How often do you wash you hair?



  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited September 2016
    My hair is really curly so I only wash it once a week, twice if I work out more. I also put coconut oil in it as a deep conditioner, and I have to wear a bonnet at night to keep the moisture in. I have to be really careful about the products I use, and rotate every few months. The money I've spent on failed shampoos and hair cream... :s
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Every day after exercising.


    OP--I think it depends on your hair type. My hair is long and straight. I shampoo and condition everyday. I like the smell of clean hair. My shampoo and conditioner is Pantene. It seems to work fine for me.

    My hairdresser said my hair looked healthy and gave me a compliment on the color. I use root touch-up for any grey peeping out on the scalp so I can keep the natural highlights from the sun. I rarely use full hair color (maybe every 2-3 years).
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I used to try stretching my washes, as it is recommended for long hair health, but I ended up with a scalp fungus. I wash it almost every work day, because I do workout early morning. But I skip the weekends or if I dont sweat as much. I like not your mother's dry shampoo.
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    I used to try stretching my washes, as it is recommended for long hair health, but I ended up with a scalp fungus.

    I'm going to wash my hair three times as much now.
  • folgers86
    folgers86 Posts: 84 Member
    I shampoo/condition just about every day. I had one hairdresser get all aghast about that...right after she complimented me on how healthy my hair is. Dry shampoo can work in a pinch but I have fine hair and oily skin so shampoo is usually my best bet. If I work out at night then I just rinse my hair post-workout and shampoo in the morning. If your hair is healthy then I'd just keep doing what I was doing if I were you :) I do know people who can't shampoo every day, though, or their hair turns into a ball of fizz.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I had the same thing happen, went to a new hairdresser about 4 years ago, and she asked me about my haircare routine, and about passed out when I said that I used 2-1 shampoo/conditioner everyday. haha. She pointed out that my scalp was really dry (likely from stripping all the oils everyday), and that I had a lot of "new growth" that was breaking off near the scalp (likely from dryness/too frequent shampooing).

    Now I wash every other day. If I work up a sweat on non-wash days, I typically just condition and rinse. I use dry shampoo and/or texture powder on my roots to give it some of the lift it looses on the second day.

    My hair is way healthier, and looks way better than it did four years ago. :-)
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    I usually rinse it if I know that I'm going to be showering later in the day.. otherwise I straight-up wash it. But I refuse to go a day without washing it!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Usually every other day.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    Cocoa powder. OMG, I think this thread just changed my life.

    I've alternated between being a daily shampooer and trying to be an every-other-day shampooer. But inevitably, the every-other-day system just never works for me. My scalp doesn't ever adjust like everyone says it will, and I've never found a dry shampoo that actually works well, doesn't leave a weird residue on my hair or clothes, and that doesn't have a funky smell. I have a sensitive nose, maybe, but I swear, I can smell that dry shampoo funk on everyone else, and I don't like to smell it on myself. I DID have Living Proof on my list of "next dry shampoo to try" but I think I'm just going to go home and get some cocoa powder and maybe a little cornstarch to lighten it a bit (because I'm kind of a dark blonde) and try that. I'll put it on with a makeup brush, I think. I'll report back, because I know you'll all be on the edge of your seat.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    Cocoa powder. OMG, I think this thread just changed my life.

    I've alternated between being a daily shampooer and trying to be an every-other-day shampooer. But inevitably, the every-other-day system just never works for me. My scalp doesn't ever adjust like everyone says it will, and I've never found a dry shampoo that actually works well, doesn't leave a weird residue on my hair or clothes, and that doesn't have a funky smell. I have a sensitive nose, maybe, but I swear, I can smell that dry shampoo funk on everyone else, and I don't like to smell it on myself. I DID have Living Proof on my list of "next dry shampoo to try" but I think I'm just going to go home and get some cocoa powder and maybe a little cornstarch to lighten it a bit (because I'm kind of a dark blonde) and try that. I'll put it on with a makeup brush, I think. I'll report back, because I know you'll all be on the edge of your seat.

    Have you tried the Dove stuff? It's my favourite dry shampoo because it just smells vaguely soapy instead of, I don't know, SCENTED!!1!, if you know what I mean. I like it better than all the pricey salon or Sephora ones I've tried and especially better than the overbearing Battiste scents.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Twice a week. I work out five times a week and my hair gets pretty damp because I wear a hat when I exercise. But, my hair is also very long, super thick, and tends to be dry, so I really don't need to wash more than twice a week. I also have a bright colour (magenta ombré) that will fade too quickly if washed too often. In between washes I will wash my side bangs as needed, use dry shampoo, etc.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    Cocoa powder. OMG, I think this thread just changed my life.

