Does group support work and is it necessary?

I've been told that getting support for weight loss from a group of people isn't essential and that you don't need to verbalize your feelings in public and probably shouldn't.

What do you think?


  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    I think it is a personal choice, I find that i do better in either a group setting face to face such as weight watchers or even on this forum, I find interacting with others supporting them and receiving support from them is helpful to me but I realize it may not be right for everyone.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    I think it's an individual preference. If you do well in that kind of environment then do it.

    I do like online forums for this kind of thing. I've used support forums for a couple life problems and they have been super helpful...however I am pretty private in real life and I protect that privacy to some degree on forums. Anyone with an internet connection can read them - so some amount of caution is definitely good.

    Are you talking about Weight Watchers or TOPS or OA by any chance? They have specific formats that you can learn about online before you go to a face-to-face meeting, too.

  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    Actually I was talking about forums like this one. I'm hesitant to open up in a forum.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Group support doesn't support me. I'll give advice, listen, help out others in the group, but when it came time for me to need help, no one could be bothered. Not that I do better alone, but I know I will help me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Well, no one is going to make you say anything here. If you want to, do it. If you just want to keep it light then do that.

    I think if you keep it strictly about weight loss it is really helpful to use this forum. I've learned a lot here (been on this forum on and off since 2007.)
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Group support doesn't support me. I'll give advice, listen, help out others in the group, but when it came time for me to need help, no one could be bothered. Not that I do better alone, but I know I will help me.

    Yeah. I hear ya. When I needed help people got po'd. They didn't want to hear it. That's what they said.
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    Well, no one is going to make you say anything here. If you want to, do it. If you just want to keep it light then do that.

    I think if you keep it strictly about weight loss it is really helpful to use this forum. I've learned a lot here (been on this forum on and off since 2007.)

    But then you have to wade through other peoples' stuff, don't you? Oh well.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    edited September 2016
    So, do you have a particular question?

    I mean, even if you ask it, you'll get varying answers on a forum. You can't control how people answer you.

    I would say (on this site) don't ask about cleanses, crash/fast-result diets, supplements, "wraps", special teas, etc. That will not get you anywhere, and some of them can't even be discussed on this site: like Multi-level marketing stuff or dangerous plans. This site is heavily into healthy, sustainable slow weight loss (or gain, or maintaining weight.) There is a lot of great fitness info on this site, but the bottom line is find something that you can stick with, maintain a calorie deficit, get a little exercise if you can, and you can reach your goals. No fancy gimmicks, no special diet "plan." Just eat a little less and move some more.
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    I really didn't ask anything. Just wrote about my dieting struggles. *shrug* guess it wasn't welcome.
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    So my question (first post) is still: do you think support of any kind is necessary for success?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Options are talking about...what?

    Did you post another thread that got deleted? I mean, according to "search" you've made one other post in another thread...

    There are some hot topics. Sometimes it's good to get the lay of the land on a forum before jumping in. People will definitely tell it to you straight in forums - but this forum is really tame. The moderators don't tolerate abusive posts.

    Just about everyone here has has "dieting struggles." There are some topics that get strong reactions - but "struggles" is a pretty broad stroke.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    txfyreflye wrote: »
    So my question (first post) is still: do you think support of any kind is necessary for success?

  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I think that on forums like this it's not a good idea. It's too easy to get slammed by a lot of people who know EVERYTHING about dieting - be it the "CICO is the only way" crowd or the "you must do stronglifts 5x5" people or the "everything is science-based evidence and that's the only way" people or what have you.

    So whatever question you ask the chances are someone will say something in a not very nice way as a response.

    HOWEVER - I have found that having my close group of friends is really helpful - I post a LOT on my wall and get a lot of feedback from everyone and we have conversations and so on. We also started a FB group which has been really good too where we do stuff like photo of the day and just talk not only weight loss and exercise but you know - friends stuff. Oh and recipes.

    So I think that having that sort of support (to ME anyway) has been extremely helpful. But, each to their own :)
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks Cahgetsfit. Those were nice words. I think the ones who slam others may have deeper issues than weight loss. I was thinking about this earlier: what good is looking good outside if one has a meanness about them inside. Shouldn't ones success make them more willing to help others instead of silencing them? *shrug*
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Oh you changed your user name. There's nothing wrong with posting about your journey but the message boards aren't blogs and shouldn't be treated like that.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I guess it depends on what kind of support you need. I like the forums for what I get out of them, which are new ideas and perspectives, answers to specific questions, and other people who are going through some of the same things I am.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    txfyreflye wrote: »
    I've been told that getting support for weight loss from a group of people isn't essential and that you don't need to verbalize your feelings in public and probably shouldn't.

