butt fat problem :'(

vrdaztzt Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Need help in losing fat around and in butt area and dont want to gain gain muscle can someone help .. i dont like it being so big creates a pear shaped body


  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    Nothing wrong with being a pear shape! =D But as cityruss has said, you can't spot reduce, you can just keep going with the calorie deficit and hope it comes off where you want as you lose the weight.

    I know you don't want to gain muscle but you can gain muscle that will look sexy! I think there's still a big misconception about weight lifting, some people still seem to think that it makes people buff or bulky but it doesn't have to be like that. Victoria secrets models lift =)http://spotmebro.com/15-hottest-female-fitness-models-2015/
  • mgookin
    mgookin Posts: 92 Member
    Continue to lose weight and excersize to firm things up.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Lol! Lose fat and work out- you won't be sorry. Don't be afraid of muscles.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    While I am not into having a big butt in the least, I am into lifting what I do have up from gravitational forces and in my case age..

    OP, you want to have a smaller butt? Lose additional fat, but fat will be lost everywhere and even in your butt. You don't like being a pear shape, well genetics will dictate your shape, body composition changes will help define your natural shape..

    So pick your goal.
  • LKjourney
    LKjourney Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! Fellow pear shape here. I must say that I have the same fears and still haven't found the answers really but here's what Ive done so far:
    A couple years ago I went (almost) raw vegan (totally unsustainable) for about 4 months and the fat melted off my bum! I was hiking a lot and walking everywhere but didn't really focus on exercise other than that. However, my body was still pear shaped but a little smaller.
    I went back to a vegetarian diet and stopped hiking and such and the weight (plus more) came back on lol so I am back at square one. This time I'm focusing on a cleaner diet that is within my calorie allowance. As for exercise I'm still testing things out but I'm starting with a lot of body weight exercises and cardio a couple times a week.

    I'm still learning though so if somebody else has a magical solution I am all ears!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    lolakraven wrote: »
    Hello! Fellow pear shape here. I must say that I have the same fears and still haven't found the answers really but here's what Ive done so far:
    A couple years ago I went (almost) raw vegan (totally unsustainable) for about 4 months and the fat melted off my bum! I was hiking a lot and walking everywhere but didn't really focus on exercise other than that. However, my body was still pear shaped but a little smaller.
    I went back to a vegetarian diet and stopped hiking and such and the weight (plus more) came back on lol so I am back at square one. This time I'm focusing on a cleaner diet that is within my calorie allowance. As for exercise I'm still testing things out but I'm starting with a lot of body weight exercises and cardio a couple times a week.

    I'm still learning though so if somebody else has a magical solution I am all ears!

    There isn't a magical solution besides surgery. Or patience.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    lolakraven wrote: »
    Hello! Fellow pear shape here. I must say that I have the same fears and still haven't found the answers really but here's what Ive done so far:
    A couple years ago I went (almost) raw vegan (totally unsustainable) for about 4 months and the fat melted off my bum! I was hiking a lot and walking everywhere but didn't really focus on exercise other than that. However, my body was still pear shaped but a little smaller.
    I went back to a vegetarian diet and stopped hiking and such and the weight (plus more) came back on lol so I am back at square one. This time I'm focusing on a cleaner diet that is within my calorie allowance. As for exercise I'm still testing things out but I'm starting with a lot of body weight exercises and cardio a couple times a week.

    I'm still learning though so if somebody else has a magical solution I am all ears!

    You went on an unsustainable diet, but yet you lost weight and got smaller, then to gained it all back? This happened because you were in a calorie deficit and lost weight.. You gained it back because the method was unsustainable and went back to old ways.

    Cleaner eating means different things to different people.. if you ask 5 people what this means to them, you will get 5 different answers.. So if changing what you eat helps you sustain, then do that.

    This is your magic formula.. a calorie deficit... if you want body composition changes then strength train to change your body composition, but you cannot change your genetics..

    My goodness folks, if there were magic formulas other than dedication and hard work, we would bottle it up and sell it for a nice price.. :)

  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    vrdaztzt wrote: »
    Need help in losing fat around and in butt area and dont want to gain gain muscle can someone help .. i dont like it being so big creates a pear shaped body

    Yeah. Genetics are something to watch out for, but you can also keep at a deficit and wait to see if the fat in the area comes off. Personally, I actually wanted/hoped to keep what I had, but when I reached the 120's-130's range (I'm 5'2"), I lost a lot of butt fat. All of my life I thought I was naturally a pear/hourglass shape, but it seems like I was only curvy as a result of the fat from being overweight/obese. I don't fret about it really though; I care more about being healthy and fit, and I like however which way my body chooses to reflect that. Since there's only so much you can do to alter your shape with weights, which you don't even seem interested in, I think you should focus more on embracing what you do have.
  • LKjourney
    LKjourney Posts: 40 Member
    Totally kidding about the magical formula comment btw....
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    vrdaztzt wrote: »
    Need help in losing fat around and in butt area and dont want to gain gain muscle can someone help .. i dont like it being so big creates a pear shaped body

    You had me at "butt"..


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Gaining muslce isn't easy, not for women, not while on a diet. Your (and my) pear shape comes from fat, not muscle. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Eat a deficit. Work out if you'd like (it's good for you besides weight loss). Your fat will come off where ever "it" wants. For pear shape women, we usually gain on out hips, thighs and butt first, and lose there last, but eventually it will come off.

    Of course there's the possibility that your upper body becomes too thin before you are happy with your lower body, or that you'd have to get to unhealthy levels of body fat before you are happy with it. At that point it becomes about accepting who you are and what your body can do, and learning to ignore, or accept your perceived physical flaws.