Carbaholics anonymous.

I can limit my calories all I want but if I do not regulate my CARBS I just keep my bloated belly.

Something that was so obvious yet I just didn't think of.

I have a carb addiction. Pasta, bread, name it, I love it.

My two questions. How do you substitute for those carbs? (Share examples!)

What motivation do you use to keep pushing on and walk past your favorite dish?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Everybody bloats thse days, are you sure you just aren't overweight? You can't stop eating something you need motivation to avoid. There's nothing wrong with carbs. They provide energy/calories. Carby foods tend to be delicious. Too many calories make you gain weight. It sounds so sad to be pushing and struggling.
  • freespirit427
    freespirit427 Posts: 65 Member
    Everybody bloats thse days, are you sure you just aren't overweight? You can't stop eating something you need motivation to avoid. There's nothing wrong with carbs. They provide energy/calories. Carby foods tend to be delicious. Too many calories make you gain weight. It sounds so sad to be pushing and struggling.

    I shouldve rephrased. Ive been plateued for about 4 or 5 months. I am eating nearly double the amount of carbs that are recommended for me.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Everybody bloats thse days, are you sure you just aren't overweight? You can't stop eating something you need motivation to avoid. There's nothing wrong with carbs. They provide energy/calories. Carby foods tend to be delicious. Too many calories make you gain weight. It sounds so sad to be pushing and struggling.

    I shouldve rephrased. Ive been plateued for about 4 or 5 months. I am eating nearly double the amount of carbs that are recommended for me.

    Do you use a food scale to weigh everything you eat? When most people plateau it's due to not logging accurate or eating more than they think they are. Lowering your carbs can be a good way to help lower your overall calories, especially if you increase protein which many find to keep them full for longer than carbs.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Everybody bloats thse days, are you sure you just aren't overweight? You can't stop eating something you need motivation to avoid. There's nothing wrong with carbs. They provide energy/calories. Carby foods tend to be delicious. Too many calories make you gain weight. It sounds so sad to be pushing and struggling.

    I shouldve rephrased. Ive been plateued for about 4 or 5 months. I am eating nearly double the amount of carbs that are recommended for me.

    But then you are either eating too many calories, and/or eating almost no protein and fat?
  • scrunchie99
    scrunchie99 Posts: 1 Member
    I eat my favorites, but made with whole grains, and within my daily limits. I make sure I'm getting enough fiber and protein, which keeps me feeling full so I don't crave the carbs I shouldn't have. I focus on things that I love and are better for me. I have trained myself to eat other food. I do eat a lot of carbs-- whole wheat pasta, beans, popcorn, potatoes, microwave potato chips (no fat), whole wheat tortillas, and occasionally bread-- but I do it in balance.
  • freespirit427
    freespirit427 Posts: 65 Member
    I have updated my macros to now 180g protein, 60g fat and 80g carb. It was 170 g carb,40g fat and 50g protein.
    SW 223
    GW 150
    CW 180
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Everybody bloats thse days, are you sure you just aren't overweight? You can't stop eating something you need motivation to avoid. There's nothing wrong with carbs. They provide energy/calories. Carby foods tend to be delicious. Too many calories make you gain weight. It sounds so sad to be pushing and struggling.

    I shouldve rephrased. Ive been plateued for about 4 or 5 months. I am eating nearly double the amount of carbs that are recommended for me.

    Recommended by whom? Are you low in protein?

    Assuming you mean the MFP recommendation and that you are low in the other macros (a good estimate for protein is .8 g per lb of a healthy goal weight), then here's a suggestion:

    Review your meals and snacks and figure out where your carbs are coming from. Reduce portions. Also see if those meals or snacks are low in protein or healthy fats. If so, add in some by increasing the portion size of those foods (add some nuts to a snack or have 6 oz of fish instead of 3 oz). Often an issue is that breakfast, lunch, or snacks are really low protein/high carb -- if so think about how to restructure a bit.

    On the whole, if you get enough protein, the percentage of carbs v. fat doesn't matter, though.

    As for substitutions, I don't really like pretzels, so if I want a similar kind of snack I'll go for nuts or seeds. For bread, maybe consider occasionally using a wrap for a sandwich or use it as the starch course of your meal (don't have bread AND pasta, except for a special occasion, or a burger with bun plus potatoes -- substitute one of the starches for more vegetables or more meat or of course eat a smaller portion of both if you really want both).

    I fit in pasta all the time and don't have a huge number of carbs, but if you want to change it up try a pasta sauce on spaghetti sauce or other winter squash -- I do that when trying to save calories. If you are also trying to increase protein take the opportunity to increase the meat serving. OR, occasionally substitute beans or legumes for your starch of choice -- this will also give you added protein.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have updated my macros to now 180g protein, 60g fat and 80g carb. It was 170 g carb,40g fat and 50g protein.
    SW 223
    GW 150
    CW 180

    180g protein is way overkill...all you're doing is making expensive glucose. If you want to drop carbs that low I'd say go higher on the dietary fat...

