Summer Sixer-tini's: Week 1



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am SO excited to start a new challenge! This one may be tough for me because I am going on vacation for a week (July 17th-24th). My mom, Kadence and I are going to visit family and friends in Canada. It will be hard for me to get in exercise that week (maybe some walking) and eating will go right out the window! I come from a very German family and everything is LOADED in fat! And the fill your plate for will be brutal! But I will do my best! Anyway...I will worry about that more later.

    My weekend was pretty good. Busy, but good! Did okay eating-wise. And was able to get in exercise every day (Friday-shred and run, Saturday-shred, Sunday-shred and run, Monday-Shred). So I was pretty proud of myself! I measured my post-baby belly and I have lost an inch! YAY! Was a little disappointed with the scale this morning as I am up 1.5 pounds from last week, but I hope that I am gaining muscle and that 1 inch gone makes me pretty happy! AND I received a compliment from a friend this weekend on how it really looks like I'm losing weight and toning up! So YAY! And I'm happy to report that today will be day 14 of shredding!!!


    Amy (baha)...I am SO sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. You will still be in my thoughts and prayers constantly as I know this is such a difficult time. But I am very happy to see that you have such a wonderful and strong attitude. You are such a wonderful person. And Wyatt is a very lucky little boy! You are an excellent mother! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Cathy...yay for a small loss!! Like Lorna said: slow and steady always wins! We can do this!! It's slow and steady for me too!


    To everyone else...hello!! Let's start this one off strong!!!

    Plan today:
    B-oatmeal, coffee, sugar-free creamer
    S-Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar
    L-Chicken, string cheese, baby carrots, yogurt
    S-Golden delicious apple
    D-??? I need to get groceries on the way home, so need to figure something out before then!

    Shred day 14 level 2 (hoping to start level 3 tomorrow!!) and a 2 mile run as long as it doesn't rain!

    Have a FABULOUS morning gals!!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup).......................SW185.2 lbs/ GW179 lbs/ CW185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW220 lbs/ GW114 lbs/ CW220 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Good morning everyone! ARE WE READY! Hoping to go swimming today. It is HOT here today but hopefully it will cool off a bit by the weekend.
    Kristen- I always love vacation but the food issues are always rough. Hopefully the dog will sit next to you and you can share....LOL Just joking. You are doing great on shred!
    Cathy - do you still have guests?
    Laurie - welcome
    Amy - Missed you and my thoughts are with you.
    Well I need to eat breakfast. And remember WATER!!!!

    I think Tracy and i posted at the same time so I added Tracy to mine .....
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220.0 lbs/ 114.0 lbs/ 220.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup).......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Hello ladies, thank goodness for a new challenge!!!

    Did not do good at all over the weekend and does not help that it is that TOM but it is a new start and a new challenge.

    I have started a new routine on my Wii fit and plan to keep that up and looking to possible get that Shred dvd everyonee is talking about, really should just do the ones I have but want to try something new.

    Amy you are in my thoughts, anyone who has been through it know how difficult a time this is. You are a amazing woman and mother always remember that. Just put one foot in front of the other and each day will get a little better. Plus little ones are always great for a mood boost with a great hug.

    Well better run, gotta get dd dressed and going on the day.

    Have a great day ladies!

  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Good Morning! I am new and I really need this challenge - I am ready to start taking care of myself fnally!

    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220.0 lbs/ 114.0 lbs/ 220.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295 lbs/ GW 290 lbs/ CW 295 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup).......................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 185.2 lbs/ GW179 lbs/ CW 185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220 lbs/ GW 214 lbs/ CW 220 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295 lbs/ GW 290 lbs/ CW 295 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    just fixin' the list, making sure everyone is on.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome BJ, sarah, laurie...please share a little about yourself.

    i am 50 (51 in a 2 weeks) i am married (33 yrs in 3 weeks) have 2 kids 1 girl, 1 boy both adults. i son in law and 2 beautiful granddaughters, 2 dogs and i live in the hot, humid south. born and raised in CA, i am a real estate agent and DH is in pest control. i live on my computer so i am always here and reading. glad to have you aboard.

    afm. yes, company is gone. it is so nice to be alone today. i have to leave in a few for the doctors check up on heel. not hurting now. every once in awhile it will.

  • Haismais
    Haismais Posts: 26
    Hi Everyone,

    Excited to get going. I am a proud mom of two. My son will turn 10 at the end of the month. My daughter is 4 1/2 (going on 16). My husband drives for UPS. I work in an office from 7:30-4 and then two days a week I go to my local Y and teach water aerobics. I celebrated my 41st birthday this year and would love to be fit and in shape for my 42nd.

    I am a damn yankee. I grew up in central NY and moved to SC in the mid 90's. My husband is a southern boy. So my kids get the best of both worlds.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164

    CAthy --- THANK you so much for understanding ;-) ! xoxo hugs to you

    Lorna--- your posts are always so inspiring..... and yes HEALTHY is all i want to be .... if thin comes along with it ... so be it ! hehe! YAY for the group hug

    Kristin-- Awwww thank you hunny .... you are an amazing mommy toooooooo!!!!!! xoxoxoxo .... me and you are the same digits LOL ....... hehe except yours has a lovely ONE and mines has a not so lovely TWO lol ... but i thought it was cool ! lets shoot for the 65...... :-P or more ! hehehe !

    Tracy -- THANK you so much XOXO

    Sandy ---- XOXOXO to you tooo !

    HI to all the new girls and everyone else !
    This morning I fixed up Wyatts room with all his new jungle theme ! will post a pic later ! ITS so cute ! .....


