When did you decide to get serious about getting fit?



  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    December 28, 2012.

    My uncle said to me after grabbing my second plate at my cousin's birthday party of rice pilaf covered with Japanese chicken curry, "Aren't you on a diet?" I had tried to watch my portions for a bit and it just went out the window during the holiday. I had resolved in my mind that I wasn't going be that person anymore, with no self control and fat. I was around 230 those days. My genetics aren't favorable either as my family has a history of heart problems, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Since I hate needles and hospitals in general, getting healthier was logical.

    I knew that I could lose the weight mentally (because I have before), training for 1/2 marathons and working out at gyms in the past. I'm happy to say I've been consistent for 7 months and haven't looked back.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    3 months from my 46th birthday, my Doctor told me I had seriously high blood pressure and that it was almost certain that I would have a cardiovascular "event" before I turned 50 if I did not change my life style.
  • jasondavies1988
    jasondavies1988 Posts: 7 Member
    Well since moving away from my parents and my mums cooking i have managed to lose 6 stone due to not eating as much and walking, it has been amazing.
    Now though i have managed to get into a position where i am wanting a better body. This has been encouraged by the fact that most lads my size struggle to attract a girl/women. i have become very serious to find someone these past months and i feel trimming off the fat would better my chance. Plus also i want to be healthy and look in the mirror and feel happy when i see myself.
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Someone my age and my weight got diagnosed with Diabetes. It scared the crap out of me and I realized that I needed to get back into shape if I wanted to live a long healthy life. So that moment I decided that I needed to start taking it seriously. Also my husband was pushing me hard to get into shape, not only to be healthy but so we could workout together and be active together. So with all the factors it pushed me to be as of today 61 pounds lighter since 2013 started and no junk going into my body! I have never felt better in my life!!!
  • Raevyns
    Raevyns Posts: 91 Member
    I went to my doctor about knee pain and I was told, at 33, that I have osteoarthritis. The cause? All of the walking I do daily and...my weight. Knees are load bearing joints and boy are they ever hefting a load.

    Additionally I broke my back when I was 22 and have had no problems stemming from it until my weight got high. Then the pain started again and I lost another half inch in height. I can't let that continue.

    It's time to transform...
  • mssierra2u
    mssierra2u Posts: 86 Member
    It was when I realized that the work I love has me sitting and reading for long hours, that humans tend to make many unconscious opinions about people based on visual cues, that I was using the weight as camouflage, that my camouflage was trying to kill me slowly, and that I love my life too much to choose to give it up because I don't want to keep a food journal and exercise.

    So, I'm facing my fears, enjoying working out and tell everyone I can about MFP and how it's made my life better. :-) Hope you do the same.
  • islander029
    islander029 Posts: 28 Member
    My son came to visit while on leave and wanted to go to Six Flags. We haven't been there in several years. Waited on line to go on a rollercoaster for 2 hours, only to find out I was to fat to fit on the ride. :(
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    I was 24 years old, and I made a doctors appointment because I was always short of breathe, light headed and would have problems sleeping...
    Went to the doctor stepped on the scale and I was 280.6 pounds:(
    The r replied next time I see you will be to put you on meds for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol
    If you do not start dropping some weight you will have a heart attack by 30 and will be dead by 40

    Yeah that is when I got serious I am 26 and so much healthier and happy I dropped weight, and still doing so.
    Besides when I become a police officer I want to be tone, in shape and show these men how it is done:wink:
  • ashleybohman
    ashleybohman Posts: 15 Member
    For the last 5 or so years I've been talking about eating better, exercising, ect. All talk and no action. Finally, 3 weeks ago, I decided to stop talking and start doing. Found MFP and made it 1 week, and then 10 days, so on and so forth. I've never stuck to any "diet" this long and it's become second nature. I'm seeing results, I'm loving exercise and I finally see food as fuel and not just something to do.
  • afreelandgti
    Had to replace a negative addiction (not drugs or alcohol) with a positive one. It's all about the dopamine and 'good feeling' hormones for me, straight up. The better body and healthier lifestyle are just added bonuses.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Last july I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. I was so out of shape the doctor had to help me put my shoes back on. They put me on meds. Have been off the diabetes meds for a few months and Monday when I see the same doctor I hope to come off the BP meds. Wish me luck:heart:
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    17 years ago I sat at my vanity putting my makeup on for a family event. When I didn't recognize who was staring back at me anymore....I jumped on and never looked back!! WIN!!!!!
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    When I ended up in the hospital twice in one week do to high blood pressure. I now have permanent damage to my heart and statistics give me 5 yrs. So, I am making my heart strong in all other aspects to prove them wrong. Along with working out. I am going to lose 50 lbs.
  • jhoyett
    jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
    After losing my mom to cancer, I lost myself to overeating and lack of exercise. Didn't take long to reach the heaviest weight of my life and I HAD to get it off!
  • npalmeter
    npalmeter Posts: 1
    I had seen pictures of myself before that were not flattering, but when I went to a family reunion in May of 2013 and saw a picture of myself, I just snapped. That next morning I saw an infomercial for JM's Body Revolution and decided right then I was tired of making excuses! I have lost 11 pounds since then and am still trucking!
  • JessieNeutronGirlGenius
    I've been yo yoing my whole life with my motivation and weight and so on, but, I finally realized that I don't want to live my life like this anymore. It was almost an epiphany I guess you could say.
  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    When my medical results showed that my cholesterol was way too high and that I had NAFLD. The doctor said I was obese and wanted to put me on medication. We've agreed that I have until December 2013 to loose weight and get my cholesterol down or I definitely going on the medication. I don't want to be a statistic so its time to do something about it!
  • jennrox78
    jennrox78 Posts: 50 Member
    Our courier came into the office while I was looking up recipes online.. (I was actually looking for good things to make) but when he said "you sure do like to eat, don't you? I can tell!".. I realized then I was done playing around and going do something about this weight...

    That was the end of May, this year
  • GrimmJKA
    GrimmJKA Posts: 33
    When my pants that were a size 48 were starting to fit tight and when I realized that I weighed more than I thought.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    When I realized that if I want to continue to be autonomous and if I want to actually be able to work losing weight wasn't a choice. I missed 14 days of work in January because of strong and extremely painful fibromyalgia flare-ups that didn't even allow me to get dressed. I still get the flare-ups and I know I always will unless something inside my body drastically changes, but they can be dealt with and even though I'm slower, more easily distracted and have serious brain fog when I'm in them, I can get to work and I can do most of it. And I'm only halfway through my weight loss...:)