

  • MyLif3B3Lik3
    Hello i cant say i understand where your coming from personally but i will say i would like to be your friend and be there with you along the way in your journey to change, every day will not be a good day that's the 1st thing you must accept and you have to want it more than the excuses you are going to make for your self (i struggle with this myself) but you can over come anything you set your mind to, looking forward to getting to know you....

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    The most important thing is that you have made a decision to do it. Now say this to yourself often --- You CAN do this!!! Sounds easy, but it's taken practice for me. You also have to turn off any negative self talk that you have, which is super hard! I had to practice at this. I will NOT get mad at myself if I go over one day or don't work out that night. I will not feel guilty either. I listen to my body and what it needs.

    Like you I am an emotional eater/drinker. I lost my dad when I was 9 in a car accident and I was the only one in the car with him. I have had major survivors guilt most of my life, until the last year. I started taking care of myself, eating better, working out, and then sought counseling. I've come so far I'm sometimes in shock at how well I'm doing. Last night I said good bye to my niece, nephew and sister in law (said goodbye to my brother - aka my bff - last week), it was incredibly hard especially when my niece clung to me and repeated over and over "don't go don't go!!!" It was all I could do on the drive home not to stop and get ice cream or beer. I did treat myself to a coffee today, but found one with a LOT less calories than what I had previously been getting.

    Just remember, YOU CAN DO THIS!!! No negative self talk!!! We are all here for you!
  • dsignite88
    dsignite88 Posts: 3 Member
    I would try going in baby steps. Try eating more fruits and vegetables and healthy foods. Seeing a regular doctor is definitely a good idea. You might want to concentrate on your eating habits first and then when you are more accustomed to eating less, try a non strenuous form of exercise such as walking or swimming. Good luck!

    Yeah I definitely agree with all this. Just take it a day at a time as well. You're going to have good days and bad days but you CAN do it. You are sooo much stronger than you think you are. Best of luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You can do this. One step at a time, one day at a time.
  • catbubbles
    catbubbles Posts: 28

    Good luck in your journey. This has been a great support group for me and I know it will be for you as well. If you have a smartphone or tablet, I would definitely suggest downloading this app to that device because when I have to constantly see it, I'm reminded to get moving.

    Using your smartphone is a GREAT idea. I have the app and it helps me keep on track so much. I may even be a bit obsessive, which helps too. Many times I am logging what I am eating as I am eating it. This way I can put in how much I am allowing myself to eat and then I know I should stop at that amount because I already have it entered. It makes me rethink before I eat more than I allotted myself.

    MFP can be very supportive. Just knowing that you are doing if for yourself, but others are watching can be motivating. When you see your MFP friends doing well, it makes you want to keep up and do well also. If you want friends, you can add me.

    Just stick to it and remember it is all about your health and happiness!!!!
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Hi, at least you aren't ignoring the problem anymore, and going to your doctor and joining this site are great first steps. If you'd like to be friends, feel free to add me.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    even a simple walk each night after dinner will help so much! you don't have to jump into a full blown routine and change, which might overwhelm you. incorporate walks into your life each day. you have dogs? if so, walk them, if not, put some headphones in, and walk! when you are preparing your food, cut your portions down, leave some ingredients down. im about to switch over to maintenance, and even when I do, im going to use ingredients different from what I used before. fruits can be turned into awesome treats! do you have a sweet tooth? I do! I like to take some frozen fresh mixed berries, put into the blender with a cup of 30 cal almond milk, and blend it up, top with 15 cal fat free cool whip! my kids love it! or, slice up a banana, and freeze it. put the frozen banana into the blender with a scoop of peanut butter and a cup of 30 cal almond milk... mmmmm peanut butter banana smoothie! same thing with food, be creative! make a huge salad, try new veggies, use pomegranate seeds and the juice with red vinegar for dressing instead of some high cal fatty ranch. add fresh spinach to almost any pasta / Asian meal to make your small portion larger without the added calories. you can do it!
  • ashandloggiesmom
    ashandloggiesmom Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! You can't say no to food entirely, but you absolutely CAN say no to eating the way you are used to doing it! This site is a great help, add me I would love to help motivate you. Take it one day at a time, on my good days when I eat well, it gives me the motivation to keep at it the next. But it all starts with ONE day, the one that you decide you need change and your already there :) Kudos to you!
  • mmouse90
    mmouse90 Posts: 83
    Don't look at it as a diet since they are temporary and fail; look at it as a lifestyle change. You are changing the way you eat and treat your body because you want to be a good role model for your sister. Also make the changes at a comfortable pace and not all at once. If you try to change too much at one time you will become very frustrated. I started by no longer going to fast food places and no more soda. I started drinking teas and juices and if I was eating out it had to be a restaurant where I had to sit down and eat at. Then I started replacing the teas and juices with water (kept green tea since that is suppose to help in weight loss) and started cooking meals at home. It was gradual but every time I just tried to make a lot of changes at once I became frustrated and went back to my old ways. I did it with exercise as well, started walking then moved to jogging and would go as long as I could then would walk some more. I actually set a path for me work with that was 1.5 miles; I would jog as much of it as I could but in order to get home I still had to walk the rest of it. Learning how portions really work and calories associated with them has help a lot as well. I took the time to learn as much as I could using the internet on how to calculate my calories, substitute lower calorie ingredients in my recipes and things like that. Its not easy at first and takes some getting use to you but you eventually do get there.
  • 08kat
    08kat Posts: 51
    You've already taken the first step. Don't look back, just keep moving forward and you will succeed. Feel free to add me as a friend :flowerforyou: