72 year old food addict starts new program



  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    It almost sounds like you are doing Low carb high fat....almost. Look into it
  • lthur714
    lthur714 Posts: 105 Member
    edited November 2016
    Wow....sounds like you are really motivated! Usually it's really hard to just go "cold turkey" on wheat and sugar but good for you! May I ask why you are eating that icky instant oatmeal? Get the real thing, cook it and you will see there is a big difference. Real oatmeal still has all the good stuff in it while the instant is so processed. Also, try red wheat berries (from Earthfare or Whole Foods). They are so good and so filling and full of fiber (major gas if you eat too many at first). I eat them for breakfast but you can mixed them with other stuff for a filling salad. Also, be sure to try out the pastas that are high protein. Some are also made with vegetables. You can't tell the difference in what you've been used to eating. There's no sense in banning good food from your diet. Just be sensible and watch those portions. I found out eating berries is great for getting more fiber. I also recently found out eating beef jerky is high in protein and low in all the bad stuff, plus it keeps me from snacking on other stuff I shouldn't. I'm not a big fish either, but I finally am enjoying fresh salmon (with lots of lemon/herbs and stuff like mango salsa). Also, I found out that a serving lemon/pepper grilled catfish only has a little over a hundred calories so I'm going for that as well. Tuna fish without mayo? Just use "Lite mayo" it only has 35 calories for a whole tablespoon. It tastes like the real deal and you can eat it without the guilt.
  • mskatz1
    mskatz1 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for your comment and your supportive "congratulations." yes, cutting out brown bread, potatoes, and rice, but have had a few cheats the past few days--so I have to get back with the program. oatmeal virtually every day with almond milk as my program requires one grain for breakfast and oatmeal is the easiest--I make up a good size batch in advance, weigh out my 4 oz., put in almond milk, nuke it in the microwave for 45-50 seconds, usually add 6 oz. of blackberries to it and off I go.
  • mskatz1
    mskatz1 Posts: 25 Member
    need to get back on my program after a couple of bad days of eating--perhaps election disappointment and working for Hillary at her headquarters in Mountain View with candy and other crap food available contributed, but I take full responsibility; going to Mazatlan, Mexico for three weeks after Thanksgiving by myself and hope to get into better shape physically, mentally, and spiritually--as I disengage from this horrendous, toxic political discourse in US--which reached new lows of character defamation.
  • Cliffrose1
    Cliffrose1 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand how you feel about the election. I found myself wanting to stuff my face Tues. night. I was planning on starting a new food plan yesterday but couldn't muster the enthusiasm....wanted to console myself with food. But this morning I am motivated and determined not to let anyone do this to me. So I weighed myself and have started off good so far, tracking my food here on MFP. Keep up the faith and the good work!