Refined foods, flours and sugars



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)


    And you'll get biased responses, actually.

    Just because you don't agree with someone else doesn't mean their response wasn't "thoughtful" or that they're wrong.

    To be fair, this is a weight loss forum more than a health forum.

    Says who, exactly? My FITNESS Pal.
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    I cut out 90% of my previous refined sugar and white flour intake and have lost 66 pounds since Jan 1, 2013.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)

    Quoting for reference when clean eaters/paleo peeps complain about people being negative towards them, claim that no clean eater here has acted like an elitist or insulted others for not eating like them.

    Carry on.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)


    And you'll get biased responses, actually.

    Just because you don't agree with someone else doesn't mean their response wasn't "thoughtful" or that they're wrong.

    To be fair, this is a weight loss forum more than a health forum.

    Says who, exactly? My FITNESS Pal.

    Says me. If you want to try to derive health information from these forums, that's perfectly fine. But the signal to noise ratio on anything other than simple weight loss is extreme.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)


    And you'll get biased responses, actually.

    Just because you don't agree with someone else doesn't mean their response wasn't "thoughtful" or that they're wrong.

    To be fair, this is a weight loss forum more than a health forum.

    Says who, exactly? My FITNESS Pal.

    Says me. If you want to try to derive health information from these forums, that's perfectly fine. But the signal to noise ratio on anything other than simple weight loss is extreme.

    Well....since it is because You say so....

    seems legit
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    Have any of you cut out foods made from white flour and refined sugars from your daily diets altogether? If so, has it helped you lose a lot of weight or helped you maintain your goal weight?

    I think my biggest problem in the past is that I have eaten a LOT of white bread every day, plus I liked the cakes ; - (. And, normally it is not just the bread, most of the stuff that goes into the sandwiches has been unhealthy or processed foods like mayo, butter, processed meats, cheeses, etc.

    I have already cut right down on the bread and cakes items but only for 3 months, was wondering if anyone has cut them out for much longer, and have had good results by not eating them.

    No, not entirely. I have cut sugar down when I can and I use more whole wheat flour than white but I still use both to some degree. Losing weight is hard enough so why make it harder by eliminating gigantic groups of foods. I have only been actively trying to lose weight for about 8 weeks at this point but I think I am doing pretty well thus far without getting overly obsessive with my food choices.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)


    And you'll get biased responses, actually.

    Just because you don't agree with someone else doesn't mean their response wasn't "thoughtful" or that they're wrong.

    To be fair, this is a weight loss forum more than a health forum.

    Says who, exactly? My FITNESS Pal.

    Says me. If you want to try to derive health information from these forums, that's perfectly fine. But the signal to noise ratio on anything other than simple weight loss is extreme.

    Given the inability to have a reasonable discussion regarding the differences between clean eating and IIFYM without it reverting to "you're going to get cancer," "fine, eat cheeseburgers," "I wash my food with Windex," etc. I would agree. That said, attempting to define "health" outside of objective health markers seems to me to be quixotic at best.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)

    Quoting for reference when clean eaters/paleo peeps complain about people being negative towards them, claim that no clean eater here has acted like an elitist or insulted others for not eating like them.

    Carry on.

    I actually thought she was being sarcastic, especially since she has a beer in her picture. I guess that says a lot about me!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)


    And you'll get biased responses, actually.

    Just because you don't agree with someone else doesn't mean their response wasn't "thoughtful" or that they're wrong.

    To be fair, this is a weight loss forum more than a health forum.

    Says who, exactly? My FITNESS Pal.

    Says me. If you want to try to derive health information from these forums, that's perfectly fine. But the signal to noise ratio on anything other than simple weight loss is extreme.

    Well....since it is because You say so....

    seems legit

    Find a health-related thread that isn't a bunch of people talking past each other, followed by mocking gifs. This is a cute forum for babbling, and a good forum if your goal is achieving weight loss while tracking calories.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)

    Quoting for reference when clean eaters/paleo peeps complain about people being negative towards them, claim that no clean eater here has acted like an elitist or insulted others for not eating like them.

    Carry on.

    I actually thought she was being sarcastic, especially since she has a beer in her picture. I guess that says a lot about me!

    Doesn't matter what she has in her hand while she's insulting people.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Have any of you cut out foods made from white flour and refined sugars from your daily diets altogether? If so, has it helped you lose a lot of weight or helped you maintain your goal weight?

    I think my biggest problem in the past is that I have eaten a LOT of white bread every day, plus I liked the cakes ; - (. And, normally it is not just the bread, most of the stuff that goes into the sandwiches has been unhealthy or processed foods like mayo, butter, processed meats, cheeses, etc.

    I have already cut right down on the bread and cakes items but only for 3 months, was wondering if anyone has cut them out for much longer, and have had good results by not eating them.

    I think your biggest problem in the past was that you were eating at a caloric surplus...because that is what causes weight gain.

    Eating at a deficit will result in weight loss.

    I don't cut out any foods except for the ones I do not like.