    A 40c/30p/30f split is also pretty's called the "zone" diet...IMO, it doesn't work well in maintenance because protein goes through the roof (expensive glucose)...but it's a pretty reasonable split for the most part when dieting.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I have updated my macros to now 180g protein, 60g fat and 80g carb. It was 170 g carb,40g fat and 50g protein.
    SW 223
    GW 150
    CW 180

    That's a pretty high protein goal. I would have a hard time meeting it. The protein suggestions are typically around .8-1 gram per pound of lean body mass. For most women this would be 100-120 grams of protein. It would allow you a bit more carbs. I think trying to restrict carbs really far when that is something you tend to prefer could actually backfire. The macros you have just set are going to feel very restrictive. I'm a competitive bodybuilder and I don't even try to hit 150 grams of protein and my lean mass is 150 pounds, that would lead to serious binge eating on weekends.

    I suggest something closer to 120g protein, 60 grams of fat and 140 grams of carbs.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I have updated my macros to now 180g protein, 60g fat and 80g carb. It was 170 g carb,40g fat and 50g protein.
    SW 223
    GW 150
    CW 180

    Okay, I answered before I saw this. 170 g carbs, 40 g fat, and 50 g protein is definitely low in protein, but also quite low in calories: 1260. 180 g protein, 60 g fat, and 80 g carb is 1540 calories, which makes sense if you want something easier to adhere to or because you are closer to goal, but depending on how active you are will require more accuracy in logging. It's also a low carb diet, which is fine if you want to try it, but probably way protein than you need (I'm 5'3, and about 100 g makes sense for me) -- might want to give a bit back to carbs or fat.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    80g carb is if you want to go low carb

    I can't tell if you do or you're just panicking because your logging is bad

    I lost 50lbs eating 50-60% carbs in my diet

    I think you might be confused
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I have updated my macros to now 180g protein, 60g fat and 80g carb. It was 170 g carb,40g fat and 50g protein.
    SW 223
    GW 150
    CW 180

    Where did you get those numbers? Never mind, but the protein goal is ridiculous. Something around 80 grams is as much as you can utilize. You can still up your fat; I like to have equal amounts of protein and fat, but that's just preference - do something that's easy for you to adhere to, because you have to consistently eat at a deficit to lose weight.
  • freespirit427
    freespirit427 Posts: 65 Member
    Dr. Google and from my own interpretation hehe. I will adjust!
  • HawkPNP
    HawkPNP Posts: 106 Member
    I was a carb addict. The only way that I was able to change my behavior was going keto (high fat/low carb). Carbs were a trigger for me to keep eating...and eating...and eating. Everyone is different!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    Why not just use the MyFitnessPal default settings? Have you tried that? It worked really well for me, and continues to.
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I do 30c/50f/20p but I'm diabetic and trying to get off of medication. I would totally eat more carbs if I wasn't diabetic. I still enjoy the same things I've always enjoyed, I just monitor how much I'm eating and plan for it. So if I know I want Japanese for dinner (can't pass up that rice) then I account for that in the rest of my day.

    There are totally times I want to eat three slices of pizza (and sometimes I still do if I'm doing cardio that day) it just isn't in the cards for me because of my medical condition.

    That being said, I do have far less ankle swelling on hot, humid days with limiting carbs.
  • alwinter09
    alwinter09 Posts: 25 Member
    I too am a bread addict. bread and pasta. I can buy a loaf of bread from Panera bread and it would be gone in less than two days, no joke. Problem is, I'm not even suppose to eat gluten anyway because of my gluten intolerance. So not only does it hinder my weight loss, but I feel sick after eating it. and yet I can't stop eating it! A true addiction, I tell you (PS, gluten free breads suck and do not taste the same. not only that, but most gluten free products are way higher in calories and carbs than traditionally made breads)
  • Red_Pill
    Red_Pill Posts: 300 Member
    I have a passion for eating pastries. I can't quite explain it.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited October 2016
    I have updated my macros to now 180g protein, 60g fat and 80g carb. It was 170 g carb,40g fat and 50g protein.
    SW 223
    GW 150
    CW 180

    That's a ridiculous amount of protein. You're not stalling because of too many carbs-you're stalling because of too many calories. Tighten up your tracking-make sure you're using a food scale set to grams and are recording everything you eat/drink (if it has calories in it). Also make sure your calorie deficit is accurate-have you re-run your numbers based on your new, lower weight? You lose calories as you lose weight. And if you're exercising make sure your're not overestimating exercise burn and eating extra calories that way.