October (2016) Running Challenge



  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    It seems to always be an update behind. I ran 8km this morning so I am now at 30 km with 40 to go

    Another 5.5 this morning for a total of 35.5 with 34.5 to go!!

    I ran 5.5 on Thursday and another 8 yesterday! Total of 49 with 21 to go!!

    Ran 5.5 today. Total of 54.5 with 16.5 to go!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    10/1: 20 miles
    10/2: 4.6 miles (am), 5.4 miles (pm)
    10/3: 6 miles with the Coffee Crew
    10/4: 5 miles (am), 10 miles (pm)
    10/5: 5 miles
    10/6: 3.5 miles
    10/7: 9.5 miles
    10/8: 6 miles with a 5k in the middle
    10/9: 4 miles
    10/10: Oh my god finally a rest day
    10/11: 10 miles
    10/12: 6 miles (am), 4.2 miles (pm)
    10/13: 8 miles (am), 6.4 miles with the Thursday crew
    10/14: Rest day
    10/15: 7.3 miles with the Saturday crew
    10/16: 2 miles + 13.1 HM
    10/17: 3 miles with the Coffee Crew
    10/18: 7.5 miles
    10/19: 5.7 miles (am)

    Right when I thought we could leave summer behind... nope! 66F and 85% humidity at 5:30 am IN OCTOBER! That's only 20-30 degrees too warm for this time of year! GIVE ME FALL, PLEASE!

    Met up with a nice group today and we did an almost-6 mile loop in the dark, followed by coffee of course. Running in the woods behind my office after work today, and I'm really looking forward to that. Should be good for 5ish miles there. Now I just have to manage to pack my work/workout stuff and not forget anything! ;)


    Upcoming Races:
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k: 21:26
    10/16: Superhero Halloween Half Marathon: 1:42:24
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Goal: 3:30 or better)
    3/26/17: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14/17: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    eeek. I've got a 12k in a week or so, and haven't been able to get into my normal run pattern for a while -

    it's got dark so running outside in the AM isn't happening, and my weekly club runs are not accessible this month
    I have other activities in the evenings - collegiate shag, lindy hop, tango, general socialising
    I tried the treadmill but 20 minutes is all I can stomach
    my weekends have passed at a blur with dance workshops (off to Barcelona for a 5 day workshop next weekend)
    my morning workshops over winter are in the gym doing Stronglifts

    So I'm resigned to a walk/run for the 12k but that's fine, I'm not in it for the finish time, just finishing is fine.

    And have recontemplated my half marathon dreams from a technical HM at the end of March to a less up-and-down-y HM at the end of April. Hopefully that gives me more time to properly train for it (even with the darkness issue) and get in a few more technical races (there's a few 10ks which will suit in between times).
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Wow, too busy to log yesterday's run and saw I missed 140 messages. Unless there is another hurricane day, where I don't lose power but have a curfew, I can't possibly catch up! Too busy to read today and probably the rest of the week, but hopefully next week!

    @everybody - good job!

    10/1 - 5.1 miles
    10.2 - 7.3 miles
    10/3 - travel/rest day
    10/4 - rest
    10/5 - 5.1
    10/6 - 5.2
    10/7 - hurricane day
    10/8 - 7.5 miles - trail running on sidewalks
    10/9 - 37 miles biking
    10/10 - 5.1 miles - perfect 65 degrees
    10/11 - 5 miles - still nice out!
    10/12 - strength training
    10/13 - 4 miles
    10/14 - strength training
    10/15 - 34 miles biking
    10/16 - 30 miles biking
    10/17 - 4.6 miles
    10/18 - 4.2 miles
    10/19 - strength training


    Upcoming races
    11/30/16 - I/ITSEC 5K
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited October 2016
    10/1- 4.04 miles
    10/2- Rest/Travel day
    10/3- 3.47
    10/4- 5.03
    10/5- 3.0
    10/6- 5.0
    10/7- 4.4
    10/8- 7.4
    10/9- REST- Grumble Grumble Grumble
    10/10- 5.22
    10/11- 4.02
    10/12- 3.01
    10/13- 6.0
    10/14- 4.03
    10/15- 8.1
    10/16- REST
    10/17- 4.03
    10/18- 6.01
    10/19- 4.04

