Baby Food Recipes



  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Well, I was coming in to say Baby Led Weaning, but already well covered! Definitely worth a look.

    We did the "standard" process with our firstborn (spoon feeding, starting with purees), and he took so much longer to become a good eater and even as a primary school aged kid was not that great at taken reasonable bites. He'd often gag on his foods! And was much more fussy in general about what he would eat.
    2nd child did BLW and she was a whole different story - such a good eater from very early. So easy to unexpectedly stay out longer because there was no need for special food - just a little off our plates. For early dinners we did a lot of roasted/baked veges cut into finger (potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, parsnip, carrot) or steamed vege. Steamed broccoli was easy too. Then just a slice cut off the edge of my steak, and she'd tried everything.

    It's hard to say how much is down to the kids inherent nature & style of eating and how much was learned through the weaning process, but either way, I'd go with not having to spoon feed (maybe I'm just lazy?).
  • lissmayer
    lissmayer Posts: 86 Member
    My 3rd baby's first food was a chocolate cupcake straight from her sister's mouth. She's 16 months now, and last week I watched her eat 3/4 bag of broccoli.

    No matter how you feed your baby, it'll be great. Just trust your gut and do what feels simplest for you.