Started C25K, Who's with me!?



  • CrescentVolf
    CrescentVolf Posts: 87 Member
    Awesome to see so many doing this! :)
  • RunningBuryBlue
    RunningBuryBlue Posts: 25 Member
    Maybe find an exercise you enjoy. If you loathe something, you won't stick at it
  • CrescentVolf
    CrescentVolf Posts: 87 Member
    Maybe find an exercise you enjoy. If you loathe something, you won't stick at it

    Well, I do have plenty to exercises I enjoy. I was a competitive swimmer growing up and get in the pool whenever I can. I also enjoy workouts that Incorporate dance.

    A big reason I'm hoping to learn to like or even love walking and running, is because I love trails and nature and hiking and want to enjoy that to the best of my ability.
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    This morning I'm going out with my brand new running shoes for Week 2, Day 1. This is the real challenge: To see if I can run outside with no knee pain. I'm also gonna skip the hard surface (asphalt or concrete) and try running on grass at the local rec center. It all hinges on today. If no pain, then full steam ahead! If pain, then total bummer.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Awesome @Rinde99! So glad to hear it was a good run and you had no pain in your knee! My son and I did W2D1 yesterday and it felt great. My son was kinda dying (he is 13 and super skinny but not fit) but he persevered and made it. I was so proud of him!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    @Gettingfit2017 Great effort by your son and congrats to you! Wonderful!
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Starting week 4 tomorrow. Weather is supposed to be cooler this week so we'll see how I do!
  • yourfitnessenemy
    yourfitnessenemy Posts: 121 Member
    Just started week 2 and it was easier than week 1 (I didn't feel like I was going to die until the end of my workout).
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Just started week 2 and it was easier than week 1 (I didn't feel like I was going to die until the end of my workout).

    Good job!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    janekana wrote: »
    I'm getting into running myself! Question for all of you who use treadmills and just starting out, what speed do you guys put yourself in? I don't know if I'm doing this too slowly :(

    You should work out at your own speed. You should be going very slow when starting.
    I completed the entire C25K on the treadmill. Make sure that your breathing isn't too laboured. A common (and, I find effective) test is to speak a short sentence aloud. If you're panting it out, slow down.
    Something to remember: a person can actually run slower than they walk.

    Speed comes over time.....lots of time.....on your feet. You won't find speed in your C25K training.

    @janekana - Yes, you should actually be running very slowly. If you can't talk, and especially if you're panting or huffing and puffing you are going too fast. The point of this is to build endurance. Speed will come much later. Even elite runners spend 80% of their training time running at a pace that is slow for them.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    Even elite runners spend 80% of their training time running at a pace that is slow for them.

    Great advice. This is something that I'm just learning now......after about 4 years of running. It's great advice.
    I now run every second run at a slow-for-me paced and it's a better, longer, more motivating run.

  • CrescentVolf
    CrescentVolf Posts: 87 Member
    Just completed Day 2! Couldn't do it until it was dark, and my husband didn't want me to go at night by myself, so he did it with me! It helped me to have someone there with me, and he stayed at my pace which was nice as I know he can go much faster! :)
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Finished Day 2 of Week 2 this am. Felt a little tougher than the same run on Monday. It was hotter today and jogged the running intervals a little faster. But I did it. Can't believe I'll be running 3 minutes next week!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You are all doing great! Remember to slow down as required. Focus on making the time; don't worry about speed.

    Keep up the effort; it's well worth it.
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    You are all doing great! Remember to slow down as required. Focus on making the time; don't worry about speed.

    Keep up the effort; it's well worth it.

    I know I'm supposed to slow down but my ego gets in the way. It's difficult to hear app tell me such a slow running pace after being a good runner years ago. I'm telling myself that what I did in my 30s has no relevance now but I'm having a hard time with it. I'm gonna have to go slower next week, however or I'll never make 3 minute intervals.

    Thanks so much for the support. I appreciate it.
  • erinc5
    erinc5 Posts: 329 Member
    I quit because I was not a fan of the run/walk/run/walk/run/walk pattern. I did the first 3 weeks, then decided to just go running for a certain amount of time, and I'm upping that time every week or so. I started out at straight 15 min run (then a cool down walk), and now, I'm running 30 minutes straight each time. I will continue to add 2 or 3 minutes to my time every week until I reach 45 mins straight, and then I may add a "speed" day each week, but keep the longer runs as well. My method may not work for everyone, but it kept me from getting bored. And my last run was 2.8 miles in 30 minutes, so I am happy with my results so far!
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    Well done for starting :smile: I'm on Week 5 and am currently doing it on a treadmill! Best of luck with it :smile:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Rinde99 wrote: »
    I know I'm supposed to slow down but my ego gets in the way.

    Mine does, too. The hardest thing for me is to be okay with running slower than I feel I "should" be running. I'm slowly learning that running too fast can make for a miserable run because I'm tired, sore, uncomfortable, etc.
    I'm now consciously running "long and slow" every second run. It's a struggle to keep my pace slow. However, it's getting easier to commit to because these "long and slow" runs are comfortable, enjoyable and so easy well, I can run longer distances than ever. So far, I've tested up to 7K without problem and without tiring. I plan to test it longer every week to see how far I can go.
    But it's an ego struggle, I admit, at least at first.

    Every other second run I'm continuing with the C210K app and pushing the speed more.
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Sounds like you have a system that's working for you, @PaytraB . I just need to find a pace that allows me to breathe easily and that I can hold for next week's 3 minute runs.