  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)

    Quoting for reference when clean eaters/paleo peeps complain about people being negative towards them, claim that no clean eater here has acted like an elitist or insulted others for not eating like them.

    Carry on.

    I actually thought she was being sarcastic, especially since she has a beer in her picture. I guess that says a lot about me!

    Doesn't matter what she has in her hand while she's insulting people.

    I meant because beer's not allowed on paleo (I don't think?) any case, it doesn't matter.
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    I cut out refined graines,cooked foods and foods that need cooking, dairy for a couple of months say 90% of time totally! This got me used to not eating them, then I returned a small amount of these foods back into my diet, say 80% raw vegan. This suited me because of portion control problems and balanced nutritional diet! As for weight, the high fibre of vastly increased fruit and veg consumption made it very easy to keep to a deficit, snacking on unsalted nuts and seeds, dates and figs kept calories higher than many of my friends on here 1500 to over 2000 gross! Always into fitness I along side increased workouts ( I've worked out all my life fat or thin )I resumed running and increased weight lifting in the gym.
    My experience this year was drastic weight loss, mainly fat from estimates of over 40% down to 21% .
    The weight loss from water, undigested foods, lack of bloating, were psychologically inspiring . weight loss is about 2 stone and and visible fat loss.
  • SKAVY7178
    SKAVY7178 Posts: 165 Member
    I cut out Rice, pasta, bread.. Like 2 weeks back after a stall on my weigh loss and increased my veggies n fruits, am losing again..hv lost almost 4lbs in 2 weeks. i was constipated too, but now prbm solved. BUT, I do eat a fist portion of rice/pasta or bread on Sundays as a treat :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    find a primal/paleo forum and ask there, you'll get thoughtful responses :)


    And you'll get biased responses, actually.

    Just because you don't agree with someone else doesn't mean their response wasn't "thoughtful" or that they're wrong.

    To be fair, this is a weight loss forum more than a health forum.

    Says who, exactly? My FITNESS Pal.

    Says me. If you want to try to derive health information from these forums, that's perfectly fine. But the signal to noise ratio on anything other than simple weight loss is extreme.

    Given the inability to have a reasonable discussion regarding the differences between clean eating and IIFYM without it reverting to "you're going to get cancer," "fine, eat cheeseburgers," "I wash my food with Windex," etc. I would agree. That said, attempting to define "health" outside of objective health markers seems to me to be quixotic at best.

  • penelope76
    penelope76 Posts: 49 Member
    :noway: Wow ..any who......I personally because of being diabetic and have high cholesterol have so far eliminated junk food like cakes and cookies ect.... If I do have a sandwich I rather go with wheat bread ,I do skim or almond milk. Best wishes! :happy:
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I meant because beer's not allowed on paleo (I don't think?) any case, it doesn't matter.

    Which is funny, since beer is about as unprocessed as it gets. Throw seeds into water, let yeast fall in, wait 8 weeks.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Have any of you cut out foods made from white flour and refined sugars from your daily diets altogether? If so, has it helped you lose a lot of weight or helped you maintain your goal weight?

    I think my biggest problem in the past is that I have eaten a LOT of white bread every day, plus I liked the cakes ; - (. And, normally it is not just the bread, most of the stuff that goes into the sandwiches has been unhealthy or processed foods like mayo, butter, processed meats, cheeses, etc.

    I have already cut right down on the bread and cakes items but only for 3 months, was wondering if anyone has cut them out for much longer, and have had good results by not eating them.

    Why do you think it is those foods in particular? Sounds just like a caloric surplus to me.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    i've cut out most refined carbs, my breadbaby is due to my addiction to pasta and bread (doesn't matter if it's whole wheat, no wheat my body just sticks it straight on my belly). i've also cut down on rice and tatties.

    I eat more carbs from fruit and veg now and it's made a massive difference! when i do eat refined carbs it's almost instantaneous breadbaby growth, it's ridiculous. Even when i eat a low amount of refined carbs and keep my calories at the right amount for me etc it makes no difference my body just sticks it straight on my stomach.

    I've found loads of alternatives to things so i can have bready/pasta like foods so i don't 'miss out', cloud/oopsie bread (you have to make it so it reduces how much of it you eat), courgette instead of lasagna, miracle/zero noodles, cauliflower instead of rice or tatties, celeriac chips or mash, swede mash (far FAR tastier than tattie mash or chips)

    i rarely eat processed meat.
    I love dairy but have a slight intolerance to it, butter is far better for you than marg. But i use coconut oil for most cooking and butter for baking. i'm a cheese addict so i have slices of edam at work to snack on.

    my favourite 'sweet' is dried mango or dates, and celery/carrots/apple with pb (the sort that only has peanuts in).

    just do abit of googling for low carb stuff and you'd be amazed how many normal everyday foods you eat can be made healthier with a bit of substitution of the 'bad' stuff your body doesn't like.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    I do believe it is only by eating less calories than our body needs that we can lose weight. But for me personally eating less sugars and starches has helped me to not feel as hungry so that I can eat less calories. I still allow myself to eat refined foods and flours and sugars but in moderation.