I'm Starving!!!



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Ok so I just started MFP this week and I have been doing a great job in keeping within my daily goals. Initially, MFP put me a t 1200 calories per day for a 2 lb. per week loss, but after talking with some of you and not wanting to set myself for failure or binge eating which I am prone to, I dropped it down to 1 lb per week and 1450 calories per day.

    Today I am starving!!!!

    I had a turkey wrap with cheese on flatout bread this morning along with my morning coffee. High in protein and some fat which is what is supposed to help with the hunger. Every other day I have been fine. Not starving like this!

    Did I restrict too much? I only ate about 1250 calories yesterday which were all mostly before dinner.

    Any thought? Advice?

    Well, you ate below your goal yesterday so that might leave you hungry today. You could eat those 200 calories today. Look at your weekly calories as well as daily.

    For exercise that is not outside in the dark-
    Tons of free workout videos on You Tube.
    You could walk around inside your home with zero risk. I often set a timer and turn on music or a podcast and walk around the house for awhile. The scenery doesn't change but it is still exercise... maybe invest in a treadmill.

    Another vote for eating yesterday's leftover calories today.

    This time of year I switch to walking at lunch time. If I don't get some form of exercise at lunch I am sluggish, sleepy, and unproductive in the afternoon at work. I also get the munchies.

    When I was walking after work last month and it was dark when I ended my walk, I was uneasy, despite having a cell phone, pepper spray, self-defense training, military training, and being 5'6" and large-framed. None of that negates me being female, and not as strong as a determined male assailant.

    Earlier this year, there was an attempted rape in a park in my county and the murder of a female jogger in Princeton, MA remains unsolved.

    While I realize it is statistically unlikely for anything bad to happen to me, I still have that sense of unease when alone in the woods at night. When my 75 pound husky was alive, I felt safe walking at night with him.


    Off topic, but what a beautiful dog. I love huskies -- our neighbor had them when I was growing up.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I am 35 years old, 5'3, and 195 lbs. Looking to lose about 20 lbs for now. Right now my activity is low. I had been walking every morning which is really the only chance I have to exercise with a full time job and 3 kids. But, I have not walked at all in the last two weeks as it has become more and more dark in the morning during the time that I have to go. Not comfortable walking in the dark.

    I get this issue with walking in the dark..

    I actually do run or walk in the pitch dark in the a.m. and it is scary.. I am looking forward to my 5:30 a.m. walks being more like it is at day break at 6:30 a.m. We have some street lights out in the neighborhood as well not helpful.. Good luck! :)

    Yeah...but you do it :-). Just because I'm curious is it a "I might trip" kind of scary or a "someone may be lurking in the shadows" kind of scary?

    But why does it matter...

    It is freaking scary to walk in the dark in my home let alone on the silent dark streets in my neighborhood which I will eventually travel a couple of miles from door step and alone.

    eta I do it and don't like it all..

    It doesn't matter I just don't get it and was curious thats all. I prefer the dark, its quieter...kind of serene less cars and other nonesense in the way, less likely you'll be stuck on a corner waiting for traffic etc. Usually go at night though not the morning, like heck I'm getting up at 5:30am. Thats what scares me...mornings.

    You probably don't get it because you are a man. Woman are often raised to be aware of their surroundings and not to put themselves in dangerous situations. We are taught to park in well lit areas and not to be out walking alone in the dark.

    Probably so. But as stated...I don't get it. Doesn't mean I can't have empathy though, just means I struggle to understand it and if say just having a headlamp would help or something. But as I said, should probably just drop it not all that important to the OPs question. I think on some level the idea that half the population lives in fear of the other half to the point that they decide not to exercise is deeply troubling.

    And it affects everyone, not just women.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Ok so I just started MFP this week and I have been doing a great job in keeping within my daily goals. Initially, MFP put me a t 1200 calories per day for a 2 lb. per week loss, but after talking with some of you and not wanting to set myself for failure or binge eating which I am prone to, I dropped it down to 1 lb per week and 1450 calories per day.

    Today I am starving!!!!

    I had a turkey wrap with cheese on flatout bread this morning along with my morning coffee. High in protein and some fat which is what is supposed to help with the hunger. Every other day I have been fine. Not starving like this!

    Did I restrict too much? I only ate about 1250 calories yesterday which were all mostly before dinner.

    Any thought? Advice?

    Well, you ate below your goal yesterday so that might leave you hungry today. You could eat those 200 calories today. Look at your weekly calories as well as daily.

    For exercise that is not outside in the dark-
    Tons of free workout videos on You Tube.
    You could walk around inside your home with zero risk. I often set a timer and turn on music or a podcast and walk around the house for awhile. The scenery doesn't change but it is still exercise... maybe invest in a treadmill.

    Another vote for eating yesterday's leftover calories today.

    This time of year I switch to walking at lunch time. If I don't get some form of exercise at lunch I am sluggish, sleepy, and unproductive in the afternoon at work. I also get the munchies.

    When I was walking after work last month and it was dark when I ended my walk, I was uneasy, despite having a cell phone, pepper spray, self-defense training, military training, and being 5'6" and large-framed. None of that negates me being female, and not as strong as a determined male assailant.

    Earlier this year, there was an attempted rape in a park in my county and the murder of a female jogger in Princeton, MA remains unsolved.

    While I realize it is statistically unlikely for anything bad to happen to me, I still have that sense of unease when alone in the woods at night. When my 75 pound husky was alive, I felt safe walking at night with him.