    Total: 76.71/70

    Today's notes: Another z2 run. coughing/choking fit in mile 3 meant a bit higher HR overall, but I kept my average at 151 by taking a few walking breaks to get my HR back down. Kind of proud of myself, I would never have taken walking breaks before, but since I'm focusing on HR, I've done that a couple of times just to make sure my HR stays in the right range.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    So, I was pleasantly surprised yesterday. So far I'd lost about 30 lbs, but the last few weeks I think I just kind of needed a mental break from the tracking. Some days I did, some I didn't. I hadn't hopped on the scale for a few weeks as well, and was quite nervous b/c I felt like I'd had some pretty high cheat days as well. So I jumped on yesterday morning and found that I had actually still lost .4 lb since the last time I weighed, which looks like was around 9/16! I am super happy with that! Now I really need to refocus, as I still have about 10-15 lbs to lose, and that will also help with my running as well!

    These past few days I have been obsessively planning my Dec WDW trip, as it is keeping me busy and distracted from dwelling on being sad. So between that and running I've been trucking my way through this week!

    Yesterday's run:


    South Nyack 10 Miler – 9/11 – 1:43:24
    Adirondacks Distance Festival ½ Marathon – 9/25 – 2:09:58
    Sleepy Hollow 10k – 10/22
    Fall Harvest 5k – 11/13
    Christmas-y run???
    Run for the Wild 5k (Bronx Zoo) – 4/29/17
    Tinker Bell Half Marathon (@Disneyland) – 5/14/17
    Bay of Fundy ½ Marathon – 6/25/17
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    I have other activities in the evenings - collegiate shag, lindy hop, tango, general socialising
    @girlinahat collegiate shag :D - that has a whole different meaning here than the one you probably meant
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    10/1 - 12.2 mile group run. It was a nice cool morning.
    10/2 - Rest day with much over-eating.
    10/3 - Overslept, but squeezed in a short 3.1 miles.
    10/4 - Bodypump class, then a TOUGH Abs/Core class. Finally won the Snooze Button Battle!
    10/5 - 5.06 miles. After last night's rain, we have officially begun slippery leaf season.
    10/6 - Taper / rest day. Only 10 days until IMT Half Marathon. Can't wait...love the race day atmosphere!
    10/7 - 5.01 miles. Chilly and windy today = long sleeves and tights
    10/8 - 7.9 miles. Lovely morning.
    10/9 - Rest day.
    10/10 - Sick day...quick 24-hour virus.
    10/11 - 4.65 miles.
    10/12 - 5.0 miles. Windy. Negative splits...whoop!
    10/13 - Family sick day...wife/daughter have whatever I did.
    10/14 - 5.06 miles. Relaxed, easy...felt like I could go forever. Alas, there is a race to be run on Sunday and a job to go to.
    10/15 - Pre-race rest day.
    10/16 - 13.37 miles.
    10/17 - Rest / Recovery
    10/18 - 3 mile recovery run. Hurt a bit in the hips.
    10/19 - 5.09 miles.

  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited October 2016
    11/10 3 miles
    12/10 3 miles
    13/10 3 miles- 3rd run of week and my ankle doesn't feel too bad!
    19/10 3 miles - thought it was going to be 4 miles as I was feeling great but the sun came out and started beating down on me and I crumbled, my legs felt fine but my heartrate rocketed and I overheated so I just did the 3. I've told myself I'd be better to do 3 - 4 days at 3 miles instead of pushing the 4. I started out too fast anyway, but I was feeling the best in ages. A well.

    Loving all the pictures being posted and all the race reports!


  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    03 - 10.84
    05 - 10.01
    10 - 10.75
    12 - 10.13
    17 - 10.05
    19 - 10.15

    Current total: 61.93 miles (goal = 100)
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    I have other activities in the evenings - collegiate shag, lindy hop, tango, general socialising
    @girlinahat collegiate shag :D - that has a whole different meaning here than the one you probably meant

    Being somewhat familiar with Brit slang, I had the same thought. Had to read it twice, in fact, to make sure I correctly understood. :wink:
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday!

