I feel weird.



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    It might take a while, but this will pass. And also I do think that when a person loses weight it can bring up emotional issues that may need some healing. Let me know if you want to talk at all. Maybe there's a book that could help you?

    Someone actually offered me a book suggestion that I took. I'll get it soon. Thanks YOU! I'll message you if I think I need it if the wait it out approach or the book don't do it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I would recommend less mind-altering substances...but what fun would that be?

    :laugh: by the way everytime I see your username my mind goes "la la. la la laaaaaa"
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Just a suggestion:

    Take some new pictures of yourself (with your family or friends) and put them on your desk at work (or somewhere where you will see them doften). You'll see them every day, and after a while you will be so used to them that you will no longer feel strange when you see yourself in them - reset your idea of what you do/should look like.

    I love this idea but I'm gonna try to power thru this phase and just avoid mirrors like a vampire while in progress. Then I'll take and tape up those pics when i get to goal weight. I don't have a desk job so they will just go up all over the house when everyone leaves for the day and come back down when everyone gets back. Also pics in my compacts in place of the mirrors and car shade thingies and cell phone display and screen saver. Maybe in a locket. Just for a month or two till it gets thru my thick head. And I get sick of myself. :laugh:
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member

    Maybe you *should* use your own photo instead of the avatar and stop hiding. Embrace the new you!

  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I totally get what you are saying. Without making going into huge detail, I worked really hard on being more open. I used to be really closed off and not very emotionally available to people. I was always kind of on the defensive waiting for an attack, keeping people at arms length. So I worked hard on this and have much deeper friendships with people now.

    Well, recently I've noticed a few women giving me stink-eye and have gotten a few catty weight related comments from people I thought were friends. Then I noticed I was falling back into that old defensive, bracing for an attack kind of pattern. I have to sort of check on myself and make myself relax and realize that people like that are going to be around and I don't have to live my life to make them comfortable. They're always going to find something in others to pick apart. It's what they do and it actually has very little to do with me.

    It's a hard adjustment to make.
  • podgeford123
    It'll pass.

    Total "man" answer - I like it ;-)
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I think many of us use our fat as armour against the world.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    It'll pass.

    Total "man" answer - I like it ;-)

    Yeah, honestly the minute I saw that one I was like...I'm good. And went away for awhile. Then I came back and appreciated the elaboration and experience and generosity of others.

    But really player had me at "It'll pass."
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I still feel tubby all the time, even though I haven't really been for years. Even when I got way too skinny, I felt like I was an elephant. I think so much of it comes with that whole self-worth thing that seems to be completely foreign to me. My family and friends are even worried I'm 'taking things too far' - but for now, I am focusing on my strength training and endurance and improving my asthma, rather than my weight these days. I'm starting to transition into maintenance in August - but I am not going to give up on being strong and healthy and kicking butt in my workouts. :D
  • PanaMericann
    PanaMericann Posts: 47 Member
    I don't recognize myself anymore. I get treated differently (better) but I still feel the same way I did 40 pounds ago. I guess I can relate to what you're going through. It's just a very sudden change and I'm not used to it.
    I guess I still see the same person I did when I was overweight, except everyone around me sees someone different. I like that I'm thinner but my mind isn't embracing the change yet.
  • JTutz
    JTutz Posts: 69 Member
    It sounds similar to when I'd gotten a new, radically different haircut once & whenever I'd catch a glimpse of my reflection I'd have a split second of "who dafuq??" Your head just needs a minute to catch up with your body.