Summer Sixer-tini's: Week 1

kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
Alright challenge!! I have condensed the list to those who have been active this past challenge. Please feel free to add yourself back in if you are joining us this go around! Six weeks to a FITTER and more FABULOUS you!!! Let's do it!!!

Cathy(chipper)......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Tracy ( frogy_98) ................. SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Kristin (kistinbee).................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ...SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Tiff (gonabfit)..........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Amy S (bahamom87)...........SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Kel (redneckwoman) ...........SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Amy (amypyr)..........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
Sandy (izzypup).......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs


  • amy36
    amy36 Posts: 11
    I am in on this one! COUNT ME IN!
  • Saloule
    Saloule Posts: 19
    I'd like to join in with this one. :)

    Cathy(chipper)......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ................. SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ...SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)..........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)...........SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ...........SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup).......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule)......................SW 136lbs/ GW 126lbs/ CW 132lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    I don't quite know if I did that right though!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    I'm in this session! Welcome Sarah

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm IN!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Welcome all newbies below is how the sixers roll. LOL :flowerforyou: :drinker: :smooched:

    ~We weigh in every tuesday.
    ~the challenges last a total of 6 weeks and we start again with a new name.
    ~we copy and paste the last list and update our information.
    ~sw is for starting weight
    ~cw is for current weight
    ~gw is for goal weight
    ~starting weight as what the scale said the beginning of the challenge.
    ~current weight is what the scale said on tuesday weigh in
    ~goal weight is what we would like the scale to say in the end of 6 week challenge. (example 10-15-20 % of sw or what ever you want)
    ~we are just here to help each other through life. there is and will always be mountains to climb and tunnels to go through. that will never change. we learn from our mistakes and take other lessons into thought.

    again welcome and glad to have you aboard.
    see y'all on tuesday.......GO SIXERS
  • Bori805
    Bori805 Posts: 1
    Options to the site and would love to join in. Does it begin this Tuesday with WI?

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    this challenge begins on July 6th.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    gettin' my plan of attack ready to begin anew tomorrow.

  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    I am in - Weigh in tomorrow. Hope everyone had a Happy 4th :smile:
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Bumping so I will check in tomorrow!!!

    Welcome to all who are new, and good luck!

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Hi everyone! How did we all do on the 4th? I don't know about you guys but man it was difficult! So much good food. So what I did have what I wanted just very small amounts. 2 or 3 bites. Seemed to work okay. Guess I will find out tomorrow! LOL

    Hope everyone had a great 4th!
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    CANNOT WAIT To start this challenge tomorrow ...... !!!!
    I am totally ready !

    Thank you for the emails, messages, thoughts, prayers, everything! It really was SOOOO needed.... i didnt get chance to get on here while in FL ..... im so sorry to keep you all waiting!

    We did indeed LOSE the baby :embarassed: :frown:
    BUT..... we have come to the understanding that it just IS NOT for us .... and obviously it just wasnt right for us now....
    My husband and I have decided to continue with our decision of NO more kids for us......
    I just cannot go through another miscarriage.... thats two now.......
    and we have one healthy, beautiful, baby boy.... :flowerforyou:
    and we can give him a GREAT life... and travel with him .... and take him places and have lots of
    family experiences... that we just cant afford with another!
    Im so very sad to have lost another baby.....
    but I am now going to embrace the here and now.....
    embrace getting me healthy and THIN !

    EMBRACE making my goal this six weeks ! .....
    I will weigh in in the morning and see where im starting at !

    Much love to you all ! :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- lbs

    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup).......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule)......................SW 136lbs/ GW 126lbs/ CW 132lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Would love to give this a try please~
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning........WELCOME NEWBIES.......

    here's to a new challenge and new lessons and a new you......

    molly jump right on in. the explained how this works a few posts up.

    i ended last challenge the same as last week a small loss. i was down a few pounds on saturday, and was feeling good. than sunday hit and it all went in the hand basket. so had cut back yesterday and today totally ready to go. i know it will come off. didn't set my goal as low. will change it if need be. i have my plan of attack in place for this six weeks and going to do my best to stick with it.

    had a great weekend. but, glad to have the house back to myself. cleaned most of the day yesterday and back in order, so today i just may watch tv and rest. have dr appt this afternoon. sorry for your news. i understand. (((hugs)))

    off to pittle and catch up on some emails.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    i ended last challenge the same as last week a small loss.
    Slow and steady wins the race Cathy. You're doing awesome!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Amy (baha), I'm so sorry for your loss and the pain that goes along with it. It sounds like you have a very supportive husband and family, and of course your beautiful bundle of joy to remind you of so many happinesses in the world.

    We have GREATLY missed you and are so happy you are joining us again. We are always here for you. We will help you be as my daughter puts it HEALTHY (but hey if you get THIN along the way, so be it :wink: ) And you can keep helping us with your positive and go-get-em attitude that always inspires us all and pushes us forward.

    Lots of hugs and kisses and warm, fuzzy thoughts sent your way.

    Ready everybody?
    GROUP HUG!!!
  • Haismais
    Haismais Posts: 26
    Good Morning Everyone,

    May I join in. I really need some motivation to stay the course. I have lost and regained the same three pounds since starting here. May name is Laurie.

    My SW is 248, GW 235, CW 248. (see what I mean.)

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup).......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    **Sarah...I changed your SW to 132 since it should be your start weight at the beginning of the challenge! :)Good Morning Everyone,

    **Laurie...I added you in!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    since this is going to get active with a new start. i had posted this a few days ago and thought i would repost it again for any newcomers.

    Welcome all newbies below is how the sixers roll. LOL :drinker: :smooched: :laugh:

    ~We weigh in every tuesday.
    ~the challenges last a total of 6 weeks and we start again with a new name.
    ~we copy and paste the last posted list and update our information.
    ~sw is for starting weight (what the scale said the beginning of the challenge)
    ~cw is for current weight ( what the scale said on tuesday weigh in)
    ~gw is for goal weight ( what we would like the scale to say in the end of 6 week challenge. (example 10-15-20 % of sw or what ever you want)
    ~we are just here to help each other through life. there is and will always be mountains to climb and tunnels to go through. that will never change. we learn from our mistakes and take other lessons into thought.

    again welcome and glad to have you aboard.

    oh, and please tell us a little about yourselfs.....