How often do you log?

This has probably been asked before, but here go nothing:

How often and when do you log your food? Before you eat? If so, several days before, the night before? After you eat? If so, how long do you wait before you log?

Do you log your foods for the next day the night before (as in do you plan what you're going to eat the night before)? Or do you plan what you're going to eat that morning or a few hours before eating?

Just curious


  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    I prelog the next day. Sometimes the whole week ahead. (It helps with grocery shopping)

    Then I just follow the menu and adjust as needed.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    i log as i eat. if i wait i would forget. weigh and log.
  • machelle04
    machelle04 Posts: 690 Member
    I log after I eat with my job I can't pre plan very many meals. I do sometimes get busy forget and have to go back and log previous meals.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    jennitm wrote: »
    I can't remember what I walked in the next room for.... I gotta log as I go.

    lol yep.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I always logged at the end of the day.

    My daytime eating was pretty consistent so I didn't worry about the variables on that.
    I am kind of a 'wing it for dinner' kind of person and just logged after I ate. Sometimes I'd be a tad over; others under, it all evened out on my weekly goals.

    I should say I didn't have a lot to lose and I had more of a problem moving enough rather than eating too much.

    Cheers, h.
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    I log after I get my plate of food but before I pick up my fork.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    I eat the same lunch and breakfast and snacks everyday except weekends. I can pre log the whole week like this. Tweak it each day. We have about 10 - 15 different dinners, recipes already created and I too tweak and log those each day after ingredients are weighed. We decide what we are having before off to work!

    If I hate what I am eating today, I will just change the log and replace it with what I want, or what I ate.

    Weekends are discussed usually Sat first thing in the a.m. and we buy food Saturday morning for weekend.

    One exception is my training will dictate Friday dinner meal but everything else is normal. For example I have a race Saturday so what I eat tomorrow night will be different. I have a Birthday tomorrow and putting off all birthday eating till after the race.. all in pre-planning..

    Sounds redundant and boring but it works. :)

  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    On weekends, I log it as I eat it.
    On work days, I prepare all of my food in the morning and log it as I pack it. (Breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the day). Then I log dinner when I eat it.

  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    2111Cai wrote: »
    This has probably been asked before, but here go nothing:

    How often and when do you log your food? Before you eat? If so, several days before, the night before? After you eat? If so, how long do you wait before you log?

    Do you log your foods for the next day the night before (as in do you plan what you're going to eat the night before)? Or do you plan what you're going to eat that morning or a few hours before eating?

    Just curious

    As my boyfriend says, "Fit life is an outlet for OCD," which in my case is entirely too true. I log at least a day in advance and sometimes, I'll log all week days in advance. It's just easier. I work a desk job and know that I have to pack my lunch the night before anyway so I might as well pre-log. It helps to meet macros.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Unless I know ahead of time what I'm eating, I log either while I'm making it or eating it
  • z4oslo
    z4oslo Posts: 229 Member
    TBH I dont log anything at all.

    This is why: I cant see myself doing it for the rest of my life. I cant even see myself doing it for a few months, so logging is off the table.
    I dont have any forbidden food either. Instead I eat the things I would usually eat, just in smaller portions.

    So how do I know I eat enough, but not too much? I dont I guess. Instead I trust evolution - meaning I eat when im hungry (and only then) and eat really slow. I then eat untill im satisfied or full but never stuffed.

    Ive done this for a couple of months now and lost 11 kg so far.
    I dont get any cravings, and I dont think about food unless im hungry.

    I can certainly do this for life. After all the only change ive done is eating slowly and not eat because im bored. thats a very small price to pay to get healthier.

    I also walk around 12k steps pr day and training to run 5K as well.

    Oh and ive stopped smoking .. well kinda of - using e-cigarettes instead but will quit that too at some point.

    so no weird diets, and no counting! And i eat carbs like crazy! Probably 60-70% of my food intake is carbs.
    I might add that im kinda "lucky" as ive never craved food with sugar.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I log at least a week in advance and then just tweak things as I go along. I have to be organized, I work long hours and my husband can't cook so I plan all three meals and snacks for both of us. I do a lot of crock pot and make ahead meals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I haven't logged a thing in almost 3.5 years...but when I did log, I usually pre-logged the day so I always knew where I was and then I'd just make adjustments as necessary if something changed from my plan.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I log ahead if I know what I'll be having, usually breakfast and lunch during the week. Evenings and weekends I try to log as soon as I eat.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Breakfast and lunch during the week is same so I prelog those and adjust amounts as I go (like today I had 86g of chicken in my wrap, yesterday it was 79g). Same with my snacks (most of which is coffee). Dinner I will prelog when I decide what we're having and adjust amounts while cooking/plating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    When I'm eating by myself, I log while I'm eating.

    I often prelog new meals as I'm creating them, for two reasons:

    1. If they don't contain meat I want to check the protein content
    2. If they might be high calorie I want to see how much I can eat or if I need to eat lighter earlier in the day
  • Amym26
    Amym26 Posts: 83 Member
    edited September 2016
    I log a week in advance, then tweak as I go if I change my mind about what I had planned to eat. I can't not log, as my brain will still tell me to eat as much as possible so I don't starve. :) My brain doesn't understand moderation, it still thinks I am a cave person with little nourishment.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    I log as I go .. I can see how much I can eat for dinner that way.. tracking is good .. after awhile you know what to eat and stay in calories .
    It kind of a learning tool and accountability partner

    Good luck
  • Rogus1
    Rogus1 Posts: 60 Member
    How interesting! I never thought about logging days in advance, but I don't plan meals ahead other than sometimes dinner, but only a day or two ahead.
  • momoisgorgeousss
    momoisgorgeousss Posts: 40 Member
    I log all my food before I eat it, and then I go back after I'm done eating and update it if I didn't finish the serving size, or if I ate more than the serving size.