Negative calories



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have many ONE meal days that take all my cals. I don't even bother to eat to more if I am over by what ever time that meal came. And I certainly do not increase my deficit over the next day or two or three to make up if you decide to eat again later on. I need those calories on those days.

    This is most likely not ever gonna be first time life happens.. Life is social, and social usually means eating with family and friends that will not be in line with your diet.

    Strategize how you must to stay on point with your deficit.

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited September 2016
    Just eat a ton of celery for dinner. I've heard so many people claim that celery has 'negative calories' - that it takes more energy to chew and digest than you get from actually eating it. Eat enough of it and you could, in theory, burn off all the extra ones you had for lunch, too!

    (Btw, I'm kidding. ;) Although celery is pretty low calorie, it's not magic. )

    OP: Log your day honestly and move on.

    Even though I track my food on a daily basis, I look at the overall weekly picture of my intake to determine where I stand. If I have a high calorie unplanned meal (like the pizza we decided to order last night because life happens!) I will simply adjust my intake today a little as well as walk a bit more to compensate.

    This process of weight management is only as difficult and stressful as you choose to make it. :)
  • jadefitnow
    jadefitnow Posts: 47 Member
    reminder: this isn't just about one meal, one day. It's about changing the way I look at food. There will always be the occasional party/meal/vacation to contend with and I can't stop "eating to live". If your overall pattern is healthy, the overindulgences of a day won't add up.... (and that's a reminder to myself)
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    If you've used your calorie allotment, you still have 500 or 1000 calories before you hit maintenance.
    I plan a light dinner and try to stay within maintenance, log it, and do better the next day.
  • RhapsodyWinters
    RhapsodyWinters Posts: 128 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    Suppose you go out for brunch and get carried away. Next thing you know, it's a little after noon, and you have no calories left. In fact, you've gone over your goal. You're also in a position where you're not likely to be able to excercise that day.

    How do you figure out dinner, etc if you have no calories left? I'm used to planning based on what I have left, and when I have nothing left to spend on a meal, I almost always just continue to go overboard.

    As long as you eat a low calorie dinner, you shouldn't gain. It's okay to occasionally eat maintenance calories. Just plug maintenance in the calculator and see how many calories you can have to stay at your current weight.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    Get on my rower when I get home and row the excess off - 100 cals/2k meters @ 10 mins.