Jenny McCarthy on 'The View'



  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    The thing anti-vaccination people never seem to understand is that their position is irrelevant.

    Even if they do cause Autism, which they don't, they're still one of the greatest inventions mankind has ever thought up. Even if everything they ever said is true people should still get vaccines anyway.

    The Anti-Vac crowd is like someone arguing against eating because it might give you heartburn.

    One problem is that a lot of people were born in an age when vaccines had already done their job quite well and reduced the frequency of many serious disease. If you can't see a problem it doesn't exist. That's a very human cognitive flaw. But of course most of these diseases are not gone. They're still lurking. If we stop the vaccinations they'll be back.


    ^^^^^ yeah, I agree, some of the diseases listed most of you on here have never seen anyone that has either had it or lost someone from them.
    It is a valuable practise and of course, your choice but I believe if you choose not to vaccinate, your un-immunized children should be banned from being allowed in public areas such as amusement parks, schools, playgrounds, pools..etc..why should my children be put at risk cause you want to take chances with your kids life!!! :laugh:
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    Honestly, I don't have an opinion about her one way or another. I haven't seen any of the shows she's in, i don't watch the View regularly. so, i really don't care.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    OP - I think it's dangerous to censor viewpoints. Counter it with evidence, but censorship is more dangerous than one person's opinion, no matter how goofy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't watch her on there but I know she's pretty radical. Her kid is autistic I think and attributes it to the shots they got? Not sure but I think the jist. My wife and I don't do the normal schedule of shots. Too much crap going in your baby at once isnt good. We spread them out and do just one at a time.

    They do believe that there may be a link between vaccinations and children being auristic. The vaccination decision should be left to the child's parents.
    WHO believes that? Who is "they"?

    This anti-vaccine crap was based on a FALSE study. Anyone who believes it is an idiot.

    There has been an increase in diagnosed cases of autism. However, that increase is due to the expansion of the definition of autistic and therefore, children who previously would not have fallen on the spectrum now do. Therefore, more diagnosed cases.

    Also, I'm kind of shocked that anyone dies of tetanus these days!
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Respectful was not in terms of the way the conversation is conducted, more that the co-hosts are still able to sit at a table together and share ideas without pulling out some of the ridiculous threats/insults (not saying they don't ever insult or threaten, but when was the last time you saw them go, "I disagree with you, DIE *#$*@# (insert cussword here)!!!!"). I definitely find them all to be a little harpy and their constant interruptions of each other and their guests is almost as hilarious as it is annoying.

    Also, I'm not saying 'CENSOR JENNY MCCARTHY'. Not my point. She can write as many books, movies, screenplays, or whatever crap famous people put out as she wants, but to give her airtime on a show that many people (not me, again) consider to be somewhat reliable (meaning, in short terms, they get their medical advice from Dr. Oz) could be dangerous... I DON'T advocate censorship, I do advocate choosing public personalities intelligently.

    I know where she's getting her information. She's still stupid for continuing to peddle a lie, even if she is a "sheep." It's been repeatedly proven to be a crock of bull.

    *Edited for grammar
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    LOL @ people who get butthurt over her anti-vaccine crusade. Last time I checked, parents can do whatever they want with their kids. People always get outraged when someone has a different view on this issue because they'd like to think they know what's best for everyone since they're a parent or work in the medical field. Sit down and shut up.... nothing she says is "dangerous" because you don't have to heed her advice --- isn't that amazing! Celebrities push all sorts of agendas... you don't have to feel threatened by that if you don't want to. Stop being weak MFs. I also love how parents feel so strongly about this issue yet most kids nowadays are overweight, inactive, and are fed chemical-laden food by their parents. You want to be proactive over your child's health then go the full course. Vaccinating your child and then feeding them disease causing food makes you look just as ignorant as the anti-vaccine hippy.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I hate the View. Every time I've channel surfed and paused on it, it just seems like competition of who can interrupt and talk over others enough to get their point heard. I don't know anything about Jenny McCarthy other than that she was in playboy, which makes her seem an odd choice for a show that tackles serious issues.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I hate the View. Every time I've channel surfed and paused on it, it just seems like competition of who can interrupt and talk over others enough to get their point heard. I don't know anything about Jenny McCarthy other than that she was in playboy, which makes her seem an odd choice for a show that tackles serious issues.
    Cindy Crawford was also in Playboy and she's literally a genius.
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    It's simple mathematics... Controversy = Ratings = $$$$ It's all about the Benjamins...

    The other side of this is that if you take your child rearing advise from a "celebrity" than you have other problems than just watching TV.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I hate the View. Every time I've channel surfed and paused on it, it just seems like competition of who can interrupt and talk over others enough to get their point heard. I don't know anything about Jenny McCarthy other than that she was in playboy, which makes her seem an odd choice for a show that tackles serious issues.
    Cindy Crawford was also in Playboy and she's literally a genius.

    LOL "tackles serious issues" at best they kick timely issues around a little bit and then leave them by the side of the road to die a slow and painful death.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have never been vaccinated and I've made it to 24 years old without a problem...
    That's because everyone around you has been.
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    I have never been vaccinated and I've made it to 24 years old without a problem...
    That's because everyone around you was vaccinated and you therefore haven't been exposed to these diseases. Care to take a walk through a room full of Polio Patients?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I hate the View. Every time I've channel surfed and paused on it, it just seems like competition of who can interrupt and talk over others enough to get their point heard. I don't know anything about Jenny McCarthy other than that she was in playboy, which makes her seem an odd choice for a show that tackles serious issues.
    Cindy Crawford was also in Playboy and she's literally a genius.

