Eating clean, then not.



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You eating more fiber foods or tough vegetables like raw broccoli?
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    If this is really all true, including the fact that you're a hypochondriac, have anxiety and blow anything anyone says to you out of proportion, then I would stop reading this thread.

    The last thing you want to do is post something like that to a bunch of strangers and expect not to have a bit of sarcasm come back at you (on this or any other website) And for you to have these mental issues on top of everything else...??

    Oh, good lord.

    BTW, just go back to the "clean" eating, or whatever it was. You seemed to feel better during that time. No, you're not dying and you don't have a disease.

    Totally agree. You can't expect a message board to be considerate (being totally serious here). Add some friends and post a status or send a message.
  • I am sorry but you only ate clean for two days and I highly doubt your body changed that much in two days. More than likely it is mental. If you want to eat clean that is great, but be realistic about food and don't go down the road of food demonization. It will NOT be beneficial to your success.

    Good luck! FYI: I was diagnosed with ocd, ptsd, anxiety and hypocondria when I was a teen but have been in control of it all for over 5 years without mind numbing meds.
  • Wow, 2 days! WTG! Thanks for the giggle.

    Ahem. Hi. First of all, way to post a sarcastic, rude, and completely NEGATIVE comment - yeah you're really making people feel good about themselves. Just because you're closer to your goal weight than she is, doesn't mean you should be rude. In fact, since you have success with losing weight, then maybe you should offer her advice. At 61 years old, maybe you shouldn't be so immature. Always remember, successful people want other people to be successful, so maybe you're not as successful as you think.
  • Ginastern1
    Ginastern1 Posts: 21 Member
    Please do not eat Tums, as they only mask the symptoms and not the problem... the solution is .which is eating correctly. I know it is hard, or else none of us would be on this site. Ignore all of the sarcastic people and concentrate on your goal; eating healthy and losing weight. I can recommend several sites for anti inflammatory issues which cause you to need Tums. Dr. Weil and JJ Virgin, and also Dr. Larson all have alternatives that are a healthy way to deal with gut issues. I wish you well. I find that when I omit sugar, gluten and dairy I feel tons better.....
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    What was the portion size of the fast food? I have found that when i eat a sane portion, I dont get the same gut wrenching tear out my insides effects. When I went to taco bell, it used to be a nachos bell grande and half pound beef and potato burrito. You wouldn't want to live with me after that. Now I might get two or three tacos. Totally different affects.

    In general i respond better to the food you are describing, but still resort to fast food in a pinch. Doesn't have to be one or the other completely.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    So here's my situation. I ate perfectly clean for 2 days. Under calorie goal, a bit over on fiber, a bit over on protein. Fish, not red meat. Nothing deep fried, no take out. Lots of fruit and water only. I'd workout daily.

    Well I got really busy so (stupidly) I sorta went back to old eating habits: Taco Bell, some McDs, Pizza, whatever was made for dinner (usually oily,) and not working out. Yada yada yada.

    Well I feel like my body is rejecting that unhealthy lifestyle... After I eat, I get a bit nauseous and burp for like 30 minutes. Anyone else deal with this sort of thing? Generally I'm guessing the smart thing to do would be to get back on the wagon and see if my tummy feels better.

    (When commenting, please keep in mind that I am hypochondriac and I have anxiety. Be light with your words, please. I honestly tend to take things out of proportion. I'd google my symptoms but it'll tell me I have a deadly disease and I would probably have a panic attack....)

    Is it possible then that the feeling are more emotional than physical? Eating a sensible portion of fast food isn't going to harm you. This idea that there are good "clean" foods and bad, I suppose call them "dirty" foods, is patently ludicrous, but clearly provides financial support to most of the diet industry while adding so much unnecessary stress to so many people's lives. Step back and realize that food doesn't have to be a chore. Get a reasonable amount of fat, protein, carbs, fiber, calcium and your basic vitamins. You'll be fine.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hypochondria just doesn't sound pleasant to me. Maybe you should get that checked out.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just stick to a balance of 80% 'healthy' and 20% less healthy. That gives you a good balance, ensuring you get the nutrients you need while still being able to have treats or the odd treat meal. Some have a treat daily, and others save up and have a nice meal at the weekend, with dessert. Doing this, you are less likely to fall off the wagon as you are getting the things you really enjoy still as well as making sure to get the foods you need nutritionally.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Wow, 2 days! WTG! Thanks for the giggle.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    Act your age.
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    Wow, 2 days! WTG! Thanks for the giggle.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    Act your age.

    ^^ for real. I understand a little light banter and sarcasm but that's just effing rude. I'd like to see you say some *kitten* like that to her face...better yet, mine.
  • sammi_j
    sammi_j Posts: 12 Member
    Yes I think it can have a lot to do with your diet. A few years ago I just ate rice,pasta & veg for 4 weeks, I then ate fried chips (or fries if you're American) and they made me really ill. I honestly believe diet should be about variation
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I had a pizza and burped once. It was terrible. I hate pizza.

    Seriously tho you're fine. You went from exercise and being nutrient filled to not. Just try to move more and eat better and you'll feel better in no time. No future harm done. McDonalds hasn't killed me yet. As long as I'm active and not living on just deep fried chicken nuggets and get a bit of everything, I feel just fine. Just don't stop moving and continuously eat a unbalanced diet. Easily remedied, you'll be fine.

    And to the people in many of the threads here who like to cancer threat people who put an arbitrarily marked as unclean food in their body, please don't. I don't really want to wish death threats on people, you shouldn't either. Particularly since I know a few people personally who ate junk and lived well into their 100s.

    And given that the OP can get stressed out to the point of sickness, don't fall into the border line ortherexic train of thought. I'd much rather see someone eat McDonalds then nothing because they can't find food that's clean enough. There's situations where it's either better then nothing, or better then torturing yourself by trying to avoid it (thus falling off the nonexistant 'wagon'). Try to eat healthier, but don't kill yourself emotionally over wanting a chicken nugget either. Just don't eat all chicken nuggets. You're doing this for your health and sometimes that means emotional health as well, so don't hate yourself for liking something either.

    If someone makes a cookie for me on my birthday I grin. It's a sweet gesture. It would be pretty terrible if I felt torn and stressed and mad at someone over eating 1 cookie made of love that someone made just for me.

  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member
    Your body could be rejecting the gluten/wheat protein from the fast food you ate. I use to get really bad stomach pains after eating meals. I finally figured out that I have a gluten/wheat intolerance. You could try eliminating those and see if that helps.