getting a divorce has thrown me completely off the track



  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I can totally relate to how major life events can impact your relationship with food and exercise. I relocated with my family this year, a happy thing, but extraordinarily stressful. Just wanted to throw my support out there - I'm struggling big time so I cannot imagine how tough it must be with your circumstances. Good luck.
  • mwopm3
    mwopm3 Posts: 21 Member
    Lots of great comments and thoughts here. We all suffer with losses of one kind or another. Sometimes in stress I under-eat and sometimes overeat. That's just the stress trying to find a way out of your body/mind. Consciously replacing those tendencies with heathy habits is the key for me. I agree with others to treat yourself with kindness as you find your new normal.