I have logged for 200 days to only loose 8 pounds



  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    @Christine_72 I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp and with cheese I like the sargento colby jack that comes individually wrapped that way I have the nutritional facts.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    @Christine_72 I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp and with cheese I like the sargento colby jack that comes individually wrapped that way I have the nutritional facts.

    "I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp" -- there is a problem. "A teaspoon" -- do you scrape it even across the top with the teaspoon? Or leave it rounded? The difference could be easily 50-100 calories. Not even all teaspoons are really the same. Do you have any on the bottom of the spoon from dipping it out? Do you eat that in addition to what is in the teaspoon or put it back? That could be another 25-50 calories. Do you lick your finger if you scraped it across the top? Another 10-25 calories. There is no such thing as a "teaspoon" of peanut butter :)

    Get a scale :) $10-15. Even if you only use it once in a while to verify some things, totally totally worth it!!!
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    No, starvation mode is not a thing. Eating more calories doesn't cause a higher weight loss, the OP likely has inaccuracies in their logging.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited October 2016
    aylajane wrote: »
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    @Christine_72 I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp and with cheese I like the sargento colby jack that comes individually wrapped that way I have the nutritional facts.

    "I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp" -- there is a problem. "A teaspoon" -- do you scrape it even across the top with the teaspoon? Or leave it rounded? The difference could be easily 50-100 calories. Not even all teaspoons are really the same. Do you have any on the bottom of the spoon from dipping it out? Do you eat that in addition to what is in the teaspoon or put it back? That could be another 25-50 calories. Do you lick your finger if you scraped it across the top? Another 10-25 calories. There is no such thing as a "teaspoon" of peanut butter :)

    Get a scale :) $10-15. Even if you only use it once in a while to verify some things, totally totally worth it!!!

    This. Measuring cups and spoons are inaccurate. They depend solely on the user for accuracy, and I can tell you that you aren't accurate no matter how much you think you are (i.e. Using your hand for meat).

    Even packaged items are off. Despite my granola bars telling me they're 190 calories for 72 grams, I've rarely had one come out of the package at 72 grams. Typically they are closer to 80-85g. My granola bar just went from 190 cals to 211-245cals straight out of the package. Do that multiple times a day and you wipe out a deficit.

    Get a food scale. Weigh all your solids. Report back in a few months. If you don't notice a difference, then it's time to dig deeper. But right now, this is a really easy fix.

  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    No, starvation mode is not a thing. Eating more calories doesn't cause a higher weight loss, the OP likely has inaccuracies in their logging.

    Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism, your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function daily. Do your research.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    No, starvation mode is not a thing. Eating more calories doesn't cause a higher weight loss, the OP likely has inaccuracies in their logging.

    Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism, your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function daily. Do your research.

    The slowing down of your metabolism isn't enough to stop weight loss though
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    daniip_la wrote: »
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    No, starvation mode is not a thing. Eating more calories doesn't cause a higher weight loss, the OP likely has inaccuracies in their logging.

    Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism, your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function daily. Do your research.

    No. Just no. I suggest doing your research actually. May I suggest peer reviewed studies and not articles you find on google.

    Try working with a dietician, it will help.
  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    "I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp" -- there is a problem. "A teaspoon" -- do you scrape it even across the top with the teaspoon? Or leave it rounded? The difference could be easily 50-100 calories. Not even all teaspoons are really the same. Do you have any on the bottom of the spoon from dipping it out? Do you eat that in addition to what is in the teaspoon or put it back? That could be another 25-50 calories. Do you lick your finger if you scraped it across the top? Another 10-25 calories. There is no such thing as a "teaspoon" of peanut butter :)

    Get a scale :) $10-15. Even if you only use it once in a while to verify some things, totally totally worth it!!!

