carb approach, and many others who used a SLOW carb approach.
  • ummijaaz560
    ummijaaz560 Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks all who have added to the discussion.

    Does anyone know how carbs affect stomach bloat? Or is there no connection?

    Also why do I get really hungry after eating pasta, like spaghetti with meatballs, but if I eat just meatballs I'm fine?

  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I think the general assumption is that if you stray from your diet/change of eating habits, then your body will change to compensate. Sometimes for the worse.

    You can pretty much fill in the blank of "If you go _____ to lose weight, you have to eat like that forever" with most diets out there, according to the general assumption.