Carb grams v. Sugar grams


I was just diagnosed with diabetes and have three months from my doc to get on a healthy plan and eat well.

I'm really confused by the whole grams of sugar and grams of carbs. Don't sugar grams count the same as carb grams? I am trying to limit any added sugars and eat sugars that appear naturally, but I still keep going over my sugar grams but do really well on my overall carb grams on MVP.

If anyone could help clear up my confusion, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sugar from fructose, lactose and other sources like table sugar, honey, agave syrup, or maple syrup are the same...gram for gram on MFP. They are not separated out in the Food Diary.

    Didn't your doctor give you a meal plan? There are good plans on the diabetes site, or you can google low GI meals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    sugar is a subset of carbs. There is no difference between added sugars and naturally occurring sugars where your body is concerned...your body treats them the same.

    Can your doctor refer you to a dietitian?

    Here is a good place to start educating yourself about the disease.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    As far as diabetes is concerned, sugar and other carbs are pretty well interchangeable. I used to get my highest sugar readings from eating white rice.

    Do you have a sugar tester yet?

    This visualization was the handiest advice when I was newly diagnosed.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    As another said, sugar is a type of carbs. I find that the higher the sugar content, the lower the fibre content and the more likely someone is to have their blood glucose elevated. As someone with insulin resistance, I avoid sugar (table sugar, honey, syrup, agave, HFCS, etc) and limit my carb intake. That often lowers blood glucose level to normal levels, within days, for many with early T2D.

    I found Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution to be a wonderful guide to cutting sugars and carbs while lowering insulin needs.

    The Low Carber Daily group is also a great source of information on how to reduce carbs and sugars.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member

    I was just diagnosed with diabetes and have three months from my doc to get on a healthy plan and eat well.

    I'm really confused by the whole grams of sugar and grams of carbs. Don't sugar grams count the same as carb grams? I am trying to limit any added sugars and eat sugars that appear naturally, but I still keep going over my sugar grams but do really well on my overall carb grams on MVP.

    If anyone could help clear up my confusion, I would really appreciate it.

    Thank you!

    Good question. I was told in one of these threads that I should be watching Carbs rather than Sugar. Just like you, I hardly ever go over my Carbs, but am almost always over my Sugars. I don't understand it yet either, but will follow your thread and see where it leads.