    @aylajane I barely as in I haven't had any in about 2 maybe 3 months not a huge fan of nuts. When I use a tsp I use a knife to scrape the top of it off and do not lick the knife or my finger afterwards and I don't lick the outside of the spoon lol

    I did decide yesterday per so many suggestions that I'm getting a scale :smiley:

  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    I have logged for 200 days to only loose 8 pounds and is very discouraging I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am 27 my height is 5'1 my weight is 170 size 10 jeans. I have been working out for over a year I have lost tons of inches and have gain muscle however the scale will not budge. The scale number aside I feel good I have more energy and look good. My calorie count is usually 1200-1400 1600 for me is a day when I feel like I overeat my micros are good. Any advise welcomed Thank you.

    Are you happy with where you are? You said you have lost inches, your clothes fit differently and you feel better . . . so are you happy with yourself?

    If not, then you need to make a change. I believe you're female based on the clothing size you gave so please know this isn't from a place of being mean or hatred but if you're looking for the 'it's just muscle you're gaining' reasoning that probably isn't it. Women have an incredibly hard time building muscle mass even when they're trying to . . . we just don't have the genetic make up to do it.

    So if you aren't loosing at the rate you'd like to then you need to revisit what you're eating. You might think you're eating 1400 calories/day but you might be eating 1700 and at 5'1 those extra 300 calories make a huge difference.

    Further to body weight . . . here's some food for thought. I weigh in at 250lbs and I am 5'10. I'm on the taller side of things for women, but I have had a bod pod analysis done and I have 140lbs of lean body mass on me . . . so just my skin, organs, bones weigh that much. According to BMI I should weigh in at 160 - 165 ish and at that I would be skin and bones pretty much - I'd be super ripped. However at a weight closer to 190, maybe 200 I would probably look really healthy. And those are my target weights.

    So it's not always about the scale - if you are happy with how you look and your progress I wouldn't worry too much about the scale. If you aren't, then do what you need to do to change it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    Staravation mode is a myth. :)

    The result of eating too little food is weight loss, too much food leads to weight. Eat just the right amount and you maintain.

    If you are losing but not per set goals, there is an error(s) someone in calories in/calories out.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    daniip_la wrote: »
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    No, starvation mode is not a thing. Eating more calories doesn't cause a higher weight loss, the OP likely has inaccuracies in their logging.

    Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism, your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function daily. Do your research.

    Okay, the onus is on you: please give us those peer reviwed articles that show starvation mode exisis in the common dieter.

    The OP is eating too much, otherwise she would be losing wegiht.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Listen.. you are smaller, more toned.. and almost 10 pounds lighter too. You are doing great. I've always said.. working out almost stalls weight loss on the scale just because you're adding muscle which is compact..smaller.. to your frame. Don't let the scale mess with your head.. you are making progress.

    I'm on day 78.. and i think i might be in the same boat.. i'm down a size..but I have not weighed myself because I don't want to be discouraged. I think I too have lost just a few pounds at most... but I've been working out ..cardio and weights to improve my fitness ...strength ..and overall health.

    You're being smart... i hope you took some before pics.. if so..compare those and I bet you'll feel great about things. :)
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    I should buy the food scale


    I'm not a big scale pusher when someone is first starting out. I've lost 74 lbs, and the pre-scale curve is not disginguishable from the post-scale curve. So I know it is possible to be very accurate without using a scale.

    But when somoene is actively trying to lose weight, isn't using a scale, and is disturbed about/questioning why they are not losing weight, then I think it is a very important step. Becuase most people aren't as accurate at estimating as I am. It doen't really matter that much as long as you are consistently inaccurate - and what you are eating is less than what you were. But a scale is a cheap, easy fix for a lot of people.

  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    daniip_la wrote: »
    How many calories do you burn a day? You say you are eating about 1200-1400 but if you are burning 500 a day then you are netting 700-900, which is way too low. By not eating enough you could be putting your body into starvation mode.

    No, starvation mode is not a thing. Eating more calories doesn't cause a higher weight loss, the OP likely has inaccuracies in their logging.

    Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism, your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function daily. Do your research.

