I used to be a huge Jillians Michaels fan



  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495

    Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has died on the Biggest Loser yet..........

    I'm more surprized she hasn't been pummeled by an extremely large, hungry, emotionally broken contestant yet. I can promise you, if I were eating 1200 cals a day and working out for 8 hours with her screaming in my face, I'd probably wind up in jail. Thats a whole new reality show.....
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member

    Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has died on the Biggest Loser yet..........

    I'm more surprized she hasn't been pummeled by an extremely large, hungry, emotionally broken contestant yet. I can promise you, if I were eating 1200 cals a day and working out for 8 hours with her screaming in my face, I'd probably wind up in jail. Thats a whole new reality show.....

    HA! So true!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has died on the Biggest Loser yet..........

    I'm more surprized she hasn't been pummeled by an extremely large, hungry, emotionally broken contestant yet. I can promise you, if I were eating 1200 cals a day and working out for 8 hours with her screaming in my face, I'd probably wind up in jail. Thats a whole new reality show.....

    Honest to goodness, I thought Migdalia was gonna be the one! I was rooting got her to whomp jillian upside the head! :laugh:

    OMG!:noway: Where did THAT come from??:laugh: :laugh:
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    i just don't understand why we need people like her, or nutritionists, or anybody telling us what we should be putting into our bodies. nutritionism and industrialization... breaking foods down into the sum of their parts rather than the whole... i mean, nobody used to care about the beta-carotene in a carrot, and people stayed pretty healthy up until the mid-20th century in the western world. where would we be without a food pyramid guide or macronutrients or food-like replacements for butter? well... probably healthier. part of it is she's probably got great genetics, too. i wouldn't want to spend money to have her tell me things that are common sense, nor to have her scream at me on a treadmill. it's not because she's a bad person or something, it's just ridiculous that she actually has the job that she has. i dunno if that makes sense.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    i just don't understand why we need people like her, or nutritionists, or anybody telling us what we should be putting into our bodies. nutritionism and industrialization... breaking foods down into the sum of their parts rather than the whole... i mean, nobody used to care about the beta-carotene in a carrot, and people stayed pretty healthy up until the mid-20th century in the western world. where would we be without a food pyramid guide or macronutrients or food-like replacements for butter? well... probably healthier. part of it is she's probably got great genetics, too. i wouldn't want to spend money to have her tell me things that are common sense, nor to have her scream at me on a treadmill. it's not because she's a bad person or something, it's just ridiculous that she actually has the job that she has. i dunno if that makes sense.

    makes perfect sense. But where is the money in that?:huh:

    millions of viewers watch BL because of her crazy azz ways.Look how fast the cute sweet blonde was gone from the show!

    As for the food..............well I remember as a kid before my dad left us, we ate eggs/tst/bacon in the morning, had a sandwich/apple/carrots for lunch and came home to rst bf/jacket potato/corn for dinner. I remember the ONE time we went out to dinner with my aunt in from out of town. Even with company, it was all about the girls in the kitchen cooking up their fav dishes. Ah, how I loved my dads spaghetti sauce........

    Point being we lost our way with food. We got too busy trying to make more money, get our kids to more sports games, that we are missing out on proper nutrition.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I'd imagine that money is a powerful motivator - even for famous people who may not REALLY agree with what they're selling.

    I've never really cared for her anyway.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    i just don't understand why we need people like her, or nutritionists, or anybody telling us what we should be putting into our bodies. nutritionism and industrialization... breaking foods down into the sum of their parts rather than the whole... i mean, nobody used to care about the beta-carotene in a carrot, and people stayed pretty healthy up until the mid-20th century in the western world. where would we be without a food pyramid guide or macronutrients or food-like replacements for butter? well... probably healthier. part of it is she's probably got great genetics, too. i wouldn't want to spend money to have her tell me things that are common sense, nor to have her scream at me on a treadmill. it's not because she's a bad person or something, it's just ridiculous that she actually has the job that she has. i dunno if that makes sense.

    There weren't as many people who were overweight back then but I don't think that means they were 'pretty healthy'. In general, they did a lot younger and we don't really know how much of that could have been diet related.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Look how fast the cute sweet blonde was gone from the show!
    I never liked her as a workout coach the season she was on, guess I was already hooked on Jillian from the getgo. I still like Jillian and whether it's her selling those types of products or someone else, they aren't something I typically use. I'd thought about protein powder, but protein is the one thing I tend go over on in my food diary if anything.

    Yes, I dislike that her face is faced is associated with so many of the types of products she swore never to use. The folks she has a following with, seems they can't not be bothered by her product selling, not promoting the products but the types of products. Though I will say, I'm not not keen on Xtra gum, Jello, and the other items splashed in the midst of the BL show, that really turned me off to the show to see everyone chomping on gum, merely to let us know we should run out and buy it too.

    Then they all get up to walk to Subway, oh wait, they get out of the van. Heavy advertisement in general is a turnoff but smack dab in the middle of a TV show?. I imagine they make boatloads of money on the show, curious why they try to now drain pockets by doing the show as basically a commercial itself at times.

    I much prefer Jillians show to BL, I like to see a change in a family, I'm not much of a TV watcher so the commitment to a Season of BL is too much for me. Jillian at least I can catch up on from time to time on the Net.

    I do understand why so many would have issue with her advertising products she so pushed hard on ppl not using. I do think that's the way commercials are done, they use ppl that fit the profile for a commercial and the products sell far better because we as consumers think OMG, they are endorsing it, it must be GREAT!!! But with soap, food or any other commercials that have known celebrities advertising, they may or may not eat or use the product.

    I'm conflicted, I like her alot, find her motivating not so much bothered by her ads as much as curious why she chose to do them when money can't possibly be a need in her life.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has died on the Biggest Loser yet..........
    I'll go with this one!! But would we hear about it for awhile if it happened? lol

    I've always wondered how they live through those first weeks, forget weeks, first minutes, to be running on the treadmill at nearly 400 lbs.???? I couldn't walk a block at that. No way on the treadmill or pushing tires or pulling a fitness coach or jumping up and down on high step. I don't understand how these out of shape ppl do this, do they test them first before the show to make sure they can make it? Otherwise how do they even know they'll have the stamina? I do realize they say the doctors do a full workup on them but those tests then show the issues they have, diabetes, heart issues, etc. etc.

    Most docs out in RT would NEVER allow their patients to workout like that from day one a gym, nor would a gym that has you sign a waver be likely to either. :::lil shrugging guy::: since we don't have one :ohwell:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member

    Look how fast the cute sweet blonde was gone from the show!
    I never liked her as a workout coach the season she was on, guess I was already hooked on Jillian from the getgo. I still like Jillian and whether it's her selling those types of products or someone else, they aren't something I typically use. I'd thought about protein powder, but protein is the one thing I tend go over on in my food diary if anything.

    Yes, I dislike that her face is faced is associated with so many of the types of products she swore never to use. The folks she has a following with, seems they can't not be bothered by her product selling, not promoting the products but the types of products. Though I will say, I'm not not keen on Xtra gum, Jello, and the other items splashed in the midst of the BL show, that really turned me off to the show to see everyone chomping on gum, merely to let us know we should run out and buy it too.

    Then they all get up to walk to Subway, oh wait, they get out of the van. Heavy advertisement in general is a turnoff but smack dab in the middle of a TV show?. I imagine they make boatloads of money on the show, curious why they try to now drain pockets by doing the show as basically a commercial itself at times.

    I much prefer Jillians show to BL, I like to see a change in a family, I'm not much of a TV watcher so the commitment to a Season of BL is too much for me. Jillian at least I can catch up on from time to time on the Net.

    I do understand why so many would have issue with her advertising products she so pushed hard on ppl not using. I do think that's the way commercials are done, they use ppl that fit the profile for a commercial and the products sell far better because we as consumers think OMG, they are endorsing it, it must be GREAT!!! But with soap, food or any other commercials that have known celebrities advertising, they may or may not eat or use the product.

    I'm conflicted, I like her alot, find her motivating not so much bothered by her ads as much as curious why she chose to do them when money can't possibly be a need in her life.

    There is a certain point when you become a "fitness celebrity" when your career seems to take off on a trajectory of its own. By that I mean there seems to be a "business template" that includes all the ancillary things she is doing and that is considered "standard practice" by anyone in her position. I am sure she has a "business team" that provides much of the impetus for these actions. You see a lot of the same things with sports figures--there is just an expectation that if you reach a certain level of celebrity status that you will do certain things.

    It would take someone with an uncommon strength of character to resist those pressures and nothing I have seen from JM suggests she possesses that level of integrity. .
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    i just don't understand why we need people like her, or nutritionists, or anybody telling us what we should be putting into our bodies. nutritionism and industrialization... breaking foods down into the sum of their parts rather than the whole... i mean, nobody used to care about the beta-carotene in a carrot, and people stayed pretty healthy up until the mid-20th century in the western world. where would we be without a food pyramid guide or macronutrients or food-like replacements for butter? well... probably healthier. part of it is she's probably got great genetics, too. i wouldn't want to spend money to have her tell me things that are common sense, nor to have her scream at me on a treadmill. it's not because she's a bad person or something, it's just ridiculous that she actually has the job that she has. i dunno if that makes sense.

    Michaels is not qualified to be giving ANY nutritional advice whatsoever.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member

    Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has died on the Biggest Loser yet..........
    I'll go with this one!! But would we hear about it for awhile if it happened? lol

    I've always wondered how they live through those first weeks, forget weeks, first minutes, to be running on the treadmill at nearly 400 lbs.???? I couldn't walk a block at that. No way on the treadmill or pushing tires or pulling a fitness coach or jumping up and down on high step. I don't understand how these out of shape ppl do this, do they test them first before the show to make sure they can make it? Otherwise how do they even know they'll have the stamina? I do realize they say the doctors do a full workup on them but those tests then show the issues they have, diabetes, heart issues, etc. etc.

    Most docs out in RT would NEVER allow their patients to workout like that from day one a gym, nor would a gym that has you sign a waver be likely to either. :::lil shrugging guy::: since we don't have one :ohwell:

    Yes, of course they are tested completely before they start! They have doctors on stand by whilst they are working out. I'm in the UK and no one over here knows Jillian (apart from the fitness peeps)

    People NEED a strong, determined and agressive coach...and to me, she is fantastic! She pushes me through the workouts and looks amazing!

    It is difficult to control your nutrient intake whilst dieting and I'm sure many of you will agree...you focus upon calories and lose your focus on other important nutrients...it happens!

    How many of you guys, in her situation, would do the same?? She is amazing at what she does and has taken it a step further..doesn't mean you have to follow her?! she is extreme and this is what some people need to sort their health and fitness out...someone to kick their *kitten*!

    Many personal trainers would charge hundreds for this...but i would say, to pay £5 from amazon for a personal trainer, who is determined, strict and guaranteed...is a life save!]]

    I have lose 22lb with jillian and I wouldn't wan't it any other way :flowerforyou:
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    Ive never watched BL but I had heard about JM from friends...I do have her 30 day shred dvd and started watching her new series, Losing it and while I like the show overall, yea I don't like her drill Sargent ways at all.

    My huge beef with her is that I stupidly joined her website for the 30 day trial and boy I was NOT impressed. 1st her meal plans do not have a vegetarian option and then when I tried to cancel so I wouldn't get charged at the end of the trial the CS person tried to talk me out of it saying that though they do provide a daily meal plan I could tailor my own for the vegetarian option and I was like when that was one of the main reasons I joined...ahem...other FREE weightloss sites even have a vegetarian or vegan meal plan option...they are very persistent in talking you out of quitting....I still canceled though I still get the trial.

    2nd On Rachael Ray she was all playing up her expensive clothes and on her podcast talking herself up how she is so great, wonderful whatever

    I can't stand pretentious people and its really sad when people who are good at what they do end up selling out.

    That being said I did pay for the 30 day shred dvd so I'll still use it
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Liked her and Bob for the first few seasons. Now they have become caricatures of themselves. Biggest Loser has become a huge commercial. I still watch though. Every once in a while they surprise you.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has died on the Biggest Loser yet..........
    I'll go with this one!! But would we hear about it for awhile if it happened? lol

    I've always wondered how they live through those first weeks, forget weeks, first minutes, to be running on the treadmill at nearly 400 lbs.???? I couldn't walk a block at that. No way on the treadmill or pushing tires or pulling a fitness coach or jumping up and down on high step. I don't understand how these out of shape ppl do this, do they test them first before the show to make sure they can make it? Otherwise how do they even know they'll have the stamina? I do realize they say the doctors do a full workup on them but those tests then show the issues they have, diabetes, heart issues, etc. etc.

    Most docs out in RT would NEVER allow their patients to workout like that from day one a gym, nor would a gym that has you sign a waver be likely to either. :::lil shrugging guy::: since we don't have one :ohwell:

    Yes, of course they are tested completely before they start! They have doctors on stand by whilst they are working out. I'm in the UK and no one over here knows Jillian (apart from the fitness peeps)

    People NEED a strong, determined and agressive coach...and to me, she is fantastic! She pushes me through the workouts and looks amazing!

    It is difficult to control your nutrient intake whilst dieting and I'm sure many of you will agree...you focus upon calories and lose your focus on other important nutrients...it happens!

    How many of you guys, in her situation, would do the same?? She is amazing at what she does and has taken it a step further..doesn't mean you have to follow her?! she is extreme and this is what some people need to sort their health and fitness out...someone to kick their *kitten*!

    Many personal trainers would charge hundreds for this...but i would say, to pay £5 from amazon for a personal trainer, who is determined, strict and guaranteed...is a life save!]]

    I have lose 22lb with jillian and I wouldn't wan't it any other way :flowerforyou:
    I'm certainly not disagreeing with you in my quote above, I just always wonder how unhealthy very obese ppl can do what we see them doing on day one. I shared that when I was at my highest, I couldn't walk a block, now that was 4 years ago and triple digits back but each time I see BL it makes me cringe when I see the workouts they start out with. I seriously don't know how they are doing laps, or stadium steps early on. A person in shape struggles with stadium steps, they are a great workout!!! But scary if you're not healthy!

    That is all:flowerforyou:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    But now with her promoting detoxes, and quick fix weight loss schemes..her new lose 5 pounds in 7 day garbage, and pushing diet pills...I dunno..she's looking like a sell out to me. I had way more respect for her years ago, when she preached healthy exercise habits and proper nutrition..seems like her eyes are only on dollars..I have no problem with wanting to make money, so why not stick with DVD's, her workout clothes...because the money is in the quick fixes..she just bugs me now, her face is plastered all over stupid products promoting quick weight loss, it seems like she backs everything up now, even things she once before said people shouldn't use!...SELL OUT! I tell ya :laugh: All that being said, she can provide a good a** kicking workout :happy: ..wished she would stick to what she's good at!:grumble:

    I totally agree!! She was so disappointing to me when I saw that dang cleanse and burn set. What the crap?? Anyway, i'm still doing her dvd's. I bought them before the diet pill crap!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Liked her and Bob for the first few seasons. Now they have become caricatures of themselves. Biggest Loser has become a huge commercial. I still watch though. Every once in a while they surprise you.

    Oh I disagree. I do not see any commmercials at (use glad 100 calorie bags for your snacks) all during the show. My goodness I would be surprised if (one moment while I sip the icy cold freshness of this bottle of danasi water with chrystal light mixed in...mmm fresh) you could point out even ONE promotion during ( and WAIT......look at these lovely packages of gum in a huge bowl on the table.......where did THEY come from...oooh, think I will have a piece.) the show.

  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Liked her and Bob for the first few seasons. Now they have become caricatures of themselves. Biggest Loser has become a huge commercial. I still watch though. Every once in a while they surprise you.

    Oh I disagree. I do not see any commmercials at (use glad 100 calorie bags for your snacks) all during the show. My goodness I would be surprised if (one moment while I sip the icy cold freshness of this bottle of danasi water with chrystal light mixed in...mmm fresh) you could point out even ONE promotion during ( and WAIT......look at these lovely packages of gum in a huge bowl on the table.......where did THEY come from...oooh, think I will have a piece.) the show.

    :laugh: Maybe the gum is for Trick or Treaters, because you're right, it's surely not advertisement in the middle of the show:ohwell: We most definitely need a SHOCK face smiley on here.:tongue:

    Just reading up on ad placements during a TV show, they all claim it's because of the DVR's and how a person watching the show later can now fast forward through the commercials so they feel they now need to begin advertising during the shows. Not just BL but talk shows, news shows and a host of others were listed. Interesting, a bit like in the old days growing up. Folgers Coffee during the evening news, or the Morning Show. lol It never bothered me then but I didn't know anything different either.