    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 185.2 lbs/ GW179 lbs/ CW 185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220 lbs/ GW 214 lbs/ CW 220 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295 lbs/ GW 290 lbs/ CW 295 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 270.2 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 270.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) ............SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    back from doctor all blood worked came back good, said it will be awhile for the heel to be fully healed and to take it easy. i am putting c25k on hold. he said i could come off my meds if lose a bunch of weight. he has never been on me before about weight. since i was asking advice he now is all over me about it. deep inside i want to take off a "bunch" just to show him, but on the other note does he not think "I" want to take off a bunch.

    laurie where in SC? i live just outside charleston in moncks corner.

    have a few things to get done.

  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Cathy --- super glad your blood work came back good..... sorry you have to put the C25K on hold.... but i have faith in you to take off "bunches" of weight ! for you and to prove to the doc you can do it ! xOXOXOX
  • aprilcan
    aprilcan Posts: 6
    Hi! I am new..can I join? I joined mfp last year but haven't done much lately but am ready to give it another go! Is it too late?
  • aprilcan
    aprilcan Posts: 6
    my SW is 188, my GW is 160 and my CW is 188...
  • aprilcan
    aprilcan Posts: 6
    Oops!! My GW isn't really feasible..that's my ultimate GW, not my end-of-six-week GW.
    So. ..
    my CW 188, my GW 170, my SW 188

    I'll get this down!!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 185.2 lbs/ GW179 lbs/ CW 185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220 lbs/ GW 214 lbs/ CW 220 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295 lbs/ GW 290 lbs/ CW 295 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 270.2 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 270.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)...........SW 154.0 lbs / GW 147.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Well I would like to welcome all the new comers to the greatest group around!!! Time for a fresh start!!!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    thanks baha. if he only knew me at my highest 286, maybe he wouldn't be like he has become.

    welcome april. i added you. next week just copy and past and update your info. glad to have you.

    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 185.2 lbs/ GW179 lbs/ CW 185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220 lbs/ GW 214 lbs/ CW 220 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295 lbs/ GW 290 lbs/ CW 295 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 270.2 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 270.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    aprilcan....................................SW 188 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 188 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)...........SW 154.0 lbs / GW 147.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
  • Haismais
    Haismais Posts: 26
    I live outside Spartanburg and Greenville, SC.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    I want in too please! Just joined the site today and I need some motiviation!

    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 185.2 lbs/ GW179 lbs/ CW 185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220 lbs/ GW 214 lbs/ CW 220 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295 lbs/ GW 290 lbs/ CW 295 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 270.2 lbs/ GW 265 lbs/ CW 270.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    aprilcan....................................SW 188 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 188 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)...........SW 154.0 lbs / GW 147.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)........SW 156.0 lb / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 156.0 lbs / PROGRESS

    I just celebrated my 2nd anniversary with my husband, and have gained over 10 pounds since the wedding... We live in Indiana and have a 2 year old boxer named Sophie. I work for a parks department and my husband is a teacher/football coach. I actually just finished a Transition to Teaching program and got my license in Elementary Education, but it's really not a good time to find any teaching jobs, unfortunately...

    Good luck to everyone with the challenge!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Cathy(chipper).......................SW 239.2 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 239.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sarah (Saloule).....................SW 132.0 lbs/ GW 126.0 lbs/ CW 132.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Laurie (Haismais).................SW 248.0 lbs/ GW 235.0 lbs/ CW 248.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 170.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 170.5 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 185.2 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 185.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 220.0 lbs/ GW 214.0 lbs/ CW 220.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    BJ (momieof2).......................SW 295.0 lbs/ GW 290.0 lbs/ CW 295.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)...........SW 270.2 lbs/ GW 265.0 lbs/ CW 270.2 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    April (aprilcan)........................SW 188.0 lbs/ GW 170.0 lbs/ CW 188.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)............SW 154.0 lbs/ GW 147.0 lbs/ CW 154.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 156.0 lbs/ GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 156.0 lbs/ PROGRESS lbs

    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ....SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising)......SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...........................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
    B (its_B)...................................SW lbs/ GW lbs/ CW lbs/ PROGRESS lbs
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Welcome Lindsey, April, BJ, Laurie, and Sarah!

    A little about me...

    My name is Kristin. I'm a newer mommy to Kadence who turned 10 months yesterday! She is my pride and joy! I'm married to my best friend, Michael for 3 years tomorrow! I work as a research associate 7-4 M-F. I started MFP in 2007 after being married and getting "comfortable". I had never really been one to exercise, but found that I absolutely LOVE it! I was approaching my goal weight and getting very fit when I found out I was pregnant. Being sick the whole first trimester put my exercises on hold, and once I started feeling better, I was so out of shape that I pretty much gave up on any exercise other than walking. Needless to say, I gained WAY more than needed and am now working hard to lose it all and the remaining I had to reach my goal! I think Cathy and I are the only two from the "original" sixers group started like two years ago (or something like's been a while!) and we just continue to give support and work together to acheive our goals! Six week challenges seem to be long enough to see results and short enough that we don't give up! We gain some and lose some as we continue, but are consistently here to help where and when we can! Happy to have some newcomers!

    As far as exercise for me these days, I have a jogging stroller (which was the BEST.GIFT.EVER) and so I run almost daily with Kadence. Also, I started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred two weeks ago and am already seeing great results with that! Hoping that once Kadence is bigger, I can return to the gym and work towards being trained to teach fitness classes!

    Just a little about me...would love to hear more about all of you!
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Good afternoon Everyone~
    My name is Molly and I found this site through a friend suggestion and I am so thrilled !!
    I am married (over 26 years now) and two grown daughters one in her final year of collage(woot!!)and my youngest whom is married to a solider in the US Army.
    I am a california gal but have lived in WV for 23 years now.
    so let's get ready to......................loseeeeeeee!! <3

    weighed in today (tuesday)
    GW lose 14 pounds
    (to see 299)