7pm cut off?



  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    Ridiculous! And Why 7pm? Do these people not work?! I just wish I had that much free time to be done with my day by 7pm.

    I'm at my desk before dawn so if I only put in an eight hour day, I'm leaving the office by 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon. So yes, people who eat around 7pm can also be gainfully employed. :)
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,151 Member
    D4nc3rEm wrote: »
    Hey all!

    I've heard many a time that cutting off your eating day at 7 or 8pm really aids with weight loss. Was wondering if anyone does it or has done it in the past and if you found it to be helpful or too restrictive? Is it something I should try? X

    (I'm new to this whole mfp thing, but feel free to add me! I'm looking to build up a little community of people to motivate and be motivated by!

    This information may be helpful and sorry if it was posted already.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I've read suggestions for not eating in the evening because it might upset your stomach at night, depending on what you ate, how much you ate, and if you have a digestive problem like GERD or just acid indigestion. I've also read a lot of people like to have more than 12 hours between one days meals and the next because they are doing something along the lines of intermittent fasting, so they limit how many hours in a day they can actually intake food. And, I've read that digestion happens while you sleep and so thus you want it to not have new food in the stomach (It does take hours for food to leave your stomach and inter the small intestine where it piddles along for up to a day before it enters your large intestine and hangs out there for some time before it finally exits your body ... that's why staying hydrated and intaking an appropriate amount of fiber helps that process).

    That said, Some people are encouraged to have a snack in the evening, some diabetics, for instance, get a better glucose control if they have a small snack with all three macros in it than when they go to bed with a stomach that has nearly emptied ... And that said, I think it's really all a matter of personal preference.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    I will agree with those who said not eating late at night seems to help with better sleep. I feel like that is true for me. I am not trying to claim to know whether eating late at night affects weight loss or not as long as you eat within your calorie limit. But I did seem to remember reading something a while back about this issue. I tried looking it up, and all I could come up with was this one study on mice. I don't know if this is the same thing I read about before, but I did want to share. If it looks like it's non-scientific, feel free to ignore it. Just wanted to share what I had run across.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    I've read suggestions for not eating in the evening because it might upset your stomach at night, depending on what you ate, how much you ate, and if you have a digestive problem like GERD or just acid indigestion. I've also read a lot of people like to have more than 12 hours between one days meals and the next because they are doing something along the lines of intermittent fasting, so they limit how many hours in a day they can actually intake food. And, I've read that digestion happens while you sleep and so thus you want it to not have new food in the stomach (It does take hours for food to leave your stomach and inter the small intestine where it piddles along for up to a day before it enters your large intestine and hangs out there for some time before it finally exits your body ... that's why staying hydrated and intaking an appropriate amount of fiber helps that process).

    That said, Some people are encouraged to have a snack in the evening, some diabetics, for instance, get a better glucose control if they have a small snack with all three macros in it than when they go to bed with a stomach that has nearly emptied ... And that said, I think it's really all a matter of personal preference.

    Dang, this is an excellent response. Especially love the digestion description!

    I would love to have a bedside snack but if I eat after 6:30 (bed 2 to 3 hours later), my GERD goes crazy. Blah.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Ridiculous! And Why 7pm? Do these people not work?! I just wish I had that much free time to be done with my day by 7pm.

    I'm at my desk before dawn so if I only put in an eight hour day, I'm leaving the office by 2:30 or 3:00 in the afternoon. So yes, people who eat around 7pm can also be gainfully employed. :)

    I don't know about America, but the majority of construction workers, factory workers and outdoor type jobs do 7am to 3:30 pm hours. I've never had a job that finishes past 4pm.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    It doesn't matter for weight loss what time you eat.
    It might make a difference to how you feel and sleep after eating if you have some health issue.
  • MyFatAbsz
    MyFatAbsz Posts: 6 Member
    I've heard of that and even tried it off and on. It's a bit difficult when working the overnight shift aka 3rd shift aka graveyard shift LOL. I won't eat a meal while at work but I do start to feel a bit hungry so I'll snack on popcorn.
  • ThinkinPositive827
    ThinkinPositive827 Posts: 11 Member
    I really believe that by stopping eating 3-4 hours before bed you give your body time to digest the food before you lay down . Any time I would stop eating at 630 or 7 I would 100% wake up the next morning 1-2 pounds less . And that is Also including eating healthy through out the day . Cuting a lot of carbs out of my diet helps soooo much .. add me everyoneeeee!!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I really believe that by stopping eating 3-4 hours before bed you give your body time to digest the food before you lay down . Any time I would stop eating at 630 or 7 I would 100% wake up the next morning 1-2 pounds less . And that is Also including eating healthy through out the day . Cuting a lot of carbs out of my diet helps soooo much .. add me everyoneeeee!!!

    I also experience more restful sleep when I stop eating a few hours before bed. It's normal to weigh a few pounds less in the morning no matter how healthy you eat during the day. Cutting carbs does help water-weight loss, but that's not fat. In order to lose fat, you need to have a consistent deficit. :)
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited October 2016
    I really believe that by stopping eating 3-4 hours before bed you give your body time to digest the food before you lay down . Any time I would stop eating at 630 or 7 I would 100% wake up the next morning 1-2 pounds less . And that is Also including eating healthy through out the day . Cuting a lot of carbs out of my diet helps soooo much .. add me everyoneeeee!!!

    Your body doesn't stop digesting once you lie down. You say you would stop eating at 6:30pm or 7pm and then weigh 1-2 pounds less the next morning. Let's say, for sake of argument, you woke up at 7am and weighed. If you had eaten at midnight, immediately gone to bed, and then woken up and weighed yourself the same 12 hours later at noon. You would have lost the same 1-2 pounds.