    What do you think?

    You've been told correctly. It is not not necessary.

    For me, personally ...

    The last thing on earth I wanted to do when I was losing weight was to let anyone (in person) know about it. I did not want to talk about it and I did not want any (in person) comments.

    Forums are a little different. I tend to talk more in forums, but even so I don't ask a whole lot of questions or reveal a whole lot of feelings and things.

    And people's responses ... mostly good. Probably 99% good. :)
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    txfyreflye wrote: »
    I've been told that getting support for weight loss from a group of people isn't essential and that you don't need to verbalize your feelings in public and probably shouldn't.

    What do you think?

    You've been told correctly. It is not not necessary.

    For me, personally ...

    The last thing on earth I wanted to do when I was losing weight was to let anyone (in person) know about it. I did not want to talk about it and I did not want any (in person) comments.

    Forums are a little different. I tend to talk more in forums, but even so I don't ask a whole lot of questions or reveal a whole lot of feelings and things.

    And people's responses ... mostly good. Probably 99% good. :)

    I see your points. Good thoughts.
    One thing for me is the need to have others involved. I wish I had the strength you and some others do. I simply do not. When I could afford WW, I went there. Now I cannot afford it so I have to find an alternative.

    Anyway thanks for the thoughts.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    txfyreflye wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    txfyreflye wrote: »
    I've been told that getting support for weight loss from a group of people isn't essential and that you don't need to verbalize your feelings in public and probably shouldn't.

    What do you think?

    You've been told correctly. It is not not necessary.

    For me, personally ...

    The last thing on earth I wanted to do when I was losing weight was to let anyone (in person) know about it. I did not want to talk about it and I did not want any (in person) comments.

    Forums are a little different. I tend to talk more in forums, but even so I don't ask a whole lot of questions or reveal a whole lot of feelings and things.

    And people's responses ... mostly good. Probably 99% good. :)

    I see your points. Good thoughts.
    One thing for me is the need to have others involved. I wish I had the strength you and some others do. I simply do not. When I could afford WW, I went there. Now I cannot afford it so I have to find an alternative.

    Anyway thanks for the thoughts.

    For me, it's all about numbers. CI<CO. This is what worked:
    • Enter your information into MFP
    • Select sedentary as your activity level
    • MFP will give you a maximum number of calories to work with
    • Eat that amount or slightly less (weigh your food to ensure you are consuming the correct number of calories)
    • Stick with it
    • If you exercise, log it, but under-estimate the time and intensity for a more accurate number of calories burned.
    • Eat about half the exercise calories back
    • Stick with it
    • Go to your grocery store and browse the aisles reading labels and carefully considering all the options ... there are a lot of options available
    • Experiment with foods to discover which foods have staying power and keep you full longer ... and which don't
    • Stick with it
    • But only stick with it for 3 or 4 months ... this is not a forever thing ... at the end of 3 or 4 months you can reassess the situation and decide if you want a short diet break or if you want to keep going for another 3 or 4 months
    • Focus on other things ... start training to run a marathon or cycling event or kayaking race or something ... take night classes ... volunteer ... clean your house from top to bottom ... take up a hobby ... make your life about something other than food

    The only person who could help me with any of that is my husband. He cooks dinner and in order to help me, he let me choose what I wanted to eat and weighed it out.

    While it's nice to have some friends telling me "well done" and stuff like that, and I appreciate that, there is really nothing they could or can DO. It's all up to me. It's me making the choices, me logging my food, me getting out there and exercising.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    txfyreflye wrote: »
    So my question (first post) is still: do you think support of any kind is necessary for success?

    Support is not absolutely necessary to lose weight.
    It can be necessary for some people to have mentors, sounding boards, buddies, health professionals (including therapists) as a part of their weight loss process.

    The forums here were helpful to me because I had not counted calories before. I had done diets and programs for 15 years and I was frustrated and not confident.
    There is a lot of information here. Members are very responsive and active.