Carbaholics anonymous.



  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member

    "I never met a carbohydrate I didn't like.'
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,317 Member
    edited October 2016
    Why not just use the MyFitnessPal default settings? Have you tried that? It worked really well for me, and continues to.

    Yes, I quoted myself.

    Using the defaults, I am given 1,550 Calories =194 Carb / 52 Fat / 78 Protein. I am at goal weight 140-143.

    I don't eat a lot of highly processed carbs, but I do eat usually one to two portions of bread/pasta or rice a day, and usually one starchy vegetable like squash or potato. The rest of my carbs I get from other fruit and vegetables, dairy and nuts.

    As long as I don't get started on pretzels, crunchy things like chips or sweet cereal or other "treat" like things, I'm golden. Once I start, all bets are off.

    I don't know that I'd call it addiction ( because I've been around these boards for a minute ) but I would call those foods hard to resist once I start, kind of a compulsion. So I don't start unless I accept that I will eat 1000 calories worth before I stop. The key for me is no snacking. Just eat my two or three meals and nothing in between.

    Just like mom used to say. :)
  • SimplyMagick
    SimplyMagick Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm also a carboholic. My weakness would be bagels. I used to eat nearly one every day... a few weeks ago, I just stopped.

    One Saturday morning I was at a coffee shop that did not have fresh bagels, so I opted for a sausage, egg, cheese on a roll and it was tasty, so I didn't miss the bagel that day.

    A lot like crime, if you remove the opportunity, it is less likely to occur. I went food shopping and bought yogurts for the week and have been eating those! Haven't had a bagel in like 3 weeks..
  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member
    SimplyMagick, I usually have oatmeal with PB2 every work day for breakfast, but on the weekends I treat myself to half a bagel with real extra chunky peanut butter. I still managed to loose over 60 pounds. And I used to be a bagel w/cream cheese a day person, too. When we buy them, we slice them in half, then freeze them in big ziplock bags so it makes it easy to take a portion. Just pop it in the toaster! Maybe you could try having them for a treat once in a while instead of giving them up altogether. I know how hard that can be!
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm going to sound like a broken record on these boards, so this will be my last post on this for a while.

    I love carbs, like you. And I get really hungry on a high-protein, low-carb diet. It took me a long time before I figured out insulin's role in my diet.

    Not all carbs are created the same. I have switched to mostly low-glycemic carbs for the past few weeks. It's made all the difference in my satiety.

    I've had to cut out some of my favorite things, like popcorn and pasta, or only eat them right after a hard workout (when your body is more primed to take those carbs in and store as glycogen). The rest of the time I go low-GI carbs.

    Most of what I eat now for carbs: brown rice, tortilla shells, yogurt. You can Google the Glycemic Index of any carb. I still eat some white bread and mashed potatoes, but only post-workout.

    It's helped me manage my hunger a lot, and that's a huge key for me. Keeps me from binge eating or making bad choices (because heaven help me when I'm hungry...)
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi, I'm also a carboholic. My weakness would be bagels. I used to eat nearly one every day... a few weeks ago, I just stopped.

    One Saturday morning I was at a coffee shop that did not have fresh bagels, so I opted for a sausage, egg, cheese on a roll and it was tasty, so I didn't miss the bagel that day.

    A lot like crime, if you remove the opportunity, it is less likely to occur. I went food shopping and bought yogurts for the week and have been eating those! Haven't had a bagel in like 3 weeks..

    A plain bagel with a bit of cream cheese would most likely have less calories than a sausage, egg and cheese sandwich....

    eta: a plain bagel with a tbsp of regular cream cheese is around 310 calories. A sausage, egg and cheese sandwich on a roll is around 375 calories. And if you ordered the sandwich from a restaurant the calories are probably quite a bit higher than that (a sausage, egg, cheese mcmuffin sandwich at McDonald is almost 500 calories for example). Also-the roll from the sandwich probably had almost the same amount of carbs as the bagel :p

    In terms of weight loss the bagel would be a better choice because it has fewer calories. Weight loss has nothing to do with carbs, to lose weight you must be eating at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Most people who want to cut back on carbs substitute fats for carbs. A low carb high fat diet can help people who have a hard time moderating carbs to control their eating.

    Low carb is usually considered to be under 150g of carbs per day. It is usually somewhere between 5-30% of your daily intake. Protein is usually kept moderate, and often between 15 and 25%. Fat tends to make up the bulk of the diet from 50 to 80%.

    If pasta, baked goods and such are a problem for you, you can drop the or moderate them. If moderating isn't working, drop them.