    I hope everyone who ran today had a good run, and everyone who hasn't run yet has a good run later. :smile:

    I had my 5 mile treadmill run last night, so I didn't need a run this morning. I doubt I will be able to fit in another run this evening because I have an eye doctor appointment to go to (gotta get the peepers checked). If I wind up needing a new glasses prescription I'm going to look into a pair of good sport sunglasses as well for running.

    I find that the "high" I get from running (meaning, the way it suppresses my anxiety and depression) lasts about 24 hours or so after a run. It's definitely a drug for me now, or rather, an additional way I treat my mental illnesses. I'll be raring to go running again first thing tomorrow morning, I'm sure. Gotta keep the crankiness away.

    My only concern is, I have kind of an addictive personality, so I can totally see myself getting addicted to running. It's already happening to a degree. Is that a bad thing?

    I wouldn't say it's a bad thing. As @shanaber said we are all addicted in some way to it. For me I know that if I don't I will start to feel like crap - less fulfilling sleep, eating things that don't make me feel good, grumpier and the cycle will continue. I realized I feel great when I am running on a regular basis . . . but I didn't realize running was the cause of feeling that great until I stopped running and started again. I also have a very mentally challenging job and I feel like when I run on a regular basis I perform better at work, I read more, I am much more motivated to get things done in my life.

    I definitely have concerns myself about an addictive personality - there's huge gambling addictions in my family - but just keep yourself in check and if it starts to run your life rather than you running it then you know you have to make an adjustment somewhere. Working out - in all ways - releases those endorphins that our brains start to chase so lots of people need to get their work outs in to help them feel better.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @RespectTheKitty Just saw your cat. (Cat lady thread) Couldn't send FR from there because, duh I had to look at ALL the cat pics. Sending "Running" to FR you :love: haha! Meow meow meow.

    Cats rule. Enough said.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    And with a 5.3 mile big loop this morning... BOOM... I have hit my original 60 mile goal. Time to raise the goal to 75... hmm... I think I can do that.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    And with a 5.3 mile big loop this morning... BOOM... I have hit my original 60 mile goal. Time to raise the goal to 75... hmm... I think I can do that.


    You got this. You can run the 75 no problem.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member

    1/10: 5.09 km (running and squatting in a cornfield scaring people in my PT job for Halloween season)
    2/10: REST
    3/10: 5.02 km (1/3 interval, 2/3 steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and core)
    4/10: 5.01 km (steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga
    5/10: 5.16 km (minimal progression run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders and core)
    6/10: 5.03 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (chest and legs)
    7/10: 5.20 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (upper back and core) + 4.00 km (running and squatting in a cornfield)
    8/10: 5.00 km (running and squatting in a cornfield)
    9/10: REST
    10/10: 10.39 km (general hike and spelunking in a cave)
    11/10: 5.03 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders and core)
    12/10: 5.00 km (mild progression run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and legs)
    13/10: 4.74 km (steady pace run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (chest and core)
    14/10: 3.50 km (interval treadmill walk/run) + 20 mins yoga
    15/10: REST
    16/10: REST
    17/10: 5.06 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + upper body and core exercises
    18/10: 5.00 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga
    19/10: 5.01 km (steady pace treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + shoulders and core exercises

    Current PR: 5K in 32:50 / 10K in 1:12:07 / 20K in 2:45:11


    20/10-01/11: Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run
  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
    17 of 30
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    edited October 2016
    12 October - 1.5 miles
    13 October - 1.0 miles
    14 October - 1.5 miles 11:46 mile
    15 October - 1.75 miles *21:32
    16 October - Rest
    17 October - 2.0 miles *23:58
    18 October - Rest
    19 October - 1.25 miles 11:39 mile
    Goal: 24 miles
    Total: 9 miles...15 to go

    I pushed myself too hard on Monday because I was fatigued the rest of the day, so I am trying to push myself but also listen to what is best for me that morning. Sometimes I'm not rested enough (I have a baby a 3 little kiddos). But I am still going to run! Just not rushing myself back to how I used to run. Today I ran 1.25 miles and walked a 1/4 cool down :)