Stress eating.

In the last two years stress eating has been a horrible enemy of mine. I just recently noticed that this is why I've been gaining weight (15 pounds in two years). If you're struggling too and want someone to hold you accountable/ hold them accountable. Add me!


  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    You can add me!!
  • OverseasMom
    OverseasMom Posts: 76 Member
    Add me, too!
  • TitaniumTexan
    TitaniumTexan Posts: 16 Member
    Anyone on here can add me, too -- it's an eternal struggle (or at least it feels like one) for me!
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Good morning! Feel free to add. I've been struggling a lot with stress eating this past year (a family death and care for elderly parents ), and have had some mini successes lately.
  • coco50mfp
    coco50mfp Posts: 11 Member
    I do a lot of stress eating could do with the help add me