We are eating bad stuff.

My colleagues will eat fried chicken followed by blue bell ice cream, sit down all day and feast on a poboy with fried shrimp and fries. I watch them wash it down with fruit drink or a big coke, followed by more drink throughout the day. I wonder how they are feeling, are they getting heavier? If I would do that just one day I would feel it immediately. I'm patiently waiting for my health conscience eating, drinking descions to show up. My most obvious indication is my clothing. When my clothing stops feeling like its soffucating I know I'm doing good.
But I can't eat what's out there. It's not good for me and most of the general public. I'd rather cook what I want or ask for a lighter version.


  • david_lopez_101
    david_lopez_101 Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah. I don't say anything though, it's just all in my mind.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You should see the looks I get because my lunch happened to be 4 eggs fried in butter and a whole package of bacon.

    Not to mention all the cheese I eat, nor the big glug of heavy cream in my coffee...and speaking of coffee, the most horrified look I've got was when I throw a hunk of butter in my coffee!

    Or that I order 2 double beef burgers with cheese eggs and bacon on them... And give away the buns and fries in favor of a huge green salad.

    Yet I'm losing more weight than all those people staring at me! And my health has improved too. Muahahahahaha!!!!

    I would stare at the butter in the coffee, I have never seen that before
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    You should see the looks I get because my lunch happened to be 4 eggs fried in butter and a whole package of bacon.

    Not to mention all the cheese I eat, nor the big glug of heavy cream in my coffee...and speaking of coffee, the most horrified look I've got was when I throw a hunk of butter in my coffee!

    Or that I order 2 double beef burgers with cheese eggs and bacon on them... And give away the buns and fries in favor of a huge green salad.

    Yet I'm losing more weight than all those people staring at me! And my health has improved too. Muahahahahaha!!!!

    I would stare at the butter in the coffee, I have never seen that before

    Quite common for some on Keto. It's called Bulletproof coffee. Lol. I usually drink it as breakfast these days. It's a good way to reach the high fat expectations on a keto diet.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    Therealobi1 you're right I'm quite J at times. But I regret it when I enter data into the food diary and I've blown way past calories, fat grams, and sodium. This app has been an awakening about what I'm putting in my body. A good/bad awakening. The stuff I used to love actually was changing me for the bad

    Speaking for myself ( who lost successfully 2 years ago and have maintained since) I still love most of the foods I loved before I started losing weight
    I still eat most of them too

    Obviously not as often or not in as large portions as before in the case of calorie high items - but no life awakening moments for me - just eat less total calories , that's all
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    I love junk foods but I will not deny that it leaves me feeling like *kitten* most of the time.
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