    No. Just no. I suggest doing your research actually. May I suggest peer reviewed studies and not articles you find on google.

    Try working with a dietician, it will help.

    What does that have to do with proving your research?

  • Cbestinme
    Cbestinme Posts: 397 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    I have logged for 200 days to only loose 8 pounds and is very discouraging I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am 27 my height is 5'1 my weight is 170 size 10 jeans. I have been working out for over a year I have lost tons of inches and have gain muscle however the scale will not budge. The scale number aside I feel good I have more energy and look good. My calorie count is usually 1200-1400 1600 for me is a day when I feel like I overeat my micros are good. Any advise welcomed Thank you.

    Are you happy with where you are? You said you have lost inches, your clothes fit differently and you feel better . . . so are you happy with yourself?

    If not, then you need to make a change. I believe you're female based on the clothing size you gave so please know this isn't from a place of being mean or hatred but if you're looking for the 'it's just muscle you're gaining' reasoning that probably isn't it. Women have an incredibly hard time building muscle mass even when they're trying to . . . we just don't have the genetic make up to do it.

    So if you aren't loosing at the rate you'd like to then you need to revisit what you're eating. You might think you're eating 1400 calories/day but you might be eating 1700 and at 5'1 those extra 300 calories make a huge difference.

    Further to body weight . . . here's some food for thought. I weigh in at 250lbs and I am 5'10. I'm on the taller side of things for women, but I have had a bod pod analysis done and I have 140lbs of lean body mass on me . . . so just my skin, organs, bones weigh that much. According to BMI I should weigh in at 160 - 165 ish and at that I would be skin and bones pretty much - I'd be super ripped. However at a weight closer to 190, maybe 200 I would probably look really healthy. And those are my target weights.

    So it's not always about the scale - if you are happy with how you look and your progress I wouldn't worry too much about the scale. If you aren't, then do what you need to do to change it.

    Nice post!! :)

    By the way what is a bod pod analysis and where is it done?
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    grmckenzie wrote: »
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    aylajane wrote: »
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    @Christine_72 I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp and with cheese I like the sargento colby jack that comes individually wrapped that way I have the nutritional facts.

    "I barely ever eat peanut butter but when I do I only have a tsp" -- there is a problem. "A teaspoon" -- do you scrape it even across the top with the teaspoon? Or leave it rounded? The difference could be easily 50-100 calories. Not even all teaspoons are really the same. Do you have any on the bottom of the spoon from dipping it out? Do you eat that in addition to what is in the teaspoon or put it back? That could be another 25-50 calories. Do you lick your finger if you scraped it across the top? Another 10-25 calories. There is no such thing as a "teaspoon" of peanut butter :)

    Get a scale :) $10-15. Even if you only use it once in a while to verify some things, totally totally worth it!!!

    This. Measuring cups and spoons are inaccurate. They depend solely on the user for accuracy, and I can tell you that you aren't accurate no matter how much you think you are (i.e. Using your hand for meat).

    Even packaged items are off. Despite my granola bars telling me they're 190 calories for 72 grams, I've rarely had one come out of the package at 72 grams. Typically they are closer to 80-85g. My granola bar just went from 190 cals to 211-245cals straight out of the package. Do that multiple times a day and you wipe out a deficit.

    Get a food scale. Weigh all your solids. Report back in a few months. If you don't notice a difference, then it's time to dig deeper. But right now, this is a really easy fix.

    Just posted this elsewhere, but I bought a scale yesterday. My 1 cup (45) gram breakfast cereal @ 300 calories actually weighed 97 grams so over double what I though I was eating for calories.

    Its such a "light bulb" moment, ey? For me it was more like... "oooh shyyyyt"!
    To hell with you measuring cups!!! =P
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    neohdiver wrote: »
    ktra2014 wrote: »
    I should buy the food scale
    So I know it is possible to be very accurate without using a scale.

    You cannot be accurate without a measuring device. You deficit was just great enough to account for your mis-measurements.