    What a beautiful boy...I imagine I'd feel comfortable walking with him too :)

    One more thing and I swear I'll let it go...the important thing to remember when discussing risk assessment is that the likelihood of the event is not the only factor, one also must assess the severity of the consequences.

    Daytime-High likelihood of being catcalled but low level of consequence (other than just being reminded that you're not in control), nighttime-low likelihood of being brutally raped and murdered but obviously much higher consequence.

    An interesting study recently said that when dating online women's most common fear was that her date would be a serial killer, men's was that she would be fat. Just sayin.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Not completely sure if OP's original hesitation to run in the dark was security related, or safety from getting hurt (tripping, falling, snakes, etc). But I will chime in that I run Pre-dawn and just got a ball cap with blinky red lights on the back, and white LED lights built into the brim that light the path about 10 feet ahead of you. It's awesome (unless it's foggy, then it just makes it worse).
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    Very few women are comfortable walking/running alone in the dark. I wouldn't.

    I got a dog to go with me because I didn't like it.

    It sucks that we have to worry, but we have to worry.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    You'll get days like this, just randomly out of the blue it seems.

    I rely on hard boiled eggs with a shake of salt during the day. Limit to two a day.

    I save enough calories to have a 0% Greek yogurt. Chobani vanilla. 1 cup. I feel like I've splurged. It's healthy. I can't sleep if I go to bed hungry.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I am 35 years old, 5'3, and 195 lbs. Looking to lose about 20 lbs for now. Right now my activity is low. I had been walking every morning which is really the only chance I have to exercise with a full time job and 3 kids. But, I have not walked at all in the last two weeks as it has become more and more dark in the morning during the time that I have to go. Not comfortable walking in the dark.

    I get this issue with walking in the dark..

    I actually do run or walk in the pitch dark in the a.m. and it is scary.. I am looking forward to my 5:30 a.m. walks being more like it is at day break at 6:30 a.m. We have some street lights out in the neighborhood as well not helpful.. Good luck! :)

    Yeah...but you do it :-). Just because I'm curious is it a "I might trip" kind of scary or a "someone may be lurking in the shadows" kind of scary?

    But why does it matter...

    It is freaking scary to walk in the dark in my home let alone on the silent dark streets in my neighborhood which I will eventually travel a couple of miles from door step and alone.

    eta I do it and don't like it all..

    It doesn't matter I just don't get it and was curious thats all. I prefer the dark, its quieter...kind of serene less cars and other nonesense in the way, less likely you'll be stuck on a corner waiting for traffic etc. Usually go at night though not the morning, like heck I'm getting up at 5:30am. Thats what scares me...mornings.

    But you are a 6' + male. Would you feel comfortable with your mom, sister, or GF/wife walking or jogging alone at night or pre-dawn?

    As a 6'+ female, I can't help wondering how much size matters. Because I don't tend to be afraid of being attacked. I know I'm something of an anomaly, though. Just wondering if it's because of my height or my brain patterns XD

    However, my husband does worry about me, so I try to make sure that if I'm out on a walk by myself, I get back before dark. I think that's perfectly reasonable. It's not that I'm following orders; I'm a (somewhat) mature, (occasionally) responsible adult and I try to be considerate of others' feelings.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited October 2016
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I am 35 years old, 5'3, and 195 lbs. Looking to lose about 20 lbs for now. Right now my activity is low. I had been walking every morning which is really the only chance I have to exercise with a full time job and 3 kids. But, I have not walked at all in the last two weeks as it has become more and more dark in the morning during the time that I have to go. Not comfortable walking in the dark.

    I get this issue with walking in the dark..

    I actually do run or walk in the pitch dark in the a.m. and it is scary.. I am looking forward to my 5:30 a.m. walks being more like it is at day break at 6:30 a.m. We have some street lights out in the neighborhood as well not helpful.. Good luck! :)

    Yeah...but you do it :-). Just because I'm curious is it a "I might trip" kind of scary or a "someone may be lurking in the shadows" kind of scary?

    But why does it matter...

    It is freaking scary to walk in the dark in my home let alone on the silent dark streets in my neighborhood which I will eventually travel a couple of miles from door step and alone.

    eta I do it and don't like it all..

    It doesn't matter I just don't get it and was curious thats all. I prefer the dark, its quieter...kind of serene less cars and other nonesense in the way, less likely you'll be stuck on a corner waiting for traffic etc. Usually go at night though not the morning, like heck I'm getting up at 5:30am. Thats what scares me...mornings.

    But you are a 6' + male. Would you feel comfortable with your mom, sister, or GF/wife walking or jogging alone at night or pre-dawn?

    As a 6'+ female, I can't help wondering how much size matters. Because I don't tend to be afraid of being attacked. I know I'm something of an anomaly, though. Just wondering if it's because of my height or my brain patterns XD

    However, my husband does worry about me, so I try to make sure that if I'm out on a walk by myself, I get back before dark. I think that's perfectly reasonable. It's not that I'm following orders; I'm a (somewhat) mature, (occasionally) responsible adult and I try to be considerate of others' feelings.

    I'm 5'8 and the average guy is 5'9". I've never had anyone try anything with me, fortunately. I grew up around guys and am not afraid of men in general and like them.

    I just want to stay away from the rare, sick individual who can use an element of surprise to overpower. I guess I've watched one too many news reports to think that it is impossible. Although in actuality, I realize my odds of getting hit by a car at night on the road would probably be more likely because the driver might not be paying attention.