Women's multivitamin makes me throw up



  • runningmcgee
    runningmcgee Posts: 16 Member
    I also have this same problem. I have to avoid vitamins with any kind of iron in them and that fixes the problem.
  • amberlinajo
    amberlinajo Posts: 16 Member
    I also experienced the same thing. So I switched to an adult GUMMIE multivitamin and I've had no problem since. It also kinda serves as my "treat" for the day. Maybe give it a try.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I take mine with dinner (my biggest meal). Otherwise, I get nausea. I've also found that the prenatal work better for my system. A regular women's stops me up I assume it's either a calcium or iron problem.

    I've considered taking a prenatal (I've heard they make your hair and nails look awesome lol), but I read somewhere that you're really not supposed to take them if you're not pregnant. How long have you been taking one?
  • swbabydoll
    You need to eat before you take them. I have been like that with all multi vitamin's.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I purchased a women's multivitamin a little while ago to start taking. The first morning I took it, I threw up within 5 minutes. At the time, I didn't connect it with the multivitamin - I just thought it was a stomach bug and even got scared I might be pregnant! Then I took it again and the same thing happened. I finally realized it was the vitamin. I think because it has extra iron in it, that might be the cause. So I started taking half doses - half in the morning, and half at night. That seemed to work for a while.

    But then I got lazy and kept forgetting to take it. It's been a couple of months and I just started taking it again. Now, even when I take the half dose I feel extremely nauseous. I just took it and sat here feeling like I was going to puke for a few minutes. I ran for the bathroom twice - luckily nothing actually happened. I've tried taking it with food and that seems to help a tad, but it doesn't fix the problem.

    Anyway, obviously I'm going to just stop taking it - I'll pick up a regular multivitamin next time I'm at the store, without extra iron for women (I'm assuming that's what it is). I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered this or why I might be so sensitive to it?

    After giving you a full blood work up, allergy tests, and complete physical...It is my professional opinion that your body is sensitive to one or more of the ingredients in this particular women's vitamin because of science.

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I just started taking Target's generic brand, I take it after dinner because it's just easier for me to remember it that way and I haven't had any issues with it. It's the only one I've ever tried though, so I don't know if any brand would make me feel nauseous or not. It was only $7 or $8 for a big bottle though, so maybe worth a try?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I take mine with dinner (my biggest meal). Otherwise, I get nausea. I've also found that the prenatal work better for my system. A regular women's stops me up I assume it's either a calcium or iron problem.

    I've considered taking a prenatal (I've heard they make your hair and nails look awesome lol), but I read somewhere that you're really not supposed to take them if you're not pregnant. How long have you been taking one?
    I've read that it's suggested for women to take if there's any chance of pregnancy because the folic acid is apparently extremely important to the development of the fetus, so having it in your system beforehand helps. Obviously you're not aiming ot get pregnant, but I think they are safe to take as a regular vitamin. My mom has always said they are good for your hair and nails. I'm not an expert though lol
  • ltfitz89
    ltfitz89 Posts: 295 Member
    What brand is it. I went to the gyno who told me I should take a multivitamin with extra iron. The only one i've found is the One a Day Pro Active. It has 150% daily needed iron, and is for women who are very actively exercising, losing weight, or lifting. It doesn't seem to bother me too much and I don't take it with food or anything.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I take a grocery store brand Women's Daily Multi-Vitamin. I have to have food in my stomach to take it. Otherwise I get really queasy and feel like I need to throw up. Eww!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Try taking them just before going to bed. I get horrible stomach pains with all multi vitamins and have started taking them right before bed and haven't had any issues.

    Otherwise, try to take them with a meal higher in fat
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I take mine with dinner (my biggest meal). Otherwise, I get nausea. I've also found that the prenatal work better for my system. A regular women's stops me up I assume it's either a calcium or iron problem.

    I've considered taking a prenatal (I've heard they make your hair and nails look awesome lol), but I read somewhere that you're really not supposed to take them if you're not pregnant. How long have you been taking one?

    My doctor told me prenatals are fine to take as long as you are drinking enough water. His biggest concern was that it could cause danamge to either the kidneys or liver (dont remember which) if you aren't drinking enough water. Obviously I would suggest asking your doctor first before taking what I said for granted, but food for thought.
  • SansyPansy
    SansyPansy Posts: 17
    This happened to me too. I ate breakfast and then took my vitamin and found myself running to the bathroom to throw it up. Crazy. I threw them out. I've started taking Vitafusion Multivites.. the Gummies :happy:
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I take mine with dinner (my biggest meal). Otherwise, I get nausea. I've also found that the prenatal work better for my system. A regular women's stops me up I assume it's either a calcium or iron problem.

    I've considered taking a prenatal (I've heard they make your hair and nails look awesome lol), but I read somewhere that you're really not supposed to take them if you're not pregnant. How long have you been taking one?

    Why not? It says right on my bottle of prenatals "for before, during and after pregnancy". Prenatals are great multis for any woman of childbearing age, whether they are TTC or not. Just check with your GP first before taking any meds/vitamins/supplements.
  • Megh757
    Megh757 Posts: 33 Member
    Get a good food based multi and that should help the body can digest them better and u can even take them on and empty stomach but its best to take multi with breakfast anyways. My fav is natures plus source of life
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    take it with food
  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    Unless your iron count is low, there's no reason you need extra. Myself, I take a B-complex vitamin, and as for iron, I make sure I eat a variety of dark leafy greens. Also crackers help with nausea a lot! Even if you're not pg!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I purchased a women's multivitamin a little while ago to start taking. The first morning I took it, I threw up within 5 minutes. At the time, I didn't connect it with the multivitamin - I just thought it was a stomach bug and even got scared I might be pregnant! Then I took it again and the same thing happened. I finally realized it was the vitamin. I think because it has extra iron in it, that might be the cause. So I started taking half doses - half in the morning, and half at night. That seemed to work for a while.

    But then I got lazy and kept forgetting to take it. It's been a couple of months and I just started taking it again. Now, even when I take the half dose I feel extremely nauseous. I just took it and sat here feeling like I was going to puke for a few minutes. I ran for the bathroom twice - luckily nothing actually happened. I've tried taking it with food and that seems to help a tad, but it doesn't fix the problem.

    Anyway, obviously I'm going to just stop taking it - I'll pick up a regular multivitamin next time I'm at the store, without extra iron for women (I'm assuming that's what it is). I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered this or why I might be so sensitive to it?

    *EDITED TO ADD* I have tried taking it after eating a substantial meal and I have also tried taking it at night. Still makes me really nauseous.

    I've gotten some good suggestions so far though, so I'll try another brand out. Thanks everyone.

    I take kids vitamins for this reason...I could never stomach prenatals either. So flinstones with iron are my go to
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I can't take vitamins. Tried it with and without food, at breakfast, lunch, dinner. Tried pills, liquids and chewables. They just make me feel ill. So....I try to supplement my diet with eating healthy.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    As long as you're not anemic or pregnant, you really don't need that extra iron.

    If possible, have your doc check your hemoglobin. If it's over 12.0, switch to a gummy multivitamin. If you are physically able to become pregnant, you should be taking a vitamin with folic acid. It's critical for a fetus within the first few days of conception to prevent certain birth defects.

    I can't stomach those vitamins, either - but my iron has always been perfect, so I just take the Vitafusion Multivites gummies. Haven't had a problem with those, except a craving for more because they're delicious.
  • adams17
    adams17 Posts: 4 Member
    I have to take the vitafusion Gummy vitamins. I can't take anything else other than children's chewables. These do not bother my stomach at all.