    LOL "tackles serious issues" at best they kick timely issues around a little bit and then leave them by the side of the road to die a slow and painful death.

    ^^^This! The view is awful!
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    LOL @ people who get butthurt over her anti-vaccine crusade. Last time I checked, parents can do whatever they want with their kids. People always get outraged when someone has a different view on this issue because they'd like to think they know what's best for everyone since they're a parent or work in the medical field. Sit down and shut up.... nothing she says is "dangerous" because you don't have to heed her advice --- isn't that amazing! Celebrities push all sorts of agendas... you don't have to feel threatened by that if you don't want to. Stop being weak MFs. I also love how parents feel so strongly about this issue yet most kids nowadays are overweight, inactive, and are fed chemical-laden food by their parents. You want to be proactive over your child's health then go the full course. Vaccinating your child and then feeding them disease causing food makes you look just as ignorant as the anti-vaccine hippy.

    This isn't about respecting people with a different viewpoint, bro. This is about kids getting sick and dying. Parent's CANNOT do whatever they want with their kids. This is like those bull**** religious nuts that don't get their kids help because they "don't believe" in medicine.

    She absolutely says dangerous things. Not everyone does their research and realizes that the studies she sites are complete bull****.

    And "vaccinating your children and then feeding them disease causing food"? I'd love to see your sources on that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    LOL @ people who get butthurt over her anti-vaccine crusade. Last time I checked, parents can do whatever they want with their kids. People always get outraged when someone has a different view on this issue because they'd like to think they know what's best for everyone since they're a parent or work in the medical field. Sit down and shut up.... nothing she says is "dangerous" because you don't have to heed her advice --- isn't that amazing! Celebrities push all sorts of agendas... you don't have to feel threatened by that if you don't want to. Stop being weak MFs. I also love how parents feel so strongly about this issue yet most kids nowadays are overweight, inactive, and are fed chemical-laden food by their parents. You want to be proactive over your child's health then go the full course. Vaccinating your child and then feeding them disease causing food makes you look just as ignorant as the anti-vaccine hippy.

    This isn't about respecting people with a different viewpoint, bro. This is about kids getting sick and dying. Parent's CANNOT do whatever they want with their kids. This is like those bull**** religious nuts that don't get their kids help because they "don't believe" in medicine.

    She absolutely says dangerous things. Not everyone does their research and realizes that the studies she sites are complete bull****.

    And "vaccinating your children and then feeding them disease causing food"? I'd love to see your sources on that.
    Just a tip, but the dude's quite trollish and not worth the argument.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have never been vaccinated and I've made it to 24 years old without a problem...
    That's because everyone around you was vaccinated and you therefore haven't been exposed to these diseases. Care to take a walk through a room full of Polio Patients?

    I've been to India twice, and at least 10 other countries, including many thirld-world ones, so I have been around many people who were not/could not affird to be vaccinated. My parents focused on a healthy diet/lifestyle to keep my immune system strong.
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    I have never been vaccinated and I've made it to 24 years old without a problem...
    That's because everyone around you was vaccinated and you therefore haven't been exposed to these diseases. Care to take a walk through a room full of Polio Patients?

    I've been to India twice, and at least 10 other countries, including many thirld-world ones, so I have been around many people who were not/could not affird to be vaccinated. My parents focused on a healthy diet/lifestyle to keep my immune system strong.

    Jenny McCarthy isn't talking about getting sick or not. Her whole thing is that vaccinations cause autism, which is bull****.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    LOL @ people who get butthurt over her anti-vaccine crusade. Last time I checked, parents can do whatever they want with their kids. People always get outraged when someone has a different view on this issue because they'd like to think they know what's best for everyone since they're a parent or work in the medical field. Sit down and shut up.... nothing she says is "dangerous" because you don't have to heed her advice --- isn't that amazing! Celebrities push all sorts of agendas... you don't have to feel threatened by that if you don't want to. Stop being weak MFs. I also love how parents feel so strongly about this issue yet most kids nowadays are overweight, inactive, and are fed chemical-laden food by their parents. You want to be proactive over your child's health then go the full course. Vaccinating your child and then feeding them disease causing food makes you look just as ignorant as the anti-vaccine hippy.
    Not offended/threatened by her views. I realize I can take them at face value but there are a lot of people in this world who are way more impressionable. :flowerforyou:
  • amyjax
    amyjax Posts: 102
    I didn't watch her on there but I know she's pretty radical. Her kid is autistic I think and attributes it to the shots they got? Not sure but I think the jist. My wife and I don't do the normal schedule of shots. Too much crap going in your baby at once isnt good. We spread them out and do just one at a time.

    They do believe that there may be a link between vaccinations and children being auristic. The vaccination decision should be left to the child's parents.

    There is NO LINK between autism and vaccinations. No link. None. (, and

    The doctor who suggested there was a link (Andrew Wakefield) has seen his paper found as "an elaborate fraud" ( and has had his grasp on medical ethics severely questioned ( He has since been banned from practising medicine (
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    OFF-TOPIC DISCLAIMER: Dan, that dog is beautiful.
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