    I've alternated between being a daily shampooer and trying to be an every-other-day shampooer. But inevitably, the every-other-day system just never works for me. My scalp doesn't ever adjust like everyone says it will, and I've never found a dry shampoo that actually works well, doesn't leave a weird residue on my hair or clothes, and that doesn't have a funky smell. I have a sensitive nose, maybe, but I swear, I can smell that dry shampoo funk on everyone else, and I don't like to smell it on myself. I DID have Living Proof on my list of "next dry shampoo to try" but I think I'm just going to go home and get some cocoa powder and maybe a little cornstarch to lighten it a bit (because I'm kind of a dark blonde) and try that. I'll put it on with a makeup brush, I think. I'll report back, because I know you'll all be on the edge of your seat.

    Have you tried the Dove stuff? It's my favourite dry shampoo because it just smells vaguely soapy instead of, I don't know, SCENTED!!1!, if you know what I mean. I like it better than all the pricey salon or Sephora ones I've tried and especially better than the overbearing Battiste scents.

    I have, in fact Dove is the one on my counter right now, and I don't like the smell at all. I think I'm just really weird about scents. I kind of liked the Pantene one, because it didn't really smell like anything - but it also didn't WORK - my hair still looked greasy.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Not sure if it's available in the US (I'm in Canada) but I love Cake's dry shampoo. It's a powder and actually smells like delicious cake :smile:
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    When I join MFP I had short (really short hair) and washed every day.. Now it is loooong and I get really tired of washing it everyday. I actually have to wash every other or every two days.. What do I do with the sweating workouts (and I sweat like a man too), blow it out and use dry shampoo and tie it up.

    I am 80% platinum/grey so putting it up is a must anyways unless its the first washing.
  • GinaMarieG27
    GinaMarieG27 Posts: 29 Member
    lrobson555 wrote: »
    What on earth has this got to do with exercise, you may ask!

    I've been counting calories for a while now and have been exercising quite a lot too. I run or cycle 5 or 6 days a week and find that it works really well for me.

    Not to gross anyone out, but when I workout I like to get my heart rate nice and high which means I sweat. A lot. When I get home I always take a shower and wash my hair meaning I wash my hair everyday - no one wants sweaty hair.

    Anyway, last Saturday I went to the hairdressers for the first time in ages and she asked how often I washed my hair. I told her everyday and she looked horrified!! She said I should only wash it every 2-3 days MAXIMUM and that I should stop washing my hair everyday immediately!!

    What on earth is that all about? Is washing my hair everyday really damaging it? Should I be putting up with the sweaty hair? How often do you wash your hair?!

    Yes!! I only wash mine once a week or twice a week if I have to! If you wait an hour your scalp dries and feels normal again. Just make sure your hair is tied up so the ends and stuff don't get too wet.

    My recommendation is go to sephora online and order a dry shampoo! I live off of it. After your head dries naturally from sweating you can use the dry shampoo. Works miracles trust me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    JeepHair77 wrote: »
    Cocoa powder. OMG, I think this thread just changed my life.

    I've alternated between being a daily shampooer and trying to be an every-other-day shampooer. But inevitably, the every-other-day system just never works for me. My scalp doesn't ever adjust like everyone says it will, and I've never found a dry shampoo that actually works well, doesn't leave a weird residue on my hair or clothes, and that doesn't have a funky smell. I have a sensitive nose, maybe, but I swear, I can smell that dry shampoo funk on everyone else, and I don't like to smell it on myself. I DID have Living Proof on my list of "next dry shampoo to try" but I think I'm just going to go home and get some cocoa powder and maybe a little cornstarch to lighten it a bit (because I'm kind of a dark blonde) and try that. I'll put it on with a makeup brush, I think. I'll report back, because I know you'll all be on the edge of your seat.

    Oh yeah, it was cornstarch that my friends with lighter hair mixed in, not baking soda lol. I couldn't remember. Let us know how it goes. It has changed my life. I will never go back to dry shampoo again.
  • kristenmeleniak
    kristenmeleniak Posts: 46 Member
    I workout basically everyday AND wash my hair everyday. My hair is thick and healthy and down to my butt. I always hear that you shouldn't wash your hair this often, but it works for me. Do what works for you!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    I workout basically everyday AND wash my hair everyday. My hair is thick and healthy and down to my butt. I always hear that you shouldn't wash your hair this often, but it works for me. Do what works for you!!

    Yep ... me too. :)

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    If you are not washing your hair, please stay at home for the health and safety of your neighbours ;)

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Hamsibian wrote: »
    My hair is really curly so I only wash it once a week, twice if I work out more. I also put coconut oil in it as a deep conditioner, and I have to wear a bonnet at night to keep the moisture in. I have to be really careful about the products I use, and rotate every few months. The money I've spent on failed shampoos and hair cream... :s

    Curly life!