Confused??? I Need clear cut answers not opinions



  • HakeemTheDream89
    HakeemTheDream89 Posts: 167 Member

    @SueInAz You just won MVP #Salute finally it has been broken down in every layer. I will ensure you that I eat no more then 2,800 calories. Out of the 28 days I've been on this amazing site. I've only eaten over 2,500 calories 7 times not including today(If I decide to eat again) The highest I've eaten was 3,200. An you can gurantee I burn at the least 400 calories a day. An lately I've been burning over 1,000 calories due to eating big meals. Now one thing I can't dispute. I consume too much sodium particularly bread,chips and processed meat.
  • HakeemTheDream89
    HakeemTheDream89 Posts: 167 Member
    Thank you to everyone especially the ones that has commented on my posts before. Just thank you for patience and understanding an most importantly the information.I'm truly humbled and focused, although I continue to make the same mistakes as far as food choices . I'm so thankful to you all that this has been the most active I've ever been since high school. An I'm focusing on continuing the streak and just started incorporating dumbbells and curls as workout. It was because of you gals/guys that I decided to go check myself out in hospital and figure out what's my issues and weight etc. So once again thank you!!
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    OP. Reading this thread and your others I'm not sure you're getting how MFP works.

    I think the easiest thing to do in this situation is to forget about logging exercise, eating back calories and net calories.

    Choose a reasonable calorie goal, say 3000, log your intake accurately and monitor trends in weight over a sustained period. Adjust this calorie goal dependant on results.

    Exercise regularly for fitness and enjoyment.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    @SueInAz You just won MVP #Salute finally it has been broken down in every layer. I will ensure you that I eat no more then 2,800 calories. Out of the 28 days I've been on this amazing site. I've only eaten over 2,500 calories 7 times not including today(If I decide to eat again) The highest I've eaten was 3,200. An you can gurantee I burn at the least 400 calories a day. An lately I've been burning over 1,000 calories due to eating big meals. Now one thing I can't dispute. I consume too much sodium particularly bread,chips and processed meat.

    I fear you've not understood her entirely. 2800 should be your MINIMUM. If you exercise, you get to eat more.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Keep in mind someone with a substantial amount of weight to lose may be able to safely aim for more than 2 pounds per week. The rule of thumb is 2 pounds or 1% of body weight. If 3800 cals is maintenance, I am guessing OP weighs more than 200. So eating 2500, if this is filling and leaves one feeling energetic, should not be a problem.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Keep in mind someone with a substantial amount of weight to lose may be able to safely aim for more than 2 pounds per week. The rule of thumb is 2 pounds or 1% of body weight. If 3800 cals is maintenance, I am guessing OP weighs more than 200. So eating 2500, if this is filling and leaves one feeling energetic, should not be a problem.

    I agree but I do think it's important OP understands the absolute basics.
  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    As someone who started at almost 400lbs and is now 190ish... do not starve yourself when you start this journey. Yes you need to eat less, but you still need to fuel your body, especially if you are working out. Baby steps... it's a marathon, not a sprint. Do it the right way and your body will thank you later.
  • ericwhitt
    ericwhitt Posts: 87 Member
    One thing that was mentioned but kind of buried in this thread, How are you calculating the 1200 calories from your workout? Just about every method out there used to calculate calories burned during a workout overestimate by quite a bit... if your equipment says you burned 1200, I would tell you to assume less, at least 75% of that, most people say to go 50%. Go with 600-800 calories burned instead of 1200 for a total daily calorie intake of 3400-3600.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    DawnNathan wrote: »
    If your MFP daily calorie goal is 2800 that is the number you need to stay at or under to lose weight.
    If you eat 3200 cals and burn 1,200 cals your deficit for the day will be 800 over the intended built in deficit.
    Here's the equation 2800 food allowed + 1200 exercise calories earned = 4,000 available cals for the day. If you only eat 3,200 of cals available you end up 800 cals below what you were allowed on top of the built in deficit that MFP already gave you. Hope this helps. Feel free to friend me.

    I understood the first part but the last two sentences threw me off. I'm just going to not eat dinner tonight and stay under 2,500 calories for rest of day

    Please don't do this! EAT dinner tonite, eat that roast, and the veggies, and you enjoy them!!! Log them, and start again tomorrow! Your body WON'T thank you for going without.....
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited October 2016
    You know what? Not all advice is necessary. I'd tell your "friend" that you got this figured out, to worry about their OWN plate!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thank you to everyone especially the ones that has commented on my posts before. Just thank you for patience and understanding an most importantly the information.I'm truly humbled and focused, although I continue to make the same mistakes as far as food choices . I'm so thankful to you all that this has been the most active I've ever been since high school. An I'm focusing on continuing the streak and just started incorporating dumbbells and curls as workout. It was because of you gals/guys that I decided to go check myself out in hospital and figure out what's my issues and weight etc. So once again thank you!!

    You're welcome! I've been using MFP since 2011 and I learn something new every time I come into these boards. There's a lot of misinformation out there with regards to weight loss and there are a lot of people trying to separate the ignorant from their cash by offering them the quick fix to lose weight. The truth it takes time and some sacrifice and then it takes vigilance and dedication to keep the weight off going forward.

    Try not to worry so much about the food choices. It matters much less how many calories you're eating than what specific foods you're eating. There's nothing wrong with cheeseburgers, ice cream and beer as long as they fit into your goals. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that you need to avoid those types of things to lose weight, because you don't. Just be sure to log everything you eat, good and bad, and to stay close to your calorie goal as often as possible.
    @SueInAz You just won MVP #Salute finally it has been broken down in every layer. I will ensure you that I eat no more then 2,800 calories. Out of the 28 days I've been on this amazing site. I've only eaten over 2,500 calories 7 times not including today(If I decide to eat again) The highest I've eaten was 3,200. An you can gurantee I burn at the least 400 calories a day. An lately I've been burning over 1,000 calories due to eating big meals. Now one thing I can't dispute. I consume too much sodium particularly bread,chips and processed meat.

    I fear you've not understood her entirely. 2800 should be your MINIMUM. If you exercise, you get to eat more.

    True. You should be eating around 2800 calories every day plus some of your exercise calories, not 2500 or less. Eating too little over a long period of time will do more harm than good. There's a reason MFP won't allow you to choose a deficit greater than 1000 calories per day. Losing more than 1% of your body weight each week causes more loss of lean muscle than is necessary. You mentioned that you're lifting weights some which is awesome because that will help you to maintain more of the muscle you already have while you lose fat. However, if you're not eating enough you're undoing some of that effort.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    edited October 2016
    She is wrong, I lose eating a lot more than she is telling you to eat.

    This is getting way to hard for you.

    If you don't excercise eat at 2800 calories a day. If you excercise add a portion of those calories on to he 2800 and eat that much for the day. I say a portion and not all, because most people way over estimate how much they are burning, because it gives them an excuse to eat more.

    Stop being so dramatic about this. If you go over on a day it is ok, it's not going to derail the whole process. Don't skip a meal, because you had a cheeseburger earlier, just eat less at dinner if you want, or less the next day, and stop expecting to lose weight everyday, it's a long process that takes time, and there will be lots of fluctuations. There is a lot of good information on here! Oh and don't listen to the person on messaged you directly, they don't sound like they are helping, and maybe want to sell you some terrible on-line training program. You can do this my friend, just breath it will work out!