I have logged for 200 days to only loose 8 pounds

I have logged for 200 days to only loose 8 pounds and is very discouraging I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am 27 my height is 5'1 my weight is 170 size 10 jeans. I have been working out for over a year I have lost tons of inches and have gain muscle however the scale will not budge. The scale number aside I feel good I have more energy and look good. My calorie count is usually 1200-1400 1600 for me is a day when I feel like I overeat my micros are good. Any advise welcomed Thank you.


  • tacrok
    tacrok Posts: 2 Member
    My first question is like Kristen6350, are you weighing/measuring your foods?

    Next, have you had a physical recently? To rule out any underlying medical problems.

    Lastly - do you take anything like ambien?
  • FaithxinChaos
    FaithxinChaos Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with the above posters, if your losing inches your definitely burning fat. If your looking to slim down more I'd adjust your macros and invest in a food scale if you haven't already. Congrats on your 200 days!
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    On the plus side, you have lost 8 pounds. You didn't stay the same, you didn't gain. In the past those probably would have been possible options I bet. Take the win even if it is small and work on doing better.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 1,131 Member
    Congratulations on losing the 8 pounds. I second the advice to weigh (or measure) everything you eat. You say you look and feel good, so maybe you should not focus on the number. If the scale reading is important to you, and it sounds like it is, start over. Read the program again and get some of that initial dedication.

    Related thought - don't use 'only' and 'lose' in the same sentence. Any loss is a good loss and most likely is a better result than you were experiencing prior to starting your weight loss journey. Stepping down off my soap box now. ;)
  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks I know I should be taking it as a win specially since I feel better overall.

    I do not have a food scale I do use measuring cups and the size of my palm for an idea for my meats. I really should get rid of the number I have in my head and the scale, I have a picture of myself at 145 and now and I look about the same if anything I feel stronger and have more endurance.

    I don't eat back my exercise I see as a bonus I use a Garmin HR to keep track of my step count as well as exercise I do metabolic type training with weights at least 3 times a week, go running or hiking on the weekends.

    I'm not on any medication and have not been in a doctors office in a while since I feel good I use that as an excuse to not go I guess is probably time I go get a physical.

    I should buy the food scale and Thanks I'm proud of myself for sticking to something for that long of time haha :)

    Tacrok I love the picture is really telling me I need a food scale and I should get a physical.

  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Related thought - don't use 'only' and 'lose' in the same sentence. Any loss is a good loss and most likely is a better result than you were experiencing prior to starting your weight loss journey. Stepping down off my soap box now. ;)

    @Philtex I love that prospective I had not tough of it that way but your right I'm proud of my journey and my 8 pounds, is 8 less than what it would have been 200 days ago :smiley: .
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    get a scale and weigh your food...I guarantee you will be shocked by your actual calorie intake... that's not a bad thing...weight loss is indiscriminate, by that I mean that you don't just lose fat, you also lose muscle. So... you have inadvertently stumbled upon body recomposition where you don't significantly alter your caloric input, but through exercise and better food choices you have reduced fat and increased muscle... IF you had accurately logged you would not have enjoyed the success you seem to have enjoyed. SO you can do two things if weight loss is your goal...get a food scale and begin the deprivation and lose weight and muscle... 2 increase your physical performance goals and forget the scales all together(food and weight)
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    also remember there is a BIG difference between fat loss and weight loss
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    tacrok wrote: »
    My first question is like Kristen6350, are you weighing/measuring your foods?

    Next, have you had a physical recently? To rule out any underlying medical problems.

    Lastly - do you take anything like ambien?

    What does ambien or the like have to do with weight loss? Medication doesn't cause weight to be slower, but hunger from a bigger appetitle due to the medication can if you eat too much.
  • bigfatguy13088
    bigfatguy13088 Posts: 21 Member
    Ive logged 47 days, only lost about 3.5. Not discouraged at all. And i know the problem. I occasionally havr too much on the weekends and wipe out any losses. Just need to get my weekends under control
  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    O you can do two things if weight loss is your goal...get a food scale and begin the deprivation and lose weight and muscle... 2 increase your physical performance goals and forget the scales all together(food and weight)
    also remember there is a BIG difference between fat loss and weight loss

    @RavenLibra I had never thought of it this way it would explain why I look the same as I did when I was 25 pounds lighter I have lost fat. I should increase physical performance to tone and tighten although paying a little bit more attention to my food will help. Thanks
  • ktra2014
    ktra2014 Posts: 21 Member
    Ive logged 47 days, only lost about 3.5. Not discouraged at all. And i know the problem. I occasionally havr too much on the weekends and wipe out any losses. Just need to get my weekends under control

    @bigfatguy13088 I used to do that at the beginning that's great that your not discourage keep on. I have gotten to a point were I got my weekends under control and my micros under control and I feel like I'm doing everything right but my results are not what I want them to be. It had not occur to me to get a food scale, or to adjust my exercise, to listen to my body and trow out the scale. I'm not giving up I'm just adjusting and now I have plenty of ideas to try.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    OP do you eat peanut butter and cheese? If so, I'd be curious to see how near or far your previous estimations were once you weigh them on a scale.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    tacrok wrote: »
    My first question is like Kristen6350, are you weighing/measuring your foods?

    Next, have you had a physical recently? To rule out any underlying medical problems.

    Lastly - do you take anything like ambien?

    What does ambien or the like have to do with weight loss? Medication doesn't cause weight to be slower, but hunger from a bigger appetitle due to the medication can if you eat too much.

    Probably because people unbeknownst to them get up in the middle of the night and polish off an ungodly amount of food (and do other crazy things) and wake up with no idea why the entire bag of Milano cookies is empty and in the bathroom next to an empty wine glass. (Source: my friend)

    My gramma used to call me at odd hours leaving me the most insane voicemails while on her precious Ambien. Man I wish I had saved them.

    Ya know...you could be right about that. :)