Golo 'Release' Anybody tried it?



  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    morf13 wrote: »
    Weight loss is simple mathematics - taking in fewer calories than you burn.

    Of course,I understand that,but there's obviously differences in one person's Body to another person's,and their metabolism is different.

    Mm, actually no. According to the studies that I've read people with similar stats have almost no variation to their metabolic rate. The bulk of the difference comes from intentional burns.
    Also I'm not going to list you sources. Whoever is interested should do their own research. Preferebly from scientific papers rather than from infomercials.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Do you need the pills? Maybe, if your are a diabetic in which case you should be under a doctor's care, right?

    Nevermind the rest of your post which is sparsely if at all based in fact. How can anyone with a potentially serious medical condition entertain the idea that the OP might actually NEED these nonsense pills, let alone see any benefit from them whatsoever?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2016
    I wouldn't ingest anything I bought off the TV
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. Seems the overwhelming consensus is that these pills are a waste. I have a 30 day supply and will use them and probably not buy a refill unless I see some incredible result which I can't attribute to exercise or diet.

    Somebody above asked me about my intake for the day as for calories, I am set up to take in 2600-2800 calories a day which according to MFP, would allow me to lose 2 lbs a week, I am also starting the gym 3 days a week.

    Somebody asked me why I was eating so little, I don't think I am, for breakfast, I just had a yogurt and slim fast shake, 280 calories total. It filled me up. How much more should I eat if I'm full?
    Same goes for lunch, if I eat a couple eggs, some veggies, or a salad, and I'm under 800 calories, do I need to eat more if I'm full?
    I may have an afternoon snack like popcorn, but most of my calories I save for dinner. I prefer to eat a bigger more filling dinner so I don't get hungry and eat at night.

    I have a sweet tooth, but not on a daily basis, so I'm usually not tempted. I am however a carb fan, I enjoy various breads, rolls, etc. I know they are bad, but they also fill me up and keep me feeling full. My goal is to eliminate or greatly reduce sugar, breads, carbs, as I know these are all bad
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for that explanation, makes sense. The food scale & measuring plan makes sense. Somebody else told me to eat by the handful,since your stomach was about the size of your fist, you should only eat a fist food of food per serving
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    edited October 2016
    morf13 wrote: »
    Thanks for that explanation, makes sense. The food scale & measuring plan makes sense. Somebody else told me to eat by the handful,since your stomach was about the size of your fist, you should only eat a fist food of food per serving

    No, not really.

    That sounds like a mis-interpretation of the old guideline of estimating portion sizes relative to your hand. It's a useful technique if you don't have a scale available, but only for a rough estimate. The size of your stomach has nothing to do with a reasonable portion size for most foods. A fist sized portion of bacon (while delicous) is much different than a fist sized portion of chicken, or apples, or Oreos.

    This is a version of the hand-serving rule of thumb. Again, it is inferior in every way to using a food scale.

    You seem to be casting about for any gimmick that you can. If you don't want to use a food scale, you still need to manage your portions in a way that is sensible. That means setting limits for yourself, recognizing a reasonable portion size for each type of food, and finding a balance that makes it easier for you to keep a consistent calorie deficit.

    Edited to reference a better chart.

  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    I was looking at an add for GoLo. So I am wondering, did you ever finish that bottle? What happened?
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    edited July 2017
    Don't eat after 6PM at night and don't eat before 0700 - eat only during daylight hours (more or less).

    I work 11pm - 7am about 5 nights a week and a majority of my calories are consumed between those hours. I've lost 65 pounds.

    morf13 wrote: »
    I enjoy various breads, rolls, etc. I know they are bad, but they also fill me up and keep me feeling full. My goal is to eliminate or greatly reduce sugar, breads, carbs, as I know these are all bad

    Nope, nope, and nope. All lies.

    Great. I just added to a necro thread.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    morf13 wrote: »
    I appreciate the responses,and opinions, but I hope to hear from People who have tried it.
    If they were in calorie deficit because of following instructions, they would lose weight. So you'd get a positive response. But the reality is ANY PROGRAM works if you follow directions and are in a calorie deficit. So what are you hoping for? Just pacification from them so you don't feel